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Nikola Tesla/Jonathon Young Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    On the edge of breaking down
    Banner made by me


      Blame it on the chat room I'm hanging out in ATM. One of the other gals pretty much drug me into the gutter with her Freudian slip and now I'm stuck.

      Signature by Glitch33.
      Official assistant thread elf of the Nikola Tesla/Jonathon Young appreciation thread and member of the Teslen thread.


        Still .... Not my place lol at least not when it comes to Jon or Tesla anyway

        On the edge of breaking down
        Banner made by me


          LOL, did you recolor his eyes in that shot?

          Signature by Glitch33.
          Official assistant thread elf of the Nikola Tesla/Jonathon Young appreciation thread and member of the Teslen thread.


            That isn't the picture I meant to post .... Copied the wrong code and yes I did several of different eye colorings

            On the edge of breaking down
            Banner made by me


              I definitely tinted his eyes to make them a bit more blue for this banner:
              Signature by Glitch33.
              Official assistant thread elf of the Nikola Tesla/Jonathon Young appreciation thread and member of the Teslen thread.


                Yea that's a cool banner ... Helen got me this one ... It was a hard shot to get but she got it *shrugs* dunno why but it's cool

                On the edge of breaking down
                Banner made by me


                  That is a cool shot!

                  Signature by Glitch33.
                  Official assistant thread elf of the Nikola Tesla/Jonathon Young appreciation thread and member of the Teslen thread.


                    Yea ... Blurry but it's an awesome shot of Elrad hitting him

                    On the edge of breaking down
                    Banner made by me


                      Signature by Glitch33.
                      Official assistant thread elf of the Nikola Tesla/Jonathon Young appreciation thread and member of the Teslen thread.


                        I have that one

                        On the edge of breaking down
                        Banner made by me


                          Signature by Glitch33.
                          Official assistant thread elf of the Nikola Tesla/Jonathon Young appreciation thread and member of the Teslen thread.


                            Is it just me or does Nikola's voice sound different in Revelations than it does in the other eps? If you ask me .... In the rest of the eps his voice is much deeper than it is in Revelations and tbh I don't think Nikola could cut his hair that fast

                            long and spiky

                            Shorter than in Bhalasaam
                            On the edge of breaking down
                            Banner made by me


                              Hmmmm, yeah. Good point!

                              Signature by Glitch33.
                              Official assistant thread elf of the Nikola Tesla/Jonathon Young appreciation thread and member of the Teslen thread.


                                Originally posted by max_omega View Post
                                Thanks everyone....huggles to everyone and some hair ruffles to pic spam. At least it is monday and at work...never thought i would say that. But I am out of my house, YAY for me.
                                But i do have to be nice to people the only down side.....the upside is this thread.
                                You either love your job or hate being stuck in - which I can certainly understand the latter

                                Originally posted by Elorendil View Post
                                Yay for the sleeping, and for the dream! Booo for it only being a dream.
                                Hey you never know I might dream the next part tonight *iz hopeful*

                                Originally posted by yamiinsane View Post
                                *iz happy for Amy*

                                Loves the pic Elor!

                                I also come bearing a gift:


                                More Edgar!
                                OOooo pretty banner - is that another one for your art challenge?

                                Originally posted by max_omega View Post
                                i love it when our thread elves make an appearance. Glitch & Elor thanks for the pic spam.

                                Originally posted by Elorendil View Post
                                Do you think Afina is really dead, or do you think they will bring her back in season 4? That was quite the explosion, I don't know how she could have survived, but you never know in sci-fi...
                                I think she's dead, and that doesn't much bother me I mean, she was a fun character for sure (if only for winding up Nikola and because she seriously had designs on Helen... but then who doesn't like Helen ) but I think she served her purpose i.e. her blood to revamp Nikola - and that's about as useful as she can get

                                Originally posted by yamiinsane View Post
                                Gorgeous pic Glitch

                                And am I the only one who looks directly at his hair in the one you posted Elor?? I just love it!

                                *ruffles both thier hair*
                                Oh I looked directly at the hair too! But then... you know... my eyes wander because there's so much of him to appreciate

                                Originally posted by Elorendil View Post

                                Considering that he just finished almost dying, his hair looks awesome.

                                Originally posted by Glitch33 View Post
                                *purrs to all the ruffling*

                                *ruffle-age for Glitch*
                                And, that pic sooooo needs a caption IMO. I mean, what is Helen looking at? And what is she doing to make him stick his tongue out in that adorable fashion? hehehehehe......
                                ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ my fanfics ~ my twitter ~ teslen thread ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

