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Nikola Tesla/Jonathon Young Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    I always assumed that the Normandy thing was a silent protest, but more than I think of it being partially involuntarily and strong feeling being what makes him struggle with not vamping up, more I like the thought. I clicks. There is not that sense of stretching and twisting the info we have to make it somehow fit into the explanation. It does well with his mannerism, that small pause he often takes before reacting, and how he seems so detached when not mortal.

    That would make his meds... mood stabilizers?

    An interesting thought, and it would totally explain why Helen thought he probably had stopped taking them, keeping the situation in mind... Or they are just something to lessen the effect the moods have on him.
    Well, I'm not sure they're mood stabilizers. Makes me think of anti-depressants or anti-psychotics and I can't quite picture him taking those. I've been thinking about the scene in The Five (and was going to pop in my dvd and watch it but I didn't get time last night). I did look up a transcript, below. I was trying to think of any other episode where they talk about Nikola's medication, and I can't think of any other reference to it. Anyone else recall it mentioned again? I'm not talking about the nutrient and animal plasma regimen they talk about in Awakening. I mean them specifically referring to medication.

    Anyway, this is from wikia.... looked pretty accurate to me.

    [Cabal agents approach the corner and Helen pistol-whips one in the face. The second agent grabs her wrist and Tesla shoves him up a wall by the throat.]
    TESLA: [deep voice] Leave her alone.
    [Helen sees that Tesla’s eyes have gone black and his teeth are pointed as he raises a now-clawed hand to threaten the agent and growls. She turns to point her gun at Tesla instead of the agent.]
    HELEN: Nikola, that’s enough!
    [Tesla visibly relaxes, his eyes change back, and he throws the agent to the ground. Helen briefly tracks the agent’s fall before again aiming her gun at Tesla. Tesla chuckles and grins as he walks toward the wall nearer to Helen.]
    TESLA: Well, that was exciting, huh?
    HELEN: A little too much so. You haven’t stopped taking your medication, have you?
    TESLA: No, no, no. I just, I just got a little excited. [briefly glances down at gun that Helen is still pointing at him] Come on, Helen, I don’t feed on humans. I made that vow long ago and I intend to keep it.
    [Helen still looks frightened and suspicious, but lowers her gun.....]

    My spin on the scene is -- Helen thinks Nikola has lost control with the Cabal guy and is afraid/distrustful of him. The medication helps him maintain control. But whether it's control over the emotions that cause him to vamp out or control over an urge to feed on humans I'm not sure. Feeding on humans must have been an issue in the past, because Nikola made a vow not to do it. Whether he actually did it or just wanted to, we're never told. It seems like Helen is afraid he might feed on her, because she continues to point the gun at him even after he's mostly calmed down. Only after he reminds her of his vow does she lower the gun. So the medication must be to help him control his actions during the transformation, including a desire to feed on humans. ???? This is starting to make my brain hurt.

    his meds never came up again in good or bad... I think the most probable answer is that the line was included to hint that Nikola wasn't only an old friend but an old patient too. Apparently Nikola was supposed to stay dead after dear Johnny so kindly told him he had gone too far, so there was little reason for the writers to start waterproofing the whole Sanctuary vampire info that Nikola spoke in that ep... In a way it is a good thing, very inspiring for a ff writer... But yeah, I avoid these explanations, they aren't fun at all
    That's what I was thinking too, but I wanted to ask to see if anyone else remembered them being mentioned in any more episodes.

    Is it true that they didn't plan to have Tesla as a recurring character until they liked him so much in The Five? I think I vaguely remember MW or DK saying something like that, but I'm not positive.

    But you have to remember we've never seen Nikola do that either, but I think he gets the urge to sometimes especially when he was first injected by the source blood. I do have the feeling that he HAS attacked someone before the medication and I wrote a fic about it, but I think it's not the same as is food source still. As far as attacking someone, I think that helped in having Johnny try to pin the Ripper murders on him which caused Tesla to be more guarded and restrained when they women started getting killed.
    So when he does get an urge to attack do you think is it more out of anger then and not because he needs/wants actual blood as food? I remember him trying to bite Adam (virtually) in Chimera, but they were fighting. And in Sleepers he sort of lunges at the trust fund brat as if he'd like to bite him, but besides those times and in The Five baring his teeth at the Cabal guy I don't remember any more times when he tried to use his fangs. But then, he's on medication. Other than right after he's revamped in Awakening (hungry enough to drink cow's blood) I don't think he ever says anything about needing blood, does he? And in spite of his hunger then he shows no desire whatsoever to feed on Helen. He probably wouldn't have needed any medication during his devamped days, so he couldn't have been on any at the time, but he's not tempted to even ask Helen for a "drink." So I think he has very good control over the desire for blood........ and so we're right back where we started from.... not really knowing what the medication was for. LOL.

    Was anything said on the show about John trying to pin the murders on him? Or was that just in your fanfic?

    When I look back over what I've written it seems like I contradict myself all over the place, but it's just because I don't know the answer, from what we've been given. And I'm still not sure.
    Thanks to yamiinsane for my lovely sig.


      Originally posted by NumberSix View Post
      Well, I'm not sure they're mood stabilizers. Makes me think of anti-depressants or anti-psychotics and I can't quite picture him taking those.
      Yeah, there is probably other explanations that are easier to work with. But I have to admit, in a way I like the thought... In a way, that is. In a way

      Originally posted by NumberSix View Post
      I've been thinking about the scene in The Five (and was going to pop in my dvd and watch it but I didn't get time last night). I did look up a transcript, below. I was trying to think of any other episode where they talk about Nikola's medication, and I can't think of any other reference to it. Anyone else recall it mentioned again? I'm not talking about the nutrient and animal plasma regimen they talk about in Awakening. I mean them specifically referring to medication.
      If there was any future reference, I didn't catch it, and I was keeping a close eye for it (I thought it was an important piece of info, for some reason).

      Originally posted by NumberSix View Post
      My spin on the scene is -- Helen thinks Nikola has lost control with the Cabal guy and is afraid/distrustful of him. The medication helps him maintain control. But whether it's control over the emotions that cause him to vamp out or control over an urge to feed on humans I'm not sure.
      Agreed with the first part. With the latter part, I am beginning to think it was the anger:

      Originally posted by NumberSix View Post
      So when he does get an urge to attack do you think is it more out of anger then and not because he needs/wants actual blood as food? I remember him trying to bite Adam (virtually) in Chimera, but they were fighting. And in Sleepers he sort of lunges at the trust fund brat as if he'd like to bite him, but besides those times and in The Five baring his teeth at the Cabal guy I don't remember any more times when he tried to use his fangs. But then, he's on medication. Other than right after he's revamped in Awakening (hungry enough to drink cow's blood) I don't think he ever says anything about needing blood, does he? And in spite of his hunger then he shows no desire whatsoever to feed on Helen. He probably wouldn't have needed any medication during his devamped days, so he couldn't have been on any at the time, but he's not tempted to even ask Helen for a "drink." So I think he has very good control over the desire for blood........ and so we're right back where we started from.... not really knowing what the medication was for. LOL.
      Yeah, I can imagine it being more out of anger. Maybe something that he has instinct to do, as a vampire, when he feels he is in fight or flight situation and is going for fight option? With Adam, the situation truly was bad, and in Rome Cabal tried to hunt them down, so it probably counts too. With trust fund brats the situation wasn't as dire but his reaction wasn't as strong either.

      In Awakening he had just been saved. Hungry, yes, but the situation was very different at the point. Later, when he fought with Afine, he didn't try to bite her (or I don't remember him trying to) but that probably was because he didn't have an opportunity.

      That would make him dangerous for other reason than hunger, and give him a very good reason to crunch the undoubtedly tasty meds to help him function with all the irritation people who can't notice as much as his eyes turning black.

      And maybe he doesn't want to bite people even when fighting to make sure he won't feed from them? "Oops, I just bit the guy dead. Well, it isn't he is going to need his blood any more, better to take care of it... Om nom nom..."

      Originally posted by NumberSix View Post
      Feeding on humans must have been an issue in the past, because Nikola made a vow not to do it. Whether he actually did it or just wanted to, we're never told. It seems like Helen is afraid he might feed on her, because she continues to point the gun at him even after he's mostly calmed down. Only after he reminds her of his vow does she lower the gun. So the medication must be to help him control his actions during the transformation, including a desire to feed on humans. ???? This is starting to make my brain hurt.
      It may have not been that. It was my first thought too but it may not fit as well as it could.

      There is the lack of bloodlust other vampires have demonstrated. And trust fund brats were newbies, too.

      It is true that Afina didn't spent too much time awake before, well, dying, for example Trust fund brats didn't spent a lot time as vampires, so that was probably a bit different for them than it was to Nikola. He had to wait a more permanent solution for much longer. It makes sense if he got more hungry than trust fund brats or Afina, but it is a long way from getting hungry to uncontrollably attacking people out of hunger. Besides, he can eat animal blood. What Helen said in Awakening made it sound like some random animal blood as it comes didn't contain everything a vampire needs but it is quite a stretch to think it would be that much of a problem.

      Humans have blood to spare. Give half of a liter, walk away to mind your own business. There isn't even reason to bite, if that is what Nikola saw as a problem. (His teeth wouldn't make two hardly noticeable puncture marks, I am confident to say) Just stuck a needle on someone's arm, collect the blood, serve immediately and enjoy when still warm.

      So, really, why not to drink human blood?

      When John's new hobby was discovered, it undoubtedly was difficult for his friends, especially to Helen. It makes sense if the others were worried about Nikola following the suit. He might have vowed never to drink from humans just to make Helen feel better.

      Would he keep a promise like that? Maybe because he made it for Helen?

      Or he might have been worried himself. When the temptation is there, it may be easier to totally refrain than enjoy moderately. I can imagine Nikola might have seen drinking human blood as a dangerous route he shouldn't take, a slippery slope. (This is one of the reasons I picture Nikola as an addict of a sort.)

      Somehow I see this more plausible explanation that him attacking to someone and then making a vow to never feed from a human (again)... But the part of my brain that goes for darker material likes to point out the wonderful possibility of John and Nikola sharing a kill (or more than one), and Nikola making a vow to never feed from human again after John was caught. I don't find this likely but in a way I like that idea. It goes well with how I picture the relationship Nikola and John have.

      Originally posted by NumberSix View Post
      Is it true that they didn't plan to have Tesla as a recurring character until they liked him so much in The Five? I think I vaguely remember MW or DK saying something like that, but I'm not positive.
      No clue

      Originally posted by NumberSix View Post
      When I look back over what I've written it seems like I contradict myself all over the place, but it's just because I don't know the answer, from what we've been given. And I'm still not sure.
      Haha, I know what you mean 'I don't necessarily agree with what I am saying here, but...'


        Yea after being devamped he sure does wear more natural colors, more browns and lighter colors doesn't he?
        It's possibly because when he became human again (Beauty and the Beast song! ) that he became natural again?
        I think he looks best in blue or white.

        I think he liked Dr. Coates but Helen was still his main love and that he could never love Gale Coates as much as he loves his Helen.
        Dr. Coates was probably just a distraction because he craved some kind of relationship/companionship and they were working at the same place and she was probably smarter than the average bear. She also didn't seem to mind him talking all the time about himself and his plans and some other woman he had multiple adventures with.

        Maybe the main reason of why I don't think Helen wasn't that jealous is how tired she seemed during both encounters, especially with Coates.
        I'm not sure she was jealous at all in that episode. The look she exchanged with Henry after the awkward hug was more one of annoyance and impatience. Just Helen's body language and way she talked with him throughout the episode didn't seem like she was jealous, more like shocked and annoyed and a little hurt with her friend. They're still in the stages where they're into each other but almost don't know it yet, the couple that should be a couple because they act like a couple and people around point it out (that'd be us, the audience) but are not yet a couple.
        Ahh I feel like such a pessimist!

        Then again, a person can be jealous over a friend. During Awakening, it looked a while like Nikola was ready to forgot Helen for Afina, so no wonder if she was feeling betrayed. With Coates, it was clear that Nikola had talked with her a lot, probably more than with Helen for a long time (even longer time for Helen). When the life is about to chance, stress level is enormous, and the old home is going to be burned down... It is easy to understand why Coates might stir up some less than positive feelings.
        YES! She was more taken aback in Awakening when Nikola pretty much rejected her. I admire how he can be so honest with Helen about that and not be afraid.
        Coates and him made a bond because she was there for him when Helen wasn't. Replacement much? Helen didn't seem to take a liking to Coates despite how friendly and open Coates was with her.

        But wasn't that ep before "Awakening"? So he wasn't a vampire then. Or do I have the episodes really messed up?
        You are so right! My bad!

        So when he does get an urge to attack do you think is it more out of anger then and not because he needs/wants actual blood as food? I remember him trying to bite Adam (virtually) in Chimera, but they were fighting. And in Sleepers he sort of lunges at the trust fund brat as if he'd like to bite him, but besides those times and in The Five baring his teeth at the Cabal guy I don't remember any more times when he tried to use his fangs.
        I see it as he'd use his teeth as a weapon to rip out throats or something.

        Would he keep a promise like that? Maybe because he made it for Helen?
        In the episode...For King and For Country...

        Tesla: Because I promised not to.
        Magnus: And you are nothing if not a man of your word.
        Tesla: When it counts.

        So the answer is...maybe?

        Random note: I just saw A Bear Named Winnie! Jonathon's character was so lovable! My dad did NOT like the movie at all because he said it dragged on, but I was giggly throughout the movie because I was going from thoughts like "Harry looks like Henry Fonda" to "Aww, look at the bear!" or "This music is so playful" or "It's Jonathon Young's character! He plays the nerd so well."


          Hi guys! Sorry I disappeared again, I've been working 55+ hours the last few weeks. Now I'm trying to catch up on my sleep. *falls asleep in Glitch's lap*

          Signature by Glitch33.
          Official assistant thread elf of the Nikola Tesla/Jonathon Young appreciation thread and member of the Teslen thread.


            Originally posted by NumberSix View Post
            So when he does get an urge to attack do you think is it more out of anger then and not because he needs/wants actual blood as food? I remember him trying to bite Adam (virtually) in Chimera, but they were fighting. And in Sleepers he sort of lunges at the trust fund brat as if he'd like to bite him, but besides those times and in The Five baring his teeth at the Cabal guy I don't remember any more times when he tried to use his fangs. But then, he's on medication. Other than right after he's revamped in Awakening (hungry enough to drink cow's blood) I don't think he ever says anything about needing blood, does he? And in spite of his hunger then he shows no desire whatsoever to feed on Helen. He probably wouldn't have needed any medication during his devamped days, so he couldn't have been on any at the time, but he's not tempted to even ask Helen for a "drink." So I think he has very good control over the desire for blood........ and so we're right back where we started from.... not really knowing what the medication was for. LOL.

            Was anything said on the show about John trying to pin the murders on him? Or was that just in your fanfic?
            Kinda. I think he gets the urge to bite someone especially when he gets pissed about something, like he can control it but the medication is more of a precaution and that he promised Helen to take it every day because he might not admit it, but I think he may have considered at some point that if he didn't then he would end up a monster like John becoming the Ripper and I don't think he wants that cus he knows that Helen wouldn't approve cus he saw her reaction when they found out that John was the Ripper.

            As far as John pinning the murders on him, it wasn't mentioned, but I can definately see it happening.


            Originally posted by tinnec View Post
            It's possibly because when he became human again (Beauty and the Beast song! ) that he became natural again?
            I think he looks best in blue or white.

            Dr. Coates was probably just a distraction because he craved some kind of relationship/companionship and they were working at the same place and she was probably smarter than the average bear. She also didn't seem to mind him talking all the time about himself and his plans and some other woman he had multiple adventures with.

            Random note: I just saw A Bear Named Winnie! Jonathon's character was so lovable! My dad did NOT like the movie at all because he said it dragged on, but I was giggly throughout the movie because I was going from thoughts like "Harry looks like Henry Fonda" to "Aww, look at the bear!" or "This music is so playful" or "It's Jonathon Young's character! He plays the nerd so well."
            Tinnec I think it had to do with the fact that all his dark colored clothes got ruined and he's not the type to patch up a suit so he just wears whatever else he has to be honest.

            As far as Dr. Coates, I can see her as a distraction, just trying to make Magnus jealous trying to see how she would respond in thinking he was in a relationship with someone else because then they wouldn't have that spark any more. And ..... A Bear Named Winnie was a good movie, I liked it to .... Except the end

            Originally posted by Elorendil View Post
            Hi guys! Sorry I disappeared again, I've been working 55+ hours the last few weeks. Now I'm trying to catch up on my sleep. *falls asleep in Glitch's lap*

            ELOR! ELOR *gives extra ruggles and comforts* I've missed my thread elf
            On the edge of breaking down
            Banner made by me


              I'm not sure she was jealous at all in that episode. The look she exchanged with Henry after the awkward hug was more one of annoyance and impatience. Just Helen's body language and way she talked with him throughout the episode didn't seem like she was jealous, more like shocked and annoyed and a little hurt with her friend. They're still in the stages where they're into each other but almost don't know it yet, the couple that should be a couple because they act like a couple and people around point it out (that'd be us, the audience) but are not yet a couple.
              Ahh I feel like such a pessimist!
              I still think she was jealous. I mean she was so hostile towards Dr. Coats. That was so out of character, cause apart from that she was always nice. OK she could really have been tired, but that would really be a coincidence. IMHO AT tried to play her as a bit jealous. Maybe Helen thought that Nikola could never be interested in other women but her and now she saw that she was wrong. Dunno.


                Originally posted by tinnec View Post
                It's possibly because when he became human again (Beauty and the Beast song! ) that he became natural again?
                I think he looks best in blue or white.
                Or in a labcoat

                I imagine he just woke up as a human and realized he wanted to wear different kind of clothes than before, don't know if becoming more natural includes that? Ofc it is impossible to tell, but I find it difficult to not to draw some conclusions of his different style during the time he was a mortal. If his style chanced, what else did?

                Or this:

                Originally posted by Glitch33 View Post
                I think it had to do with the fact that all his dark colored clothes got ruined and he's not the type to patch up a suit so he just wears whatever else he has to be honest.
                I don't think I am the only one who can feel the ff lobe of the brain cooking up a plot for a crack!fic

                He has ruined a lot of suits lately, and maybe didn't have that much time to shop new ones

                Originally posted by tinnec View Post
                In the episode...For King and For Country...

                Tesla: Because I promised not to.
                Magnus: And you are nothing if not a man of your word.
                Tesla: When it counts.

                So the answer is...maybe?
                Yup, if he'd keep a promise like that, it depends on if he thought it was important somehow... And if he thinks he is going to get caught by not keeping the promise

                Originally posted by Glitch33 View Post
                As far as John pinning the murders on him, it wasn't mentioned, but I can definately see it happening.
                It only makes sense if John was trying to pin his murders on Nikola. Even if they were friends and John didn't want to cause him too much trouble, why not to try? Just the time the others spent on making sure Nikola wasn't guilty was likely precious to John.

                The other possibility I can imagine is that John didn't keep the urge to kill as a secret but tried to find help for it but I have some problems with the theory.


                  As far as John pinning the murders on him, it wasn't mentioned, but I can definately see it happening.
                  It only makes sense if John was trying to pin his murders on Nikola. Even if they were friends and John didn't want to cause him too much trouble, why not to try? Just the time the others spent on making sure Nikola wasn't guilty was likely precious to John.
                  John was definitely smart enough to do this. If he could make it seem as though someone else was doing the murders, why wouldn't he? Plus, it'd get rid of him as a threat as one of Helen's potential suitors.

                  Tinnec I think it had to do with the fact that all his dark colored clothes got ruined and he's not the type to patch up a suit so he just wears whatever else he has to be honest.

                  As far as Dr. Coates, I can see her as a distraction, just trying to make Magnus jealous trying to see how she would respond in thinking he was in a relationship with someone else because then they wouldn't have that spark any more. And ..... A Bear Named Winnie was a good movie, I liked it to .... Except the end
                  Lol so it's safe to say that Nikola doesn't own a pair of jeans? He always dresses so impeccably and fancy/for an occasion.

                  The end of A Bear Named Winnie was so sad concerning that part! Why did he do that!? At least they didn't show it.

                  I still think she was jealous. I mean she was so hostile towards Dr. Coats. That was so out of character, cause apart from that she was always nice. OK she could really have been tired, but that would really be a coincidence. IMHO AT tried to play her as a bit jealous. Maybe Helen thought that Nikola could never be interested in other women but her and now she saw that she was wrong. Dunno.
                  Good point. She is usually nicer, but maybe Magnus wasn't feeling so generous at her enemy's lair where they were doing supposedly doing horrific things to Abnormals. It's up in the air.

                  Or in a labcoat
                  Yes, please!!

                  I don't think I am the only one who can feel the ff lobe of the brain cooking up a plot for a crack!fic
                  Correct! Whether it'll actually get written is...probably not going to happen...but it's a nice thought to entertain. Nikola's clothes all probably need to be dry cleaned; him doing laundry...I could see him doing it but thinking what a waste of time it is or how he could pay someone to do it, but then again he might be fine with it since he'd have to have done his own laundry since...well...his whole life. He's not afraid of hard work, but he'd find the task wasting precious time (just like bathing) he could be using to experiment.


                    Originally posted by FromOutside View Post
                    I don't think I am the only one who can feel the ff lobe of the brain cooking up a plot for a crack!fic
                    He has ruined a lot of suits lately, and maybe didn't have that much time to shop new ones
                    It only makes sense if John was trying to pin his murders on Nikola. Even if they were friends and John didn't want to cause him too much trouble, why not to try? Just the time the others spent on making sure Nikola wasn't guilty was likely precious to John.
                    The other possibility I can imagine is that John didn't keep the urge to kill as a secret but tried to find help for it but I have some problems with the theory.
                    You can say that again .... and about the suits, I don't think he had time to buy more either seeing as he has been trying to revamp himself as well as helping Helen with Hollow Earth and Adam, he's been quite busy so therefore only wore what he currently had.
                    It would make total sense if you think about it cus while they were focused on Nikola, then of course he would be free to do what he wanted but of course he would eventually screw up.

                    Originally posted by tinnec View Post
                    John was definitely smart enough to do this. If he could make it seem as though someone else was doing the murders, why wouldn't he? Plus, it'd get rid of him as a threat as one of Helen's potential suitors.
                    I think he may have done it just because he KNEW that Nikola was in love with Helen and was trying to maybe turn her against him, also I don't think that he ever really cared for Nikola anyway. I get the feeling that only Helen did and that what she said about none of them liked him was true.
                    On the edge of breaking down
                    Banner made by me


                      I think he may have done it just because he KNEW that Nikola was in love with Helen and was trying to maybe turn her against him, also I don't think that he ever really cared for Nikola anyway. I get the feeling that only Helen did and that what she said about none of them liked him was true.
                      I thought Nigel and Nikola worked well together? John and Watson were friendly because of their shared love of discussion. So that'd leave Nigel and Nikola to go off and make jokes and whatnot. Everyone was connected by Helen.
                      Too much animosity between Nikola and Johnny for them to be friendly.
                      True, people may have found Tesla to be obnoxious and whatnot, but maybe they figured it was better to have him on their side than the opposite and he could be pleasant company when he wanted to be because of his intellect.

                      And the pic makes me giggle because the only thing that bullet would do to him would knock him back from the impact. Nice try, Helen.


                        It is true that Afina didn't spent too much time awake before, well, dying, for example Trust fund brats didn't spent a lot time as vampires, so that was probably a bit different for them than it was to Nikola. He had to wait a more permanent solution for much longer. It makes sense if he got more hungry than trust fund brats or Afina, but it is a long way from getting hungry to uncontrollably attacking people out of hunger. Besides, he can eat animal blood. What Helen said in Awakening made it sound like some random animal blood as it comes didn't contain everything a vampire needs but it is quite a stretch to think it would be that much of a problem.

                        Humans have blood to spare. Give half of a liter, walk away to mind your own business. There isn't even reason to bite, if that is what Nikola saw as a problem. (His teeth wouldn't make two hardly noticeable puncture marks, I am confident to say) Just stuck a needle on someone's arm, collect the blood, serve immediately and enjoy when still warm.

                        So, really, why not to drink human blood?

                        When John's new hobby was discovered, it undoubtedly was difficult for his friends, especially to Helen. It makes sense if the others were worried about Nikola following the suit. He might have vowed never to drink from humans just to make Helen feel better.
                        Yeah, it's possible that the longer he goes without some form of blood/plasma, the hungrier he'd get and the stronger the urge to get some blood to consume by any means necessary. True, he could get human blood by a human donating it. No need to bite anybody. But then he'd still either need to find a willing volunteer (or volunteers) and also one who would keep his secret. Either that or he'd have to restort to raiding blood banks and risk getting caught. That could be problematic. Wonder how much he needs?

                        John's problem wasn't the same as Nikola's though, so I don't think they'd become worried about Nikola just because they found out what John was up to.

                        I see it as he'd use his teeth as a weapon to rip out throats or something.
                        Like when he said he should have ripped (I forget the nickname he used for Adam... "Blarney - O?") his throat out when he had the chance?

                        Random note: I just saw A Bear Named Winnie! Jonathon's character was so lovable! My dad did NOT like the movie at all because he said it dragged on, but I was giggly throughout the movie because I was going from thoughts like "Harry looks like Henry Fonda" to "Aww, look at the bear!" or "This music is so playful" or "It's Jonathon Young's character! He plays the nerd so well."
                        I loved Macray too! JY has a special talent for playing lovable nerds it seems. (hated the ending though Why did he have to do that?! )

                        Kinda. I think he gets the urge to bite someone especially when he gets pissed about something, like he can control it but the medication is more of a precaution and that he promised Helen to take it every day because he might not admit it, but I think he may have considered at some point that if he didn't then he would end up a monster like John becoming the Ripper and I don't think he wants that cus he knows that Helen wouldn't approve cus he saw her reaction when they found out that John was the Ripper.
                        I like that idea.

                        As far as John pinning the murders on him, it wasn't mentioned, but I can definately see it happening.
                        It only makes sense if John was trying to pin his murders on Nikola. Even if they were friends and John didn't want to cause him too much trouble, why not to try? Just the time the others spent on making sure Nikola wasn't guilty was likely precious to John.
                        John was definitely smart enough to do this. If he could make it seem as though someone else was doing the murders, why wouldn't he? Plus, it'd get rid of him as a threat as one of Helen's potential suitors.
                        Yeah, John is definitely smart enough to subtly push the others to be suspicious of Nikola as the culprit. Plus I think he disliked him enough that he'd rather enjoy doing it.

                        I still think she was jealous. I mean she was so hostile towards Dr. Coats. That was so out of character, cause apart from that she was always nice. OK she could really have been tired, but that would really be a coincidence. IMHO AT tried to play her as a bit jealous. Maybe Helen thought that Nikola could never be interested in other women but her and now she saw that she was wrong. Dunno.
                        I think she was at least a little jealous, because of the way she called him "Nicky" after hearing Dr. Coates call him that. The way she says it just sounds jealous and sarcastic to me. I don't think she was outright hostile toward Dr. C, but she certainly wasn't warm and friendly I didn't think.

                        Lol so it's safe to say that Nikola doesn't own a pair of jeans? He always dresses so impeccably and fancy/for an occasion.
                        Too bad. I'd love to see him in a pair of well worn comfy jeans.

                        I think he may have done it just because he KNEW that Nikola was in love with Helen and was trying to maybe turn her against him, also I don't think that he ever really cared for Nikola anyway. I get the feeling that only Helen did and that what she said about none of them liked him was true.
                        That's what I think too. I think, with the exception of Helen, that the others mainly tolerated him because he was brilliant so they wanted him around for that.
                        Thanks to yamiinsane for my lovely sig.


                          Either that or he'd have to restort to raiding blood banks and risk getting caught. That could be problematic. Wonder how much he needs?
                          The problem is that we never see him feed or get whatever it is he needs to drink/eat, and there is little reference to it on the show. Also, how much, "human" food can he ingest.
                          And does he enjoy wine or do you think it helps curb the cravings? (Red wine can resemble blood)

                          John's problem wasn't the same as Nikola's though, so I don't think they'd become worried about Nikola just because they found out what John was up to.
                          But it would be a distraction long enough for John to escape. Nikola, though he has the advantage, strength, and smarts of a vampire, cannot simply vanish into thin air to escape.

                          Like when he said he should have ripped (I forget the nickname he used for Adam... "Blarney - O?") his throat out when he had the chance?
                          Um..."Blarney O'Pyscho" is what comes to mind but I'm not 100% sure. Otherwise, exactly like that, uh, throat-ripping-ness!

                          I loved Macray too! JY has a special talent for playing lovable nerds it seems. (hated the ending though Why did he have to do that?! )
                          What was it he said before he charged off into the distance?

                          Too bad. I'd love to see him in a pair of well worn comfy jeans.
                          Oh yeah!

                          I know his hair is always spiked in the front, but which episode hair do you like the best? (length and style and amount of spikiness is different in each it seems)

                          That's what I think too. I think, with the exception of Helen, that the others mainly tolerated him because he was brilliant so they wanted him around for that.
                          Tehe ever since I found about that Jonathon starred in and wrote Brilliant! The Blinding Enlightenment of Nikola Tesla, I've been noticing how much the word "brilliant" is used to describe Tesla. It's actually starting to concern me how many times I've found it. But it is a brilliant word to describe him.

                          Back to the friendless Nikola in The Five, I do remember reading somewhere (perhaps here?) that someone once discussed how Tesla didn't really respect all the members of The Five, but then whoever it was also mentioned that Tesla did feel for Watson's loss when he said the bolded part. Thoughts?

                          Doctor Tesla, it's an honor.
                          Is it? Surely James Watson told you about me before he died.
                          He did, indeed. In the most respectful terms.
                          Oh, then the honor is mine. You have big shoes to fill, Mr. MacRae.
                          We have a lab set up for you to continue your work. All according to the specifications you sent us.
                          I'll need wine. The good stuff, nothing cheap.
                          [MacRae looks at Helen, who looks irritated but nods assent.]
                          Of course. This way.
                          [Tesla follows MacRae out the door as Clara comes running in.]
                          (from End of Nights...Transcript bit from Sanctuary Wiki)

                          The answer that seems obvious is that Watson was a genius and Nikola liked to be in the company of intelligent people because they could keep up with him (Nikola). But idk...



                            Originally posted by tinnec View Post
                            I thought Nigel and Nikola worked well together? John and Watson were friendly because of their shared love of discussion. So that'd leave Nigel and Nikola to go off and make jokes and whatnot. Everyone was connected by Helen.

                            Too much animosity between Nikola and Johnny for them to be friendly.
                            True, people may have found Tesla to be obnoxious and whatnot, but maybe they figured it was better to have him on their side than the opposite and he could be pleasant company when he wanted to be because of his intellect.
                            I don't think they got along much, but maybe they did every once in a while. In FK&C they did seem to be on good joking terms with each other but I still think Nigel thought what James and John thought, that Nikola was selfish and too smart. And yes I'm sure they believed that Nikola was a great member of the team, but I also think that besides Helen, they all had their doubts about giving him the source blood.

                            Originally posted by NumberSix View Post
                            I like that idea.

                            Yeah, John is definitely smart enough to subtly push the others to be suspicious of Nikola as the culprit. Plus I think he disliked him enough that he'd rather enjoy doing it.
                            He is and I think he would do it just to try and turn Helen agianst Nikola cus then he'd have her all to himself while Nikola was being accused of being the Ripper because he was a vampire and therefore craves blood. I also think that he was arrested for it at some point but then maybe Johnny screwed up and killed someone while Nikola was in custody and so he was let off because of course that proved he didn't do it.
                            On the edge of breaking down
                            Banner made by me


                              Originally posted by NumberSix View Post
                              Yeah, it's possible that the longer he goes without some form of blood/plasma, the hungrier he'd get and the stronger the urge to get some blood to consume by any means necessary. True, he could get human blood by a human donating it. No need to bite anybody. But then he'd still either need to find a willing volunteer (or volunteers) and also one who would keep his secret. Either that or he'd have to restort to raiding blood banks and risk getting caught. That could be problematic. Wonder how much he needs?
                              It is true human blood wouldn't be the most practical solution for him. At times he could probably order it for (fake) experiments, but it would be a constant problem. It is only practical to eat animal blood or a derivative of it.

                              I just meant that when he didn't have the suitable derivative from animal blood, back in the day, he had four humans to snack on, if the situation grew too difficult for him I don't think asking that kind of help would have been easy for him, no, but it would be borderline stupidity to refuse human blood with little reason and end up attacking someone. Actually, cross the borderline, it would be just stupid Nikola can be too stubborn and proud for his own good, but not that much, I think.

                              How much blood he needs, I don't think it is that much, or that often. Afina had a huge court, way to huge to feed if the vampires needed much blood. Also...

                              Originally posted by tinnec View Post
                              The problem is that we never see him feed or get whatever it is he needs to drink/eat, and there is little reference to it on the show. Also, how much, "human" food can he ingest.
                              And does he enjoy wine or do you think it helps curb the cravings? (Red wine can resemble blood)
                              ...he seems to eat 'normal' food, and not only for pleasure. In Chimera it was referred that he ate a de-zombie-slushie-that-tastes-like-diapers (I believe that was how Will described it earlier ), probably not to enjoy the taste

                              Then there is the wining and dining reference. Or maybe Helen dined and Nikola took care of wining?

                              Anyway, I have been toying with the thought that Sanctuary vampires need blood in addition of 'normal' food.

                              I think Nikola likes his wines in general. Red probably looks tasty for him (seems like that is his usual choice) but we have seen him drinking other types too. Maybe it is a bit of both?

                              Originally posted by NumberSix View Post
                              John's problem wasn't the same as Nikola's though, so I don't think they'd become worried about Nikola just because they found out what John was up to.
                              Different, yes, but it was the same general direction. The thought of Nikola becoming ripper II isn't that solid (he is a different person with different problem) but they were all younger, emotions ran high... Fears like that, even if not that rational, could have been there.

                              That is the best reason I can imagine for vowing not feed from humans. I just can't see Nikola being that, hmm, ethical on his own volition

                              Originally posted by NumberSix View Post
                              I know his hair is always spiked in the front, but which episode hair do you like the best? (length and style and amount of spikiness is different in each it seems)
                              I liked it best The Five <3 I When we first saw him, I remember thinking something along the line 'wow, that guy looks like he stuck his thumb into a socket' The thought amused me a lot just a few minutes later, when he actually did.

                              Originally posted by tinnec View Post
                              Back to the friendless Nikola in The Five, I do remember reading somewhere (perhaps here?) that someone once discussed how Tesla didn't really respect all the members of The Five, but then whoever it was also mentioned that Tesla did feel for Watson's loss when he said the bolded part. Thoughts?

                              Doctor Tesla, it's an honor.
                              Is it? Surely James Watson told you about me before he died.
                              He did, indeed. In the most respectful terms.
                              Oh, then the honor is mine. You have big shoes to fill, Mr. MacRae.
                              We have a lab set up for you to continue your work. All according to the specifications you sent us.
                              I'll need wine. The good stuff, nothing cheap.
                              [MacRae looks at Helen, who looks irritated but nods assent.]
                              Of course. This way.
                              [Tesla follows MacRae out the door as Clara comes running in.]
                              (from End of Nights...Transcript bit from Sanctuary Wiki)

                              The answer that seems obvious is that Watson was a genius and Nikola liked to be in the company of intelligent people because they could keep up with him (Nikola). But idk...
                              I did some more bolding I didn't even remember that discussion

                              Anyway, the first bolded part hints that Nikola and James weren't best friends with each other.

                              Personally, I'd like to add possibilities besides just respecting or not respecting. What I am trying to say, there is a lot different aspects in life, and one can be greatly respected for his or hers actions in one and certainly not respected in another. I imagine that is the case.

                              It would be difficult to not to respect Nikola and James for their intelligence and such but some of the other things they did may not have sit well with the other. I can see James thinking ill of many things Nikola did, and seeing him irresponsible and maybe even dangerous. Nikola, in turn, might think James as a bore for not wanting to test and break the limits. That was the professional life.

                              We don't know much of James' personal life but I think their personal lives may have been what they truly clashed about. Funnily, it probably was the same thing that professionally but the other way around... If James did drugs, had lady friends, Nikola maybe didn't approve. Probably he approved even less when James and Helen had their thing. James maybe thought that Nikola was a coward, when it came down to matters of hearth.

                              We know even less of Nigel that James but apparently he was more open, joking and generally more relaxed than James. Maybe his attitude made him an easy person to friend with, and made it easier to overlook his shortcomings. Also, he maybe wasn't as judgmental as James. It was probably easier for him to overlook the things other did, as long as they didn't to them to hurt anyone on purpose. It may have helped to keep his friendship with Nikola easy, but I don't think they respected each other very much. Nigels didn't seem to be one to respect much, Nikola doesn't seem the type to agree with the choices Nigel did... But probably that wasn't a friendship that based on that kind of respect.


                                On the edge of breaking down
                                Banner made by me

