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Deep Space 9 Superior

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    Originally posted by Starbase
    I can see the similarities big time now that you guys pointed it out. It's just way to big of a coincidence to not be true. Although Norm was quite chatty where we never heard a peep out of Morn, although they do talk about him as someone who never shuts up

    M O R N
    Norm did talk, but mostly he tolerated Cliff. Glad we could add something to your vast database of thoughts about DS9.


      Originally posted by kmiller1610
      Norm did talk, but mostly he tolerated Cliff. Glad we could add something to your vast database of thoughts about DS9.
      I have said it before and I will say it again, the group that post replies on this wonderful thread are Trek God's IMO. I have learned so much about everything scifi since brother Fifth Race turned me onto this site.

      I see it now, Norm with the first and last letters switched = Morn, quite clever.


        Originally posted by the Fifth Race
        Who Mourns for Morn was very good episode, it had comedy and whole lot of Quark. The opening scene where you see Morn sitting quietly (like he sits any other way ) having a drink at Quarks bar is actually a holographic projection that manages to fool everyone including Odo and to there surprise Jadzia and Sisko when arrived at Quarks bar to give everyone the news that Morn was killed in a shuttle accident. It was funny when Quark complains to Odo that an interactive holographic projector where Morn can interact cost way to much for him afford.

        Quark receives news that he is the sole beneficiary in Morn's will, which turns out to be nothing until Quark discovers that there is a 1,000 bricks of Gold pressed Latinum waiting for him in a bank. Of course it turns out its stolen money and 4 other ex-partners show up with fishy stories about how they are owed a fair share. The funniest story was the one Hane told Quark that he was an agent of the royal family that Morn stole the Latinum from and he was there to arrest Quark on receiving stolen property to which Quark agrees to help set up the other 3 assailants for his freedom and a reward, Hane even had me fooled at the start.

        Other funny scenes were when it panned on O'Brien and Bashir in Quarks bar with O'Brien sitting in Morn's old chair. Bashir looks at Miles and asks him why are you sitting here?, where Miles responds and tells him that he is keeping Morn's chair warm in memory of him. And the last scene where Quark jumps into the container of Latinum Bricks while the 4 ex-partners fight it out in the cargo bay, where it turns out the bricks were nothing but worthless Gold and Quark is obviously mad that he was set-up, then we get actually a very touching scene at the end where Morn walks into Quarks bar to reveal it was a hoax to get his ex-partners off his back and out of his life so he could live rich and be able to walk around without looking behind his back. Then of course Quark complains that he was used and his life put in grave risk for Morn to which Morn spits up 100 bricks worth of pure liquid Latinum from his second stomach into a beautiful sherry glass and gives it to Quark as payment, to which Quark informs Morn that he can set him up anytime he wants.

        I throughly enjoyed Who Mourns for Morn, this is definetly one of Quarks best episodes!. It had a lot of good humor and let us in to the very private life of Morn. I was kind of surprised to find that Morn was involved in such activities as heisting a fortunes worth of Latinum then stealing it from his partners and then setting them up so he could end up with it all.

        The character Hane's story was very funny brother Fifth, he had me fooled as well the first time I watched this episode years ago. I thought for sure that he was an agent for the royal family Morn stole the Latinum from. Hane convinced Quark and me, that Morn was a prince who denounced his throne when he was eligable to become King. Quark sure did a lot of dancing around the truth to save his share and his life.

        It was a very nice touch that Morn wasn't actually killed off the show, and that last scene when Morn walks into Quark's bar and then rewards him for being a pawn in his scheme was brilliant.

        I don't think we ever heard one word uttered from Morn during the whole series, the only thing I can remember was hearing him laugh maybe once or twice?.


          Originally posted by the Fifth Race
          Morn did just blend in with the whole back-drop scenery of DS9, although there were always so many different alien species roaming the promenade, Morn always kind of stuck out. I am trying to think of the first time Morn made an appearance on DS9?.
          I saw Emissary last week, and I'm pretty sure Morn was in it- way in the background, but he was there.


            Yeah, hes been in the series since the beginning. Kind of crazy considering the character.
            "Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence."
            DS9 Superior|Farscape|Legend of the Seeker|Stargate Universe|STAR WARS


              Originally posted by Trek_Girl42
              I saw Emissary last week, and I'm pretty sure Morn was in it- way in the background, but he was there.
              Originally posted by Descent
              Yeah, hes been in the series since the beginning. Kind of crazy considering the character
              You guy's are both right, Morn made is DS9 debut in the premiere episode Emissary part I. I found some intresting stuff on Morn and actor who played him. I will post it later.
              the Fifth Race

              Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                Ah Fifth, when you say the guy who played Morn, does that mean he's now left this mortal plane of existence?
                "Captain, you almost make me believe in luck."


                  Originally posted by Missster.Freeman
                  Ah Fifth, when you say the guy who played Morn, does that mean he's now left this mortal plane of existence?
                  LOL, I can always count on one of DS9 brethren to correct me, my bad.

                  I hate using ed at the end of words because it puts it in the past-tense and thats not what I intended to say, thanx for pointing that out wise guy
                  the Fifth Race

                  Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                    LOL! That's how I read it. So the actor is still with us. Urm, I can't remember his name, and come to think of it, I don't think I've ever seen him without his prosthetics. Oh well, bang goes my image as an all knowing Trekkie. Nobody's perfect.
                    "Captain, you almost make me believe in luck."


                      Here is some Morn info. for my fellow DS9 brethren, and yes brtoher MF, there is a regular actor who played Morn , read ahead and you will learn some very cool stuff about the character and the actor......

                      Morn is played by Mark Allen Shepherd. He is a Lurian male and the only member of his species seen in Star Trek. Morn has 17 brothers and sisters.

                      Morn runs a shipping business, but he is more frequently seen sitting on Deep Space Nine at Quark's bar. Morn's name is a deliberate anagram of the name Norm, a character on the TV show "Cheers" whom Morn resembles both physically and for his regularity at the bar.

                      Morn has never spoken on camera (though he has laughed), but from the accounts of other characters, one gets the impression that Morn rarely stops talking. This was a running joke of the series, and used successfully several times. Morn is credited with knowing the funniest joke in the Universe, and in several episodes an incidental character is seen to start laughing as he/she/it leaves his side. Quark often breaks down laughing when he tries to retell the joke, and always gives up by saying that no one can tell it like Morn can. Despite this, Morn rarely seems to get Quark's jokes, and when he does, it takes him a while.

                      Often, other characters will refer to something Morn has done that, to the viewer, would seem very uncharacteristic for Morn, considering his usual on-camera silence. For example, when it became clear war with the Dominion was inevitable, Morn is said to have thrown a chair at Quark, then run around the promenade, screaming "We're all doomed!" Then rushed into a Bajoran temple, and thrown himself at a priestess' feet, begging for forgiveness. Vic Fontaine, the holographic singer who is a recurring character in the later seasons, has stated that Morn's rendition of "New York, New York" has to be seen to be believed.

                      Very little is revealed about Morn or his species on the show. In The Way of the Warrior, it was implied Lurians are usually found near the Hyundite Nebula, a hostile Klingon suggested it was suspicious to find Morn so far from there. It was revealed in the episode "Who Mourns for Morn?" that he had been previously involved in some criminal activities, notably the Mother's Day Heist in which his crew stole 1000 bricks of gold-pressed latinum. Like all Lurians, Morn has two stomachs; it was revealed that he was storing the latinum in one of them, and it was implied that is the reason his hair had fallen out.

                      Morn also appeared on the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "Birthright, Part I" and made a cameo on the Star Trek: Voyager episode "Caretaker".

                      In the episode "Who Mourns for Morn?", Quark pleaded that Morn's chair should never be empty, he then sits down a person claiming to "keep it warm...for Morn". This person is Mark Allen Sheppard without his make-up on.

                      Also, the painting of Morn seen in this episode was actually painted by Mark Allen Sheppard.
                      the Fifth Race

                      Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                        Ohh, cool trivia Fifth Race! After this, the next episode is... "Far Beyond The Stars"

                        "Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence."
                        DS9 Superior|Farscape|Legend of the Seeker|Stargate Universe|STAR WARS


                          Originally posted by Descent
                          Ohh, cool trivia Fifth Race! After this, the next episode is... "Far Beyond The Stars"
                          Yay! That one is among my top five Trek episodes.


                            Originally posted by Trek_Girl42
                            Yay! That one is among my top five Trek episodes.
                            Yeah, all of Season 6 is probably my most favorite season of Trek. Ever.
                            "Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence."
                            DS9 Superior|Farscape|Legend of the Seeker|Stargate Universe|STAR WARS


                              Originally posted by the Fifth Race
                              In the episode "Who Mourns for Morn?", Quark pleaded that Morn's chair should never be empty, he then sits down a person claiming to "keep it warm...for Morn". This person is Mark Allen Sheppard without his make-up on.
                              LOL! OMG! I can't believe it! I've really owned myself this time. *slaps oneself silly* How could I have sat through this without realising I'd been watching the very man himself.
                              "Captain, you almost make me believe in luck."


                                Originally posted by Descent
                                Ohh, cool trivia Fifth Race! After this, the next episode is... "Far Beyond The Stars"

                                Originally posted by Trek_Girl42
                                Yay! That one is among my top five Trek episodes.
                                I'm on it my fellow Trek friends, I have been busy all weekend working. I set aside time today to watch some episodes, including the above mentioned dandy I will have it up tomorrow.
                                the Fifth Race

                                Mod@ www.MMAforumcom

