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Deep Space 9 Superior

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    Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
    Johnny Cash is my hero
    I knew there was something I liked about you.
    Originally posted by DigiFluid
    Aaaand, in the finest spirit of the DS9 Superior sister got me the DS9 season 1 DVD set for my birthday
    That's awesome. The first season doesn't get the kudo's of the later seasons, but overall there are a number of very good episodes and even a few great episodes. Plus it's always fun to go back and rewatch one of your favorite series from the beginning.
    The USS Defiant Rocks!


      Originally posted by USS Defiant View Post
      I knew there was something I liked about you.

      Originally posted by USS Defiant View Post
      That's awesome. The first season doesn't get the kudo's of the later seasons, but overall there are a number of very good episodes and even a few great episodes. Plus it's always fun to go back and rewatch one of your favorite series from the beginning.
      Well it's a beginning to my DS9 collection anyway I know it's not as good as later seasons but we all have to start somewhere, right? Anyway I won't end up getting to it till I 'catch up' to that point in my Trek/TNG rewatch....and I'm only halfway through season 1 right now so it'll be a while yet!
      "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


        Originally posted by Alan Wake View Post
        Incoming transmission from the Romulan warbird!

        Morn : .....

        We need assistance, our ship damaged!

        Morn : ..

        For god sakes!

        Morn : ...
        He doesn't say it so well

        Happy Birthday Rac and Digi



          thanks for the birthday wishes (and songs) from everyone.
          Happy Birthday to you too Digi ---& I will share my fave birthday song:
          Trip around the sun
          gotta love jimmy buffet! The next trip around the sun will be interesting I am sure! can't forget martina mcbride either... gorgeous voice!


            Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
            I went and saw District 9 this afternoon. What an interesting movie. The attention to detail was brilliant (you could tell Jackson directed it). It was a little to heavy on the gore factor for my taste, but it had a nice healthy dose of comedy and irony which made it a little more palatable. They set it up beautifully for sequel.
            That's what a lot of people are saying about District 9. I am also not a big fan of exploding bodies and needless gore, so I will wait until it comes out on DVD so I can fast forward through the gross parts.
            The USS Defiant Rocks!


              "Favorite Sci-Fi Shows"
              1. DS9
              2. Stargate
              3. Babylon 5
              4. The Next Generation
              5. Farscape
              6. Voyager
              7. Atlantis
              8. Dr. Who
              9. Andromeda
              10. Firefly
              "Honorable Mentions" ... BSG ... Torchwood ... Buffy the Vampire Slayer ... Enterprise ... Night Gallery ... Heroes ... Lost ... V ... etc ...

              Star Trek "Dream Team"
              Starship: USS Defiant
              Captain: Sisko or Picard
              First Officer: Riker or Kira
              Tactical: Worf
              Helmsman: Nog (post Dominion War version)
              Engineer: O'Brien
              Science Officer: 7 of 9
              Doctor: Bashir (genetically enhanced brilliance)
              The USS Defiant Rocks!


                Originally posted by USS Defiant View Post
                That's what a lot of people are saying about District 9. I am also not a big fan of exploding bodies and needless gore, so I will wait until it comes out on DVD so I can fast forward through the gross parts.
                oh you are a man after my own heart... hubby and I do that too. we are not horror or gore fans and if we are interested in a gory movie... we ffwd it.


                  OH.....two birthdays for the price of one.

                  Happy Birthday Digi and Rac !

                  Hmm a dream team??

                  Ship : The Defiant - small but a real package
                  Captain : Sisko - Not afraid to do things aside from the rules but still not as unpredictable as Archer
                  First Officer : Spock - It is the logical choice
                  Security : Odo - He is a bit paranoid, the perfect thing for such a job (or as the producers described the character at the beginning of the show : 'Imagine Humphrey Bogart having a bad day')
                  Tactical : Worf - He is a Klingon. Q'apla!
                  Science : Spock - You do not think anyone else could do that with him on board,do you?
                  Doctor : Bashir - Genetically enhanced nice guy
                  Helmsman : Sulu - Who else could pilot a ship like him? AND do some fancy fencing
                  Com : Uhura - She is brilliant. You do not have to be an annoying language expert to get the job done
                  Ops : Data - A mechanical lifeform comes in handy. A good musician too
                  Engineer : O'Brien - He can build you a transporter out of a Cardassian energy cell and spare parts of a shuttle

                  And no.. I would not take Morn as Com-officer. Like Quark said : He talks too much. Once he starts you can hardly stop him
                  Thanks for the Sig go to the talented Fainne
                  Which Supernatural character are you? (I hate those things..but sadly it fits )
                  You're John! You are skilled and smart, but world-weary and a little jaded. You're a serial monogamist, and you love hard. You can sometimes be a little too narrow-minded, and stubborn to a fault, but your heart is always in the right place.

                  The GateWorld Cantina - Kara : Runner gone Wraith gone Wraith Queen gone human barmaid


                    Dream Team

                    Ship: Defiant - an outstanding ship.
                    Captain: Sisko - not afraid if the dirty work.
                    First Officer: Riker - never shy of a fight.
                    Tactical: Worf - supposedly one of the funniest on the Enterprise.
                    Helm: Jadzia - excellent at the controls.
                    Engineer: O'Brien - the hero of Setlik 3.
                    Doctor: Bashir - genetically enhanced and decent at darts.
                    Science Officer: 7 of 9 - very efficiant.

                    And I would find a way to fit Garak in. He has many talents that could come in useful


                      Happy Birthday Rac and DigiFluid!

                      So I went on vacation, and the only sci-fi thing I did was sit through a viewing of the new Race to Witch Mountain. May I spork my eyes out now? Not such a fan of Dwayne Johnson's acting ability.


                        Birthday? Where? Hope you had a good one, Rac.

                        Originally posted by Teslan View Post
                        Disaster? Not at all! That's a team that gets the job done well. They just annoy a lot of people along the way because they have no patience for stupidity.
                        Haha, that's what I was thinking when I made it up. A lot of people who are focused on their jobs and their duty. The "serious business" team. It would be fun to see.

                        Originally posted by nx01a View Post
                        Scully is my favourite sci-fi heroine EVER! And she's immortal.

                        Now, let's try the nightmare team...

                        Captain: John Harriman [Ent B]
                        First Officer: Maxwell Burke [Equinox]
                        Tactical/security: Michael Eddington [DS9]
                        Helm: Stadi [VOY]
                        Doctor: Pulaski [OLD]
                        Engineer: Olson [Star Trek 2009]
                        Communications Officer: Aquiel Uhnari [TNG] / Morn [DS9]
                        Ops: Wesley [TNG]
                        Science officer: Neelix [VOY]
                        Counselor: Barclay [TNG]
                        Oh dear... they won't last long thanks to Captain "Won't be here till Tuesday" and Chief "Can't wait to kick some Romulan ***". Awesome. Serious green for you, nx. (Edit: Agh, can't green you just yet, but I owe you one now )

                        Speaking of Harriman, I always really wanted to see an Enterprise B series at some point. Or at least a Sulu/Excelsior series. Both could've been pretty neat, I think.
                        "Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence."
                        DS9 Superior|Farscape|Legend of the Seeker|Stargate Universe|STAR WARS


                          Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                          We have 2 Birthdays today, wooohooo.

                          Happy Birthday Digi and Lady Rac.
                          Gotta love 2 for 1, especially in these times. Happy Birthday you two.


                            Originally posted by Karhedron View Post
                            Ops : Data - A mechanical lifeform comes in handy. A good musician too
                            I'm with you. Data is probably the best resource any Starship could have.
                            Originally posted by Mclean View Post
                            And I would find a way to fit Garak in. He has many talents that could come in useful
                            Another great choice. The thought of Garak as part of the crew crossed my mind as well.

                            I totally agree with having a "Genetically Enhanced" Bashir, and a "Borg Enhanced" 7 of 9 on your ship. They are both invaluable resources (and of course you have the Hologram Dr. as back-up) -- Worf is the unanimous choice for "Tactical" (total agreement) -- Riker is an intriguing pick as "First Officer" (I like it) -- I'm also on board with the USS Defiant. There is no other ship I would want to serve on in a conflict. Although there isn't any holosuites.

                            Great choices by everyone!. I would gladly serve on any of those rosters that were posted.
                            Last edited by Starbase; 18 August 2009, 04:25 PM.


                              Dream Team addition:
                              Intelligence Officer: Garak

                              A birthday gift for DigiRac! And for all we Trek lovers!
                              More fun @ Spoofgate!


                                Originally posted by nx01a View Post
                                Dream Team addition:
                                Intelligence Officer: Garak
                                With his contacts, and his former work with Obsidian Order, it literally makes him worth his weight in Latinum. Garak proved himself quite well in the episode In the Pale Moonlight.

                                I love the Battle clip, pretty awesome!.

