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    Hey Brother Fifth. I was grinning reading the story up until you hurt yourself. You aren't the first guy to get hurt while trying to impress at the gym, and you won't be that last! I've seen a lot of strength training demos from varying my routine over these last few years. (I think you told me to do that) I almost never see anyone showing proper form while maxing out. Silly silly Brother Fifth.
    I had a similar experience a few years ago, I was running 5 miles every other day for endurance and a friend of mine talked me into doing a hill program with him at the gym. Like a dork I agreed and I strained my leg muscles that help in walking up stairs.(forget the name) I total screwed my endurance program!


      This people is why I perfer cardiovascular exercise over weight lifting. Of course you can injuried doing any kind of exercise but weight lifting is more prone to accidents.
      Originally posted by aretood2
      Jelgate is right


        Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
        Wow, thanx again for all the well-wishes my friends. Maybe I should get hurt more often - NOT!. Yes brother Weyoun, I have also long given up Dead-lifting and Barbell Squats (I still do Hack-Squats and Romanian Dead-lifts a couple times a month).

        To make a long story semi-short, I arrived at the gym where a group of young and brash Olympic lifters were doing a workout. To anyone that personally knows me, they know I love to teach, especially when it comes to the irongame. I used to compete in Power-lifting which consists of 3 separate lifts (Dead-lifting, Barbell Squats & Barbell Bench Presses). - You have 3 chances of each lift to get your best weight/score, you then combine your 3 best individual lifts from each exercise and combine them together for your total number of pounds lifted, which equals your total score for the event. The coach of the Olympic lifters asked if I would do a demonstration of proper Dead-lifting form, which I gladly accepted. Everything went swimmingly until my machismo kicked in and I wanted to push it by showing these young pups just how strong I am. I zipped right through warm-up sets of 225lbs and 315lbs and then decided to test myself, big mistake!. I got up 505lbs and hit the wall (My max lift on the Dead-lift in my competitive days was 595lbs without hand straps), so being of stubborn Sicilian/Hungarian ancestry, I put on some hand straps and went for it again. This time my knees buckled and I crashed at very ackward angle. I knew right away that I was injured, then like an idiot I tried to get up right away and act like everything was ok. I faked it and casually left the gym and drove home. By the time I got home my lower back had swollen up so much from muscle spasms I was hunched over in unbearable pain. I went to emergency room and thankfully they had an orthopedic surgeon on duty who took care of me. Turns out I don't have any disc damage or syatica thankfully, but I did discover I have absolutely no cartilage left (obviosuly from competitive lifting) in my lower back which caused the muscles to spasm like they did. So I am home now crooked as hell and in enough pain that I don't even want to get up to go the bathroom or eat. I am off of work for the next 2 weeks while I recover, so I will definetly be posting the new quiz next Monday. Brother Starbase has very graciously offered to do the grading and posting of results if I still can't sit at my desk by then.
        Eeek. Well, on the bright side, you're only going to get better now, not worse!
        Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
        Yes, I am!
        Improved and unfuzzy banner being the result of more of Caldwell's 2IC sick, yet genuis, mind.
        Help Pitry win a competition! Listen to Kula Shaker's new single
        Peter Pan R.I.P


          Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
          Romanian Dead-lifts
          Vlad the Impaler used to do much the same thing.
          Lots of Omega 3 polyunsaturated fat, that's what you need! Strengthens and helps build cartiledge, the Cod Liver Oil people claim. I'm glad to hear that, though painful, it wasn't as serious as it could have been. Keep us informed as to the recovery, Vlad!
          More fun @ Spoofgate!


            Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
            Wow, thanx again for all the well-wishes my friends. Maybe I should get hurt more often - NOT!. Yes brother Weyoun, I have also long given up Dead-lifting and Barbell Squats (I still do Hack-Squats and Romanian Dead-lifts a couple times a month).

            To make a long story semi-short, I arrived at the gym where a group of young and brash Olympic lifters were doing a workout. To anyone that personally knows me, they know I love to teach, especially when it comes to the irongame. I used to compete in Power-lifting which consists of 3 separate lifts (Dead-lifting, Barbell Squats & Barbell Bench Presses). - You have 3 chances of each lift to get your best weight/score, you then combine your 3 best individual lifts from each exercise and combine them together for your total number of pounds lifted, which equals your total score for the event. The coach of the Olympic lifters asked if I would do a demonstration of proper Dead-lifting form, which I gladly accepted. Everything went swimmingly until my machismo kicked in and I wanted to push it by showing these young pups just how strong I am. I zipped right through warm-up sets of 225lbs and 315lbs and then decided to test myself, big mistake!. I got up 505lbs and hit the wall (My max lift on the Dead-lift in my competitive days was 595lbs without hand straps), so being of stubborn Sicilian/Hungarian ancestry, I put on some hand straps and went for it again. This time my knees buckled and I crashed at very ackward angle. I knew right away that I was injured, then like an idiot I tried to get up right away and act like everything was ok. I faked it and casually left the gym and drove home. By the time I got home my lower back had swollen up so much from muscle spasms I was hunched over in unbearable pain. I went to emergency room and thankfully they had an orthopedic surgeon on duty who took care of me. Turns out I don't have any disc damage or syatica thankfully, but I did discover I have absolutely no cartilage left (obviosuly from competitive lifting) in my lower back which caused the muscles to spasm like they did. So I am home now crooked as hell and in enough pain that I don't even want to get up to go the bathroom or eat. I am off of work for the next 2 weeks while I recover, so I will definetly be posting the new quiz next Monday. Brother Starbase has very graciously offered to do the grading and posting of results if I still can't sit at my desk by then.
            Quite the story. Well, at least getting hurt while impressing at the gym sounds a lot better than breaking your arm tripping over a garden hose. Yeah, I did that...

            "We're grown-ups now and it's our turn to decide what that means." - xkcd
            The Church of Mappothism | My YouTube Videos (mostly Farscape music videos)

            Starburst 1.1 1.2 1.3 | 2.1 2.2 2.3 | 3.1 3.2 3.3 | 4.1 4.2 4.3


              Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
              Hi all, thanx for all the warm wishes, I really appreciate them all, and if my back wasn't killing me I would answer them all. I will try and come on tomorrow and explain what happened (its a good story with a bad ending).
              Glad you're feeling better brother FR. You just to rest more and before you know it, you'll take on the world again, my friend.
              Have you ever remembered what life was like before you were born? That's how it will be like after you're dead.


                Originally posted by Whitestar View Post
                Glad you're feeling better brother FR. You just to rest more and before you know it, you'll take on the world again, my friend.
                That is almost exactly what my girlfriend told me brother WS. She knows that I can't stand to be down for one day let alone a couple weeks. Although I am going to use this time to completely rest my body and hang-out with one of my best friends the television.
                Originally posted by ./freelancer View Post
                Quite the story. Well, at least getting hurt while impressing at the gym sounds a lot better than breaking your arm tripping over a garden hose. Yeah, I did that...
                LOL, been there myself brother - I tripped over a box in my warehouse about 10 years ago and seperated my shoulder while trying to catch myself.
                Originally posted by Pitry View Post
                Eeek. Well, on the bright side, you're only going to get better now, not worse!
                Indeed!, and thank you Lady Pitry.
                Originally posted by Trek_Girl42 View Post
                Oh dear. That's quite the story! Glad to hear you're on the mend.
                Thank you Lady Trek.
                the Fifth Race

                Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                  Originally posted by nx01a View Post
                  Vlad the Impaler used to do much the same thing.
                  LOL. The Romanian version of the Deadlift or as we call it in the gym "the stiff legged Deadlift" which is performed with your knees locked locked out as opposed to a regular Deadlift where you deep knee bend to pick the weight up off the floor. - So anotherwords you can't go nearly as heavy with Romanian Deadlifts, which make them much safer to perform.
                  Originally posted by nx01a
                  Lots of Omega 3 polyunsaturated fat, that's what you need! Strengthens and helps build cartiledge, the Cod Liver Oil people claim. I'm glad to hear that, though painful, it wasn't as serious as it could have been. Keep us informed as to the recovery, Vlad!
                  Now you are talking my language brother nx (remember, besides being a business owner and personal trainer, I am also a certified nutrionalist). I have been taking a fish oil (Norwegian line caught Cod) supplement for well over 20+ years now. EFA's (essential fatty acids) are one of the very best supplements anyone can take (young or old). They not only improve joint and tendon pain, they make your hair shinier, your nails grow healthy and soft, they give your skin a nice glow and there great for cardiovascular health. Since fish oil is mainly just comprised of Omega-3 fatty acids I also take CLA and Flax seen oil to get the benefits of Omega-6 and Omega-9 fatty acids as well. I consider EFA's, Multi-Vitamin's, Green Tea extract and Protein powder (Whey isolate or hydrosilate) to be the holy grail of supplements. The health benefits of taking any or all of these supplements are outstanding and easily noticed once you start taking them.
                  Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                  This people is why I perfer cardiovascular exercise over weight lifting. Of course you can injuried doing any kind of exercise but weight lifting is more prone to accidents.
                  True and not true. It is true if you practice bad form you are setting yourself up for injury. Now if you practice good form and don't try to show-off, you can literally weight lift for years on end with nary a hangnail. I see more people walking around hobbled from running or playing basketball than I ever do from an injury in the weight room. I have been a part-time personal trainer for 20+ years now brother jelgate, and there is nothing you can do better for your body than adding some resistance training to any diet and cardio regimen. I have seen it, and I have also helped to transform the young and old, beginner and expert. Don't fear the weights, they are your friends, plus what woman doesn't love a little muscle on there man.
                  the Fifth Race

                  Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                    Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                    That is almost exactly what my girlfriend told me brother WS. She knows that I can't stand to be down for one day let alone a couple weeks. Although I am going to use this time to completely rest my body and hang-out with one of my best friends the television.
                    LOL, the television can be such a great friend when you or sick layed up. I am going to make sure you stay down for those 2 weeks, I want you back healthy so we can resume our w/o's together. Anyway, glad to see you back on the superior thread my good friend.
                    The USS Defiant Rocks!


                      Originally posted by SpinningChevron View Post
                      I also watched Rejoined last night and at the ceremony I noticed Worf and Odo talking and it got me thinking 'Why was there no Worf and Odo episodes?'
                      Rejoined is an interesting episode. While I would have nothing at all against any Trek story that deals with homosexual issues, this is not really the focus of "Rejoined." This episode is a love story, plain and simple, and it's one of Trek's better love stories. It has a fresh Trill twist that proves to be a very effective storytelling conduit.
                      Originally posted by SpinningChevron
                      I'm also thinking O'Brien and Kira, for some reason the writers never seemed to pair them up for an episode.
                      Sure they did brother SC (maybe you haven't gotten that far in watching the series yet). But there is a whole Keiko/Miles/Kira pregnancy thing. And let's not forget the uber funny season 5 episode "Looking for Par'mach in All the Wrong Places," (can you say Kira and Miles romance) which in addition to having one of the longest episode titles in Trek history, is one of the most purely amusing episodes of DS9 I can remember. There's not much of anything here in terms of plot, but that's precisely the point and the reason why the episode works so well.
                      The USS Defiant Rocks!


                        Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                        LOL. The Romanian version of the Deadlift or as we call it in the gym "the stiff legged Deadlift" which is performed with your knees locked locked out as opposed to a regular Deadlift where you deep knee bend to pick the weight up off the floor. - So anotherwords you can't go nearly as heavy with Romanian Deadlifts, which make them much safer to perform.Now you are talking my language brother nx (remember, besides being a business owner and personal trainer, I am also a certified nutrionalist). I have been taking a fish oil (Norwegian line caught Cod) supplement for well over 20+ years now. EFA's (essential fatty acids) are one of the very best supplements anyone can take (young or old). They not only improve joint and tendon pain, they make your hair shinier, your nails grow healthy and soft, they give your skin a nice glow and there great for cardiovascular health. Since fish oil is mainly just comprised of Omega-3 fatty acids I also take CLA and Flax seen oil to get the benefits of Omega-6 and Omega-9 fatty acids as well. I consider EFA's, Multi-Vitamin's, Green Tea extract and Protein powder (Whey isolate or hydrosilate) to be the holy grail of supplements. The health benefits of taking any or all of these supplements are outstanding and easily noticed once you start taking them.
                        True and not true. It is true if you practice bad form you are setting yourself up for injury. Now if you practice good form and don't try to show-off, you can literally weight lift for years on end with nary a hangnail. I see more people walking around hobbled from running or playing basketball than I ever do from an injury in the weight room. I have been a part-time personal trainer for 20+ years now brother jelgate, and there is nothing you can do better for your body than adding some resistance training to any diet and cardio regimen. I have seen it, and I have also helped to transform the young and old, beginner and expert. Don't fear the weights, they are your friends, plus what woman doesn't love a little muscle on there man.
                        sounds like it won't be long before you are back in fighting form! glad you are ok (not going to say NOTHING about machismo!!!! nope not one word! ) and enjoy your visit with the tv. What are you planning on watching?
                        Last edited by Rac80; 22 October 2008, 11:40 AM.


                          Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                          sounds like it won't be long before you are back in fighting form! glad you are ok (not going to say NOTHING about machismo!!!! nope not one word! ) and enjoy your visit with the tv. What are you planning on watching?
                          LOL, even I can't escape the opportunity to be macho and show off. - Plus I love the look of shock and awe of peoples faces when they see me lifting 500lbs. off the floor and standing in and up-right postion with it.

                          I'm sure I will be ok Lady Rachelle. Although it has been 5 days since I injured myself and I still can't stand up straight. I plan on getting current with Supernatural, Heroes and Prison Break, plus I have a stack of Net Flix Dvd's.

                          Originally posted by USS Defiant View Post
                          LOL, the television can be such a great friend when you or sick layed up. I am going to make sure you stay down for those 2 weeks, I want you back healthy so we can resume our w/o's together. Anyway, glad to see you back on the superior thread my good friend.
                          You don't have to worry about that brother USS Defiant. I am gladly resting my body. I am going to wear only sweat pants and T-shirt's for the next couple weeks.

                          Can you post up one of your patented reviews for the episode The Wire. I am posting up the new quiz come hell or high water on Monday.
                          the Fifth Race

                          Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                            Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                            I'm sure I will be ok Lady Rachelle. Although it has been 5 days since I injured myself and I still can't stand up straight.
                            Thats not really surprising. I think your underestimating the importance of your spine.It is one of the most important bones in the body and one of the more vulenerable ones. Its going to take time to stand up properly let alone walk. If you want to PM me the answers I'll be more then happy to help brother Starbase with the grading process.
                            Last edited by jelgate; 22 October 2008, 08:22 PM.
                            Originally posted by aretood2
                            Jelgate is right


                              Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                              Thats not really surprising. I think your underestimating the importance of your spine.It is one of the most important bones in the body and one of the more vulenerable ones. Its going to take time to stand up properly let alone walk. If you want to PM me the answers I'll be more then happy to help brother Starbase with the grading process.
                              Amen to that. I have suffered a few bouts of lower back muscle spasms over the years and they are brutal. Like brother Fifth stated - "you literally do not want to get up to doing anything" when they hit. When your back is hurting, life is miserable!.

                              I appreciate the offer brother jelgate, but I visited brother Fifth last night and he is already itching for something to do. I doubt I will be involved what-so-ever, which is fine because I want to kick Trek quiz butt.


                                Originally posted by USS Defiant View Post
                                Rejoined is an interesting episode. While I would have nothing at all against any Trek story that deals with homosexual issues, this is not really the focus of "Rejoined." This episode is a love story, plain and simple, and it's one of Trek's better love stories. It has a fresh Trill twist that proves to be a very effective storytelling conduit.
                                Rejoined was a decent enough episode (not great). I did like how they didn't turn it into a generic lesbian/bi-sexual storyline ploy that alot of shows used to like to use for ratings. It wasn't even about woman on woman, it was about two souls being so deeply in love that it went well beyond death.
                                Originally posted by USS Defiant
                                Sure they did brother SC (maybe you haven't gotten that far in watching the series yet). But there is a whole Keiko/Miles/Kira pregnancy thing. And let's not forget the uber funny season 5 episode "Looking for Par'mach in All the Wrong Places," (can you say Kira and Miles romance) which in addition to having one of the longest episode titles in Trek history, is one of the most purely amusing episodes of DS9 I can remember. There's not much of anything here in terms of plot, but that's precisely the point and the reason why the episode works so well.
                                LOL, slightly uncomfortable. Looking for Par'Mach in all the Wrong Places is truly a hoot - Quark and Griilka had me in tears I was laughing so hard. - Kira and O'Brien bothered me less, mostly because it's so rare for TV to acknowledge that pregnant women can be sexy or have sexual desires. O'Brien's proprietary desire of the body of the woman who's carrying his child was interesting in that the writers decided to explore that subject matter. I too, am a man that is attracted to pregnant woman, I find it very sexy. But when it comes right down to it, O'Brien still doesn't know Kira well and doesn't get along with her. - Keiko looked dumb and oblivious as usual, but maybe she was simply afraid of getting pregnant again! - As for Kira, It's hard figure out who she is or what she wants with all those pregnancy hormones floating around in her body. Maybe she'll figure it out while she's trying to get Shakaar to help her work off that sexual tension.

