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Nikola Tesla/Jonathon Young Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by es! View Post
    I don't mean fans actually annoying actors...
    I mean, you know, if you live in the same city and see the actors accidentally, you'll probably have to put a lot of effort into behaving normal
    I think Jonathon, Amanda and the rest are keenly aware of the people who are *not* staring
    I live in a small city and once in a while I've got to meet some TV celebrities on the streets whose I am in no way crazy about, and people usually just walk by, perhaps a little whispering "Look, he/she is xxxx" and that's all. If I meet JY or AT on the streets I might just go ask if I can take a picture with them or have a autograph, depending on the situation. But I agree the majority of fans are so well behaved that they just leave the actors alone when they are not on set or duty.

    Originally posted by StarSancFar View Post
    Thats excactly what I was like! I forgot ALL the questions I had ready and stood there like an idiot staring at his head while he signed the pic! lol , then I thought up just a random... 'so....hows your first convention going, are you enjoying it?' *slaps self* what a doof! My mum recorded my 'conversation' and It looked like I was just desperate to get a pic with him! lol ?I turned to her and went 'take a picture!' LOL

    But I think the best part of that was that when I got the pic at the table, I put my arm around him and he did it too! Squeeee! In the pic you can see his fingers on my arm!!
    Ramble over......
    Originally posted by StarSancFar View Post
    That's good then! I don't want to bore you!

    Did I tell you that when we had to go back for the photo op for the second time (the event organisers said the photo files were corrupted/lost) they came back completely happy to do it, which is really lovely! Cause I think they were doing some stuff behind the scenes... anyway, Jon and Agam were throwing sweets at each other randomly in the photo op area It was so funny, at one point Agam threw one and it hit him square in the head This was all while people were stood taking photos! lol
    Lucky you, Star, and thank you for sharing all these delicious details, it makes me feel like I was there too! Pls do tell us more if you have more to share, I'm not going to get bored, just getting not enough, for anythings about JY, especially after tonight season finale we have to wait for God knows how long for a new episode!

    Just a few more hours to go, are you guys/gals getting ready yet???
    Sign by me


      *purrs and ruggles* Any plans for New Years Eve?
      Signature by Glitch33.
      Official assistant thread elf of the Nikola Tesla/Jonathon Young appreciation thread and member of the Teslen thread.


        *ruggles and purrs* sorry went swimming. Not as far as i know we don't

        On the edge of breaking down
        Banner made by me


          The scenes where the cool Nikola promo pictures were supposed to come from were not in SFN2!!!

          I guess scenes were actually deleted from SFN1. They would fit in better there.
          "Are you like, a crazy person?"
          "I am quite sure they will say so."


            Yea I didn't see those moments either but awesome return for Bruno and Tesla

            On the edge of breaking down
            Banner made by me


              The shirt and suit in the promo pics were clearly the same he wore in SFN2. But the setting was very similar to SF1. Maybe the brandy scene was the original version for Nikola's pouting in SF1 but then it was cut out because it was too long, and substituted by what we saw.
              "Are you like, a crazy person?"
              "I am quite sure they will say so."


                Originally posted by Elorendil View Post
                Any plans for New Years Eve?
                If possible, I'll watch SFN2

                But I don't have it yet so it may not be possible ;(

                Then: party! YAY! How much of it, different parts of my brain haven't reached consensus yet The part that keeps reminding the other parts about 1st of January is slowly gaining support but other parts have some very strong points too


                  ^ brain parts arguing: sounfs like FUN!
                  "Are you like, a crazy person?"
                  "I am quite sure they will say so."


                    suddenly comes to mind:

                    Addison ... Edison... intentional or a coincidence??
                    Sign by me


                      Who now's, sometimes promo pictures and trailers have nothing to do with the episodes or movies they're promoting for

                      On the edge of breaking down
                      Banner made by me


                        ^ That's right, but it is still not normal for Sanctuary.

                        Somebody mentioned that AT said there was too much stuff filmed for the finale. Let's hope we'll see all these scenes on the DVDs
                        "Are you like, a crazy person?"
                        "I am quite sure they will say so."


                          I think it's my first Nikola avatar...

                          "Are you like, a crazy person?"
                          "I am quite sure they will say so."


                            Originally posted by es! View Post

                            Somebody mentioned that AT said there was too much stuff filmed for the finale. Let's hope we'll see all these scenes on the DVDs
                            Yes, I want to see the scene from that promo pic
                            where Helen is touching Nikola's face

                            Dinoman: suddenly comes to mind:

                            Addison ... Edison... intentional or a coincidence??
                            coincidence I think.


                            loved the finale except for the missing scene mentioned above. Henry and Nikola working and fighting together was great and I loved seeing Nikola really get into a fight and use his claws. And they're on a first name basis now --- awwww. SOOOOO HAPPY they did not kill him off or leave us wondering if he was dead or alive.

                            Happy New Year!
                            Thanks to yamiinsane for my lovely sig.


                              I actually thought that Nikola slashing thru that goon was quite a violent sequence
                              I was honestly surprised at the lack of the bloodbath there
                              "Are you like, a crazy person?"
                              "I am quite sure they will say so."


                                That was already confirmed on Twitter

                                On the edge of breaking down
                                Banner made by me

