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The Henry Foss/Kate Freelander (FATE) Shippers Thread

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    Originally posted by SnowWhite View Post
    I know it looks loke Kate (the hair is a bit to wavy for Erica, but I have the feeling their skin tones mach exactly.. but Kate has darker skin than Henry.. are you shure it's her? I thought it would be Erica who is welcomed by Will.. hmm..
    if not... I'm a *very, very, very* happy girl
    Right, so as for if that is or not Kate, I have no idea. I've been analysing these pictures like CRAZY!! Because yeah, the main thing that calls my attention is the skin tone. They do have a difference between them, so I'm not really sure. But it doesn't LOOK like Erica to me. Especially when I compare the two pictures of them kissing;


    As for Will welcoming,
    I'm also 95% sure that he's saying that to Abby, the cop who he goes out on a date with. And I think this because he's all dressed up nicely in a suit and tie and he has an episode where he goes out on a date with her.

    Originally posted by nebulan View Post
    I can't watch the vid yet (I forget to watch these things when I'm at home) but I LOVE those screencaps!!!

    Take it from someone who's tried to draw kate a few times, I'm 95% sure that's her!

    as much as those pictures make me SQUEEEE I'm thinking "noooo!" they can't get together yet! Because if they did it's because Henry is rebounding on Kate after Erika and he's not allowed to do that to her! It's too soon! So... I'm hoping for posession (either someone posessing Henry, or two lovers inhabitting the pair, I'm thinking like the gargoyles episode called "possession" but I might be the only garg-fan in the room) that will increase awkwardness between the two (that's always fun!) and I'm looking for all the great music videos this will create!!!!

    IT DOESN'T LOOK LIKE ERICA. And it can't be a 3rd person. So I don't know if it's me wanting it to be Kate, or what. It looks like Kate to me, because man, I know Agam's face and that sure damn well looks like it!!! And I feel better knowing that you agree with me about it. Because yes, it looks like her!! LOL. And Erica has these little dimples on her face that aren't shown here and I dunno.

    I'm trying to see how the kiss could be possible, it seems to be in Henry's lab, from what you can tell of the background. I hope it's something where he's not fully himself, or maybe she's not fully himself. Just because yeah, I LIKE AWKWARD. And I agree with you as the rebound thing. No, it's too soon no matter how much I want them together!!!

    Originally posted by Sam1969 View Post
    Yea OMG I watched that Promo yesterday and I'm STILL watching it over and over again today! lol

    But.. I'm not sure if that is Kate. I'm sooo hoping that it's NOT Erica!
    Henry & Kate belong together! Uh hello (Fate) They are obviously meant for each other. Hehe <3

    I made a Fate spot on fanpop! XD Cuz I already made a Teslen spot so I thought.. "Hey I should make a Fate spot too." Lol

    Here is the link

    Oh and if anyone can't find the link I will also put it in my sig in case later shippers want to join ^_^
    Awesome!! Will check it out as soon as I can. And yeees. So totally still watching the trailer. LOL!!
    "All we have is each other." - Made by MartinaMagnus


      Originally posted by liliofthevaley View Post
      Right, so as for if that is or not Kate, I have no idea. I've been analysing these pictures like CRAZY!! Because yeah, the main thing that calls my attention is the skin tone. They do have a difference between them, so I'm not really sure. But it doesn't LOOK like Erica to me. Especially when I compare the two pictures of them kissing;


      ohhh looking at the screen cap it looks more like Kate than Erika to me BUT her skin tone is wrong... It's either very odd lighting or not Kate =/

      EDIT: The lips also don't look like Kate to me.. They look more like Erikas


        Originally posted by Cekay View Post
        ohhh looking at the screen cap it looks more like Kate than Erika to me BUT her skin tone is wrong... It's either very odd lighting or not Kate =/

        EDIT: The lips also don't look like Kate to me.. They look more like Erikas
        You know what calls my attention?? The hair and most importantly, the actress that plays Erica has these little dimples on her face. Two on the right one and one on the left one which you can really tell in this picture:

        So I'm looking at that and I can't see anything. And also, the eyebrow that is sorta peeking out there. Seems darker, so like Kate's more than Erica's. The thing is, it doesn't really look like either Kate OR Erica. LOL. GOD SANCTUARY, WHY SO MEAAAAAAN???

        I'm trying to see her as Erica, I really am, but it just screams out non-Erica to me. But maybe that's just me.
        "All we have is each other." - Made by MartinaMagnus


          crack!idea.. maybe they just mixed up the two.. there's some sort of accident and the two women become one? (though it's ptobably not in the budget of a series to make THAT happen^^)
          but i can't decide to.. she looks very similar to both, but I have pointr like you, where I'd say it's neither


            Hahaha, I totally go for that. I mean, though I'm not sure how that would work relationship-wise, but it's a great idea!!!
            "All we have is each other." - Made by MartinaMagnus


              Originally posted by liliofthevaley View Post
              NEW SANCTUARY 3.5 TRAILER FROM SYFY!!!!!

              LOOK AT THE 0:18 MARK!!!!!




              I JUST. I CAN’T. asdfghjkl;wertyuioxcvbnm APRIL, BE HERE NOW.

              finally could watch it! let's not forget:

              looks like Kate is punching Henry! muahahahaha, awesome

              (by the way, I totally think the eyes, the mouth and especially the nose look like Kate's, not Erika's)

              could anyone get screencaps of the punch? my flash video is messed up right now.


                Originally posted by nebulan View Post
                finally could watch it! let's not forget:

                looks like Kate is punching Henry! muahahahaha, awesome

                (by the way, I totally think the eyes, the mouth and especially the nose look like Kate's, not Erika's)

                could anyone get screencaps of the punch? my flash video is messed up right now.
                I screen-capped the trailer here: it's 900 caps of 720x480.
                ENJOY!!! =D
                "All we have is each other." - Made by MartinaMagnus


                  [QUOTE=liliofthevaley;12424470]Right, so as for if that is or not Kate, I have no idea. I've been analysing these pictures like CRAZY!! Because yeah, the main thing that calls my attention is the skin tone. They do have a difference between them, so I'm not really sure. But it doesn't LOOK like Erica to me. Especially when I compare the two pictures of them kissing;


                  I agree with the skin tone being wrong for Kate. And I'm not sold on it being Erica either. I don't know if anyone here watches Warehouse 13 as well but the British actress that played H.G. Wells last season on it is who I tought of when I saw these two pics.
                  I tell you Teal'c, hockey is the coolest game on Earth!

                  Did you not say it is played on ice, O'Neill?


                    I think it is Erica otherwise I don't think Amanda would have even mentioned her as a love interest for Henry if she didn't come back at some point. But I can hope Kate punching Henry is for him kissing the other girl and not her.


                      Originally posted by davala View Post
                      I think it is Erica otherwise I don't think Amanda would have even mentioned her as a love interest for Henry if she didn't come back at some point. But I can hope Kate punching Henry is for him kissing the other girl and not her.
                      Not necessarily, sure Amanda said it, but mostly because it wasn't a spoiler. We know Henry got a girlfriend, if she only shows up in one episode and is mentioned is another doesn't matter. He got a girlfriend even if for a couple of episodes so obviously he got a bit of love there. It's not like she would say something along the lines of "Oh yeah, he's going to get married to so-and-so in episode 4 of Season 4." No. She wold go with what had already been established. My thoughts at least.
                      "All we have is each other." - Made by MartinaMagnus


                        GOSH DARNIT Idk either! It kinda looks like Kate to me but then again.. it doesn't.

                        ARGHHHH!!!!! Why can't the episodes come sooner!! I can't wait this long to see if it's Kate or Erica! I'm still hoping it's not Erica.

                        I know you guys may not want Fate together yet but.. for me I'm not sure. Cuz I can't stop seeing them as a couple. It's just like ripping me apart to not think of them together. I mean cuz really, they are SO CUTE (of course) and I reallyy want them together!
                        My tumblr


                          I'm going with Kate. It doesn't look like Erica too much, plus the hairstyle is almost definitely Kate's.

                          I know Kate does hit him in the promo, tho, so I'm wondering if the kiss comes BEFORE or AFTER that.
                          "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                          Sig by ME!!!


                            Originally posted by Sam1969 View Post
                            GOSH DARNIT Idk either! It kinda looks like Kate to me but then again.. it doesn't.

                            ARGHHHH!!!!! Why can't the episodes come sooner!! I can't wait this long to see if it's Kate or Erica! I'm still hoping it's not Erica.

                            I know you guys may not want Fate together yet but.. for me I'm not sure. Cuz I can't stop seeing them as a couple. It's just like ripping me apart to not think of them together. I mean cuz really, they are SO CUTE (of course) and I reallyy want them together!
                            Okay, NGL, a part of me REALLY REALLY FREAKING WANTS them to get together. It doesn't even have to be ~together-together (though that would be the most adorable and cutest thing ever) I'm perfectly okay with them making out a lot. I just don't want angst. I hate angst but I have a feeling they're going to be playing on that key. Irgh.

                            In my head, I want them to date in S4, become ~established in S5 and S6 and, I dunno, give me a wedding/puppies by S8??? LOL. I just want them together being cute and adorable and basically the Angela and Hodgings (Bones) of the Sanctuary. THEY WORK WELL TOGETHER. The other part just really likes the UST, the flirting, the banter. It's adorable as well, but I hate it because that means people like Erica or (God forbid!) Will can come in and ruin my ship up. NO GOD DAMN IT.

                            That being said...I'll just be happy with another kiss this season. LOL.

                            Originally posted by Mimzy View Post
                            I'm going with Kate. It doesn't look like Erica too much, plus the hairstyle is almost definitely Kate's.

                            I know Kate does hit him in the promo, tho, so I'm wondering if the kiss comes BEFORE or AFTER that.
                            I'm also going to go with Kate. Mostly because it just doesn't look like Erica, it has everything to be Kate (except the skin colour, but damn it, I learned this during Cinematography class, I should have paid more attention to this!! Lighting makes all the difference!). But I still think it could be her. And that it doesn't look like Erica. Damn it Sanctuary, why do you have to be like that!!

                            Also, I dunno who saw this, but yesterday on Twitter SanctuarySeries was taking some questions, so a friend and I asked stuff about the kiss:

                            So yay, okay, we finally have a date to sorta look forward to. That's May 13th for anyone curious about it. Personally I find knowing which episode to look forward to is better than being all week "Maybe *this* episode??" only to find out it's not. And based on that, I know she hits him on the 2nd episode, because of what they're wearing.

                            And on that note, my friend asked:

                            Which I found really amusing that they didn't answer it because they know we're all asking ourselves about it. Also, I find in interesting that - and maybe I'm reading to much into this - that they didn't say it was Erica. Like, Amanda when asked if Henry was going to find love, talked about Erica. We already know about her so it makes sense that she's mentioned. But here, they literally leave it up to that "Oh wait and see." thing, but if it was Erica, wouldn't it make perfect sense for them to say "It's his girlfriend."??

                            Just saying, just saying, and man I like reading into this a lot. LOL.

                            DAMN IT MAY 13th, GET YER ASS HERE NOW!!

                            (Damn I write a lot...O.o)
                            Last edited by liliofthevaley; 21 March 2011, 09:32 AM.
                            "All we have is each other." - Made by MartinaMagnus


                              Lili I am TOTALLY addicted to those screencaps now!

                              oh and hey, just for fun, vote for Henry/Kate here once a day:


                                just a reminder to vote for Kate/Henry once a day every day

                                (this one is stargate but I dunno if anyone wants to vote for a rare pairing they like)

