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Deep Space 9 Superior

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    Kinsey: "Look, Commander Thor..."
    Thor: [raises finger] "Supreme Commander Thor."
    Kinsey: *silenced*

    The idiocy of how easily the SG teams are captured always boggles me. In this instance, they really had no idea what was happening and had no reason not to trust the usual medieval white villagers.
    More fun @ Spoofgate!


      Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
      Good point. When I used to be a regular comic book collector, those reverse issue's like you mentioned were basically pretty worthless and not highly sought after. And like you suggested, "they usually suck" as well.

      I just watched the Atlantis episode Inquisition (Stargate copy using various clips) last night for the first time. What a stinker, that has got to be one of the worst Stargate episodes from either series. That scene in the beginning where they just walk into a dark small room with a steal door thicker than a Websters dictionary and let some woman close it behind them was ludicrious. I knew right then that this episode was in trouble.
      The door was a bit much, but it was an important meeting. It was in... a secure location?
      Originally posted by Pitry View Post
      I have to agree with Brother Fifth. There are clip shows done well - Stargate did a couple - basically, when the plot is still given some attention. I'm thinking LEtters from Pegasus. Letters from Pegasus was worth doing even if they didn't have the budget problems - because, well, it fits the arc perfectly; it's done with a look at people - the whole point of the clips doesn't look like they're trying to fill up 42 minutes, it looks like they're trying to tell a story and are using a television device such as clips to do so; and because the plot actually made sense. Same with Citizen Joe for example - well, not the plot making sense bit, but it was a wonderful, funny as hell story that used the clips very, very effectively. Inquisition was a piss poor story with no part in a bigger arc - and, quite frankly, threw way too many elements out of the blue that we're probably never going to hear abouit again - and was generally uninteresting and the clips were obviuos in a place of "let's stick as many clips as possible here in order to shoot less in this episode" than for any coherent reason or in any coherent order. It was the epitome of "we don't have trhe budget but have to do an episode". Personally, I let it run in the background just in case while watching and turned to do other stuff cos I just couldn't be bothered.
      The episode highlighted only the best CGI 'splosions from the show, BAMSR not included. This was a foretaste of Universe!

      The episode was a chance for Woolsey to shine, and he did... even when he showed his obvious foibles in terms of thinking like a bureaucrat to the woman who had lost her family. Bribing the judge? How LA Law! I loved it.
      More fun @ Spoofgate!


        Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
        Hi ya brother SC. So if I understood you correct, you are going to see a movie or some kind of show that is going to view a trailer for the new Trek movie and then people in the audience (fellow Trekkies) are going to discuss it and have some kind of Trek Q & A. If thats true, where is it I would like to attend.

        Please report back and let us know what you saw and thought.
        Oh no, its not as good as that, it was just a 20 minute show on Sky Movies where a host talks to J.J Abrams about the movie and then they show the trailer, which by the way was good except for
        the 1970's muscle car
        which seems completely out of place.
        LIKES: Half-Life, Half-Life 2, ST: DS-9, ST: TNG, Eric Clapton, GTA 4, SGU, MW + MW2, Red Dead Redemption,
        Scarlett Johansson, Father Ted, The Portal Series, The Assassin's Creed Series, Trailer Park Boys.

        DISLIKES: Reality T.V Shows and so called reality t.v stars, people who don't wear seatbelts,
        99.999% of new Music out now, 80% of new Movies out now.

        Last Game Completed: Portal 2

        Last Movie Watched For The First Time: Dumbo (1941)


          Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
          Hi ya brother SC. So if I understood you correct, you are going to see a movie or some kind of show that is going to view a trailer for the new Trek movie and then people in the audience (fellow Trekkies) are going to discuss it and have some kind of Trek Q & A. If thats true, where is it I would like to attend.

          Please report back and let us know what you saw and thought.
          Oh no, its not as good as that, it was just a 20 minute show on Sky Movies where a host talks to J.J Abrams about the movie. Then they show the trailer which by the way was really good except for
          the 1970's Muscle Car
          which seems completely out of place.
          LIKES: Half-Life, Half-Life 2, ST: DS-9, ST: TNG, Eric Clapton, GTA 4, SGU, MW + MW2, Red Dead Redemption,
          Scarlett Johansson, Father Ted, The Portal Series, The Assassin's Creed Series, Trailer Park Boys.

          DISLIKES: Reality T.V Shows and so called reality t.v stars, people who don't wear seatbelts,
          99.999% of new Music out now, 80% of new Movies out now.

          Last Game Completed: Portal 2

          Last Movie Watched For The First Time: Dumbo (1941)


            I felt Woolsey was so better used in Remnants, TBH....
            Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
            Yes, I am!
            Improved and unfuzzy banner being the result of more of Caldwell's 2IC sick, yet genuis, mind.
            Help Pitry win a competition! Listen to Kula Shaker's new single
            Peter Pan R.I.P


              Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
              Good point. When I used to be a regular comic book collector, those reverse issue's like you mentioned were basically pretty worthless and not highly sought after. And like you suggested, "they usually suck" as well.

              I just watched the Atlantis episode Inquisition (Stargate copy using various clips) last night for the first time. What a stinker, that has got to be one of the worst Stargate episodes from either series. That scene in the beginning where they just walk into a dark small room with a steal door thicker than a Websters dictionary and let some woman close it behind them was ludicrious. I knew right then that this episode was in trouble.
              Yup. I almost deleted it from my hard drive right after I finished watching. What a piece of crap. But then I remembered that I'm not paying for the DVDs for this season, so I kept it. But I swear I'm never watching it again.

              Originally posted by Pitry View Post
              I have to agree with Brother Fifth. There are clip shows done well - Stargate did a couple - basically, when the plot is still given some attention. I'm thinking LEtters from Pegasus. Letters from Pegasus was worth doing even if they didn't have the budget problems - because, well, it fits the arc perfectly; it's done with a look at people - the whole point of the clips doesn't look like they're trying to fill up 42 minutes, it looks like they're trying to tell a story and are using a television device such as clips to do so; and because the plot actually made sense. Same with Citizen Joe for example - well, not the plot making sense bit, but it was a wonderful, funny as hell story that used the clips very, very effectively. Inquisition was a piss poor story with no part in a bigger arc - and, quite frankly, threw way too many elements out of the blue that we're probably never going to hear abouit again - and was generally uninteresting and the clips were obviuos in a place of "let's stick as many clips as possible here in order to shoot less in this episode" than for any coherent reason or in any coherent order. It was the epitome of "we don't have trhe budget but have to do an episode". Personally, I let it run in the background just in case while watching and turned to do other stuff cos I just couldn't be bothered.
              Letters from Pegasus is still one of my favourite episodes of the series, I absolutely love it. That is exactly how you do a clip show, and it is probably the best clip show of any series that I've ever seen. Inquisition was just an excuse to show a montage of SGA's space battle sequences which, post-season three, were boring to watch the first time round, let alone a second.
              Originally posted by SpinningChevron View Post
              Oh no, its not as good as that, it was just a 20 minute show on Sky Movies where a host talks to J.J Abrams about the movie. Then they show the trailer which by the way was really good except for
              the 1970's Muscle Car
              which seems completely out of place.
              Ooh, I agree. I really liked the trailer except for the bit at the beginning with the car. I already love the visual style of the movie with the bold colours- it looks like it'll feel up-to-date but with a TOS style. (I don't know how to otherwise word that, get what I mean?)


                Originally posted by nx01a View Post
                The door was a bit much, but it was an important meeting. It was in... a secure location?
                They didn't even bother to hide the fact that it was an obvious prison door. I watched it unfold thinking to myself 'this is completely lame', just bad!.
                Originally posted by nx01a
                The episode was a chance for Woolsey to shine, and he did... even when he showed his obvious foibles in terms of thinking like a bureaucrat to the woman who had lost her family. Bribing the judge? How LA Law! I loved it.
                Indeed, makes you wonder maybe they should have had him as boss of Atlantis from the beginning. I like what they have done with his character.
                The USS Defiant Rocks!


                  DS9 Season III Episode Discussion
                  Episode # 66 Through the Looking Glass

                  Looking back at "Crossover," one should remember mirror-Sisko's betrayal of evil Intendant Kira to go off and start a rebellion in hopes of freeing the Terrans and their allies. This time around, mirror-O'Brien crosses over from the parallel universe and kidnaps "our" Sisko so he can take the place of mirror-Sisko, who was killed in a Cardassian attack. Upon kidnapping Sisko to the parallel universe, mirror-O'Brien (or, rather, "Smiley") explains the situation.

                  The escape sequence towards the end of the episode features a terrific phaser battle (perhaps the best yet on any of the Trek series) with convincing special effects and stunts. It's reminiscent of the final act of The Empire Strikes Back, as the outnumbered heroes flee through the corridors to escape the villains closing in on them.

                  Kira and Garak leading the pursuit also proves to be a manic delight here, nevermind that their actions are predefined from the book of standard cinema villains. Both Visitor and Robinson bring a great deal of intimidation to the roles with their lively performances, turning stock villain lines into colorful bits of dialogue. The use of low-angle shots to photograph Visitor is an effective way of conveying the character's authority.

                  The inevitable showdown between Sisko and Kira is equally satisfying. While Sisko's ability to access the computer and arm the auto-destruct program to bargain for their release may be just a tad too neat and convenient, it does make for one of the series' most gratifying triumphs of the hero over the villain. Intendant Kira has such a flare of silent fury in her eyes over losing this round.

                  "Looking Glass" provides a continuing look into the dark yet colorful anti-Roddenberry universe, while also giving Sisko a good action-adventure story. This episode does have its flaws, the most notable being that Sisko meeting his mirror-wife is not milked for all the emotional pathos it's worth, and ends up upstaged by the Sisko/Kira showdown and the action scenes. And, yes, it's true that "Looking Glass" depends mostly on its glimmering surface, because the superficial qualities disguise a number of basically standard plot developments. It's pretty much a fantastically over-the-top "comic book" adventure. But even if this isn't the most substantial episode, it is a downright entertaining one to watch, with a great deal of screen presence. I give it a 7.9 rating.
                  The USS Defiant Rocks!


                    Originally posted by USS Defiant View Post
                    They didn't even bother to hide the fact that it was an obvious prison door. I watched it unfold thinking to myself 'this is completely lame', just bad!.
                    Indeed, makes you wonder maybe they should have had him as boss of Atlantis from the beginning. I like what they have done with his character.
                    I must agree that I like Woolsey more than I expected to. I recently rewatched Heroes pt. 2 and Inauguration and really REALLY disliked woolsey. He was almost as bad as Kinsey. Then he redeemed himself by ratting out kinsey to the president. He is one of the few characters that shows real growth... not an over-night change...but normal growth a bit at a time. they have done his character very well. We need woolsey on Stargate Universe!
                    Last edited by Rac80; 23 November 2008, 02:58 PM. Reason: typo queen strikes again!


                      Originally posted by Trek_Girl42 View Post
                      Ooh, I agree. I really liked the trailer except for the bit at the beginning with the car. I already love the visual style of the movie with the bold colours- it looks like it'll feel up-to-date but with a TOS style. (I don't know how to otherwise word that, get what I mean?)
                      I'm not terribly worried about the CGI or the set design. I have something in mind that I'd prefer, but if they don't go with it (and they didn't), it's no big deal.

                      What I'm worried about is that this movie might betray the core concepts of Star Trek and turn it into a cheap copy of Star Wars.


                        Originally posted by gopher65 View Post
                        I'm not terribly worried about the CGI or the set design. I have something in mind that I'd prefer, but if they don't go with it (and they didn't), it's no big deal.

                        What I'm worried about is that this movie might betray the core concepts of Star Trek and turn it into a cheap copy of Star Wars.
                        Good point, though can't tell that until we actually see it.

                        BTW, has anyone seen the Clone Wars tv series? I caught the last five minutes of an ep before The Circuit on SPACE yesterday and wow it looks dreadful.


                          Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                          I must agree that I like Woolsey more than I expected to. I recently rewatched Heroes pt. 2 and Inauguration and really REALLY disliked woolsey. He was almost as bad as Kinsey. Then he redeemed himself by ratting out kinsey to the president. He is one of the few characters that shows real growth... not an over-night change...but normal growth a bit at a time. they have done his character very well. We need woolsey on Stargate Universe!
                          Well said Lady Rac. I also "really disliked" Woolsey in the beginning, but they did (much to the writers credit) slowly turm his charcter from heal to almost a baby face, brilliantly done!. Plus Picardo is one helluva actor and is especially good doing scifi.

                          I would absolutely LOVE to see Woolsey on Stargate Universe!. Any chance of that happening (I do not read spoliers so I have no idea).
                          the Fifth Race

                          Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                            Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                            Well said Lady Rac. I also "really disliked" Woolsey in the beginning, but they did (much to the writers credit) slowly turm his charcter from heal to almost a baby face, brilliantly done!. Plus Picardo is one helluva actor and is especially good doing scifi.
                            I would absolutely LOVE to see Woolsey on Stargate Universe!. Any chance of that happening (I do not read spoliers so I have no idea).
                            Originally posted by aretood2
                            Jelgate is right


                              Woolsey's... how did they put it? ...old.
                              Originally posted by USS Defiant View Post
                              DS9 Season III Episode Discussion
                              Episode # 66 Through the Looking Glass It's pretty much a fantastically over-the-top "comic book" adventure. But even if this isn't the most substantial episode, it is a downright entertaining one to watch, with a great deal of screen presence. I give it a 7.9 rating.
                              What's wrong with fantastically over-the-top "comic book" adventure? This is nowhere near the trauma of seeing your wife kissing the Silver Surfer while you're trying to figure out how to stop Galactus from destroying the Earth, dodging his killer attack robot and energy blasts, and trying to keep your hot head friends from making stupid tactical mistakes against the enemy.

                              Sisko and the alt-wife should have been really touching and heart-wrenching for him, but he did realize his obsession with her death was 'not linear' in 'Emmisary'. Still, seeing her alive should have been more jarring.
                              And seeing the Intendant is always a pleasure.
                              More fun @ Spoofgate!


                                Originally posted by nx01a View Post
                                Woolsey's... how did they put it? ...old.
                                What's wrong with fantastically over-the-top "comic book" adventure? This is nowhere near the trauma of seeing your wife kissing the Silver Surfer while you're trying to figure out how to stop Galactus from destroying the Earth, dodging his killer attack robot and energy blasts, and trying to keep your hot head friends from making stupid tactical mistakes against the enemy.
                                LOL - Brother Starbases lovely wife loves to kiss super heroes, I know I used to date her for a year before I hooked those 2 up.
                                Originally posted by nx01
                                Sisko and the alt-wife should have been really touching and heart-wrenching for him, but he did realize his obsession with her death was 'not linear' in 'Emmisary'. Still, seeing her alive should have been more jarring. And seeing the Intendant is always a pleasure.
                                Great point brother nx. Those scenes where Sisko is confronted with seemingly a ghost from another universe are wonderful, and Brook's portrayal of a conflicted man is spot on (Sisko does conflicted oh so well!). As far as whether Sisko should have been more jarred by seeing Jennifer, I think they played it just right. Afterall with all that he has seen and done, especially as the Emissary and it not being the first time they visited AU. What hasn't he already seen.
                                the Fifth Race

                                Mod@ www.MMAforumcom

