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Deep Space 9 Superior

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    Deep Space 9 superior? you mean superior to TNG, Voyager, Enterprise or dare I say it TOS? let me just say one thing:HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA.
    Captain James T. Kirk


      ^It followed me home, Mommy! Can we kill it?
      More fun @ Spoofgate!


        Originally posted by nx01a View Post
        ^It followed me home, Mommy! Can we kill it?
        You'd think that trolls had started breeding around here lately.


          Originally posted by Captain James T. Kirk View Post
          Deep Space 9 superior? you mean superior to TNG, Voyager, Enterprise or dare I say it TOS? let me just say one thing:HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA.
          Maybe instead of trolling, you can offer some arguement of why DS9 isn't superior and we can actually argue like inteligent people.
          Originally posted by aretood2
          Jelgate is right


            LOL I don't know what's funnier? - all of my superior thread friends with there absolutely fricking off the hook hilarious Trek jury duty talk that Lt. Col. Davis started. Or captain James T. Hairpiece errr. Kirk with his take a hike comment LOL. Yah, IMHO Deep Space Nine is superior in every way along with this thread and the people that make it the brilliant scifi community I love to frequent (wow that's a mouthful ). As much as I appreciate brother Fifth Race and all the hard work and loyal dedication he has done for ALL Trek (not just DS9) and scifi in general on this thread, I appreciate all the regulars that post here just as much. This place is fun, and as much as I thought I knew about Star Trek and DS9, I learn cool new stuff with every visit.
            Originally posted by Lieutenant Colonel Davis View Post
            Has no one seen Trekkies? Anyways I just wore my USAF dress Uniform. (You can still serve if you are not an active duty but still enlisted as long as your leave isn't up within 6 months) Didn't get called, just read over 500 pages of Star Trek DS9: Millenium.
            Sounds like a brilliant afternoon brother Lt. Colonel Davis. I like how you wore your uniform to the courthouse, I salute you.

            Trekkies was pretty cool, as was Trekkies II. Anyone ever see that crazy Trek fandom inspired movie with Will and Grace's Eric McCormack titled Free Enterprise?. That was a hoot!, especially the un-cut version.
            Originally posted by Lieutenant Colonel Davis
            EDIT: And God bless Tim Russert and his family.
            RIP. I was shocked to hear the news when I turned on the television about an hour ago.


              Originally posted by Weyoun View Post
              LOL I don't know what's funnier? - all of my superior thread friends with there absolutely fricking off the hook hilarious Trek jury duty talk that Lt. Col. Davis started. Or captain James T. Hairpiece errr. Kirk with his take a hike comment.
              LOLOL, all hail James T Kirk
              Originally posted by Weyoun
              Anyone ever see that crazy Trek fandom inspired movie with Will and Grace's Eric McCormack titled Free Enterprise?. That was a hoot!, especially the un-cut version.
              Free Enterprise rocked!, the running inside Trek dialogue (including lines from various episodes) between characters Mark and Robert was wonderfully flawless. I loved that part of the movie. Shatner in his egotistical self indulgent portrayal of himself was brilliant and very funny.


                Originally posted by Weyoun View Post
                Sounds like a brilliant afternoon brother Lt. Colonel Davis. I like how you wore your uniform to the courthouse, I salute you.
                Yah it was just like those 7 hours just flew by.

                Originally posted by Weyoun View Post
                Trekkies was pretty cool, as was Trekkies II. Anyone ever see that crazy Trek fandom inspired movie with Will and Grace's Eric McCormack titled Free Enterprise?. That was a hoot!, especially the un-cut version.
                Well I was kind of mocking that lady who dressed in a Starfleet uniform for that trial.
                Originally posted by Weyoun View Post
                RIP. I was shocked to hear the news when I turned on the television about an hour ago.
                I don't know what I'm going to do on Sunday mornings anymore.


                  Originally posted by Lieutenant Colonel Davis View Post
                  Yah it was just like those 7 hours just flew by.
                  LOL, It's like if I am going to be stuck here for that long I might as well be a juriest. There is nothing worse than being called for something that you basically volunteer your time for and then be made to wait and wait and then wait some more. Although I don't really have an alternative solution, professional juries just wouldn't work.
                  Originally posted by Lieutenant Colonel Davis
                  I don't know what I'm going to do on Sunday mornings anymore.
                  I was over at the folks house hanging with them yesterday when news of Tim's death came over the air-waves. A big bummer that's for sure.

                  NOTE: Nicole de Boer (Ezri Dax) is in one of those most likely God aweful straight to DVD/television movies tonight (Saturday) on the scifi channel. I believe it's called NYC: Tornado Terror. The title doesn't do much to instill confidence in this flick being any good.
                  the Fifth Race

                  Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                    I'm constantly amused and dismayed [yes, and miffed] by the exploitatively pandering quality of these Sci-Fi 'original' movies. There's nothing original about them, the story and CGI suck, and it makes me feel bad for some of my fave genre actors.

                    I mean... Aztec Rex? My Gods.
                    More fun @ Spoofgate!


                      Originally posted by nx01a View Post
                      I'm constantly amused and dismayed [yes, and miffed] by the exploitatively pandering quality of these Sci-Fi 'original' movies. There's nothing original about them, the story and CGI suck, and it makes me feel bad for some of my fave genre actors.
                      The Sci Fi Channel has a proven formula for creating low-budget quasi-horror/fantasy/sci-fi/action flicks that ably insult the intelligence of the average science fiction/fantasy/horror fan. Absurd premise + Vancouver filming locations + has-been stars + five-year-old cheap CGI = Sunday movie marathon or gathering dust on the shelf at Blockbuster.
                      Originally posted by nx01a
                      I mean... Aztec Rex? My Gods.
                      LOL, lest we forget other memorable Sci Fi Channel flicks such as ... Anonymous Rex ... The Man with the Screaming Brain ... S.S. Doomtrooper ... and my personal favorite Mansquito.


                        Heatstroke, anyone?
                        The sad thing is that two of my beloved Farscape writers are responsible for that: Richard Manning and David Kemper. Manning's also responsible for Aztec Rex. Luckily, they weren't shot in Vancouver. Hawaii, I think.
                        More fun @ Spoofgate!


                          Originally posted by Lieutenant Colonel Davis View Post
                          Has no one seen Trekkies? Anyways I just wore my USAF dress Uniform. (You can still serve if you are not an active duty but still enlisted as long as your leave isn't up within 6 months) Didn't get called, just read over 500 pages of Star Trek DS9: Millenium.
                          Yes, I saw Trekkies and it was a hoot! LOL. I'm looking forward to seeing Trekkies 2.

                          Originally posted by Lieutenant Colonel Davis View Post
                          EDIT: And God bless Tim Russert and his family.
                          I can't believe he's gone, wow. He was relatively young too. RIP Mr. Russert.
                          Have you ever remembered what life was like before you were born? That's how it will be like after you're dead.


                            Originally posted by nx01a View Post
                            Heatstroke, anyone?
                            The sad thing is that two of my beloved Farscape writers are responsible for that: Richard Manning and David Kemper.
                            Was that recent scifi channel flick that also had Wayne Pygram (aka. the indomitable Scorpius). I'm pretty sure I Tivo'd that movie not to long ago.

                            The scifi channel was in Marin County (where brothers Starbase, USS Defiant and myself all live) filming at Stinson Beach (where The Fog was filmed), for one of there famous B movies. Adrienne Bardeau from The Fog fame is guest starring and Michael Worth of scifi channel's Sasquatch Mountain is directing. No working title as of yet, it's something about Werewolves taking over a church, I hold NO hope.
                            The USS Defiant Rocks!


                              Originally posted by Krisz View Post
                              Hic, mixed up theeeeeee, deeefffl…..hic-tor …core you say?!

                              No more wine for that woman!

                              Exactly.....hic.....thassss what I was saying! Hic!


                              Miffed..... now, that's a good word!

                              "Choogling" now there's another good word! Hmm, I wonder if you can 'choogle' while you're 'miffed'?

                              Don't mind me folks, need more wine! *staggers out of thread*

                              Seriously....come on! I can be serious!

                              It's strange, I grew up with Doctor Who but I find now that I can't really watch it anymore. I think the last one I watched on TV was that 'Children in Need' special years ago. Other than that it was the 1996 movie which I thought was OK. I think the production values of Dr Who get to me after a while, I can't help preferring American Sci Fi productions. I'm such a bad Brit! LOL!

                              Lady Rac, you like Monty Python too?! Now this sets me off laughing just thinking of some of the sketches let alone watching them. I think we tend to wear out the 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail' and 'And Now for Something Completely Different!' DVD's in our house! "Ni!!!"

                              I'm all Brit when it comes to good zany British humour! Although I don't really like the 'lavatorial' farcical humour so 'farting aliens' are not really amusing for me. British men especially find this sort of thing funny, if my husband is any indication!
                              monty rules! I can still sing the spam song when properly motivated! (I want to irritate my mother)
                              Originally posted by Lieutenant Colonel Davis View Post
                              Well guys my number came up. I waited all week and it looks like I have to report to jury duty on a Friday, think I should wear my Starfleet uniform?
                              Well since serving on a jury is our DUTY... shame on you for wanting to get out of it! (law student speaking here)
                              A funny on that topic: I observed jury selections for my senior paper in psych and saw a reluctant juror piss off a judge...he decided being "illiterate" was the way to get out of the duty -yet couldn't explain how he obtained a valid driver's license (she made him show it to her). He got a two weeks contempt citation for that bunch of bs. Here the judges are cracking down on jury skippers. If you fail to show it is one week in the county exceptions. Needless to say they now have a 98% compliance rate (the 2% is because someone people are stupid! )
                              Originally posted by nx01a View Post
                              ^It followed me home, Mommy! Can we kill it?
                              quick someone, lock the doors and turn off the lights.

                              Originally posted by Lieutenant Colonel Davis View Post
                              Yah it was just like those 7 hours just flew by.

                              Well I was kind of mocking that lady who dressed in a Starfleet uniform for that trial.

                              I don't know what I'm going to do on Sunday mornings anymore.
                              Watch Chris Wallace! I remember when meet the press was moderated by him (87 & 88), I switched off when he left! I hear they are giving the job to David Gregory now. What's scary to me is that russert was so young... only 58. that's just 12 years older than hubby & myself! must get back to the daily workouts - three times a week won't cut it.


                                Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                                Watch Chris Wallace! I remember when meet the press was moderated by him (87 & 88), I switched off when he left! I hear they are giving the job to David Gregory now. What's scary to me is that russert was so young... only 58. that's just 12 years older than hubby & myself! must get back to the daily workouts - three times a week won't cut it.
                                Well I enjoy David Gregory, but I wonder who's going to take over for him as Washington bureau chief, those are going to be some big shoes to fill. And i am fit and work out every day but I do love my double western cheeseburgers from Carl's Jr.

