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Sanctuary Discussion (Spoilers for the most recent episode)

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    A person can only play for so long, especially someone like Helen, who's had responsibility drilled into her

    her desire to help and study and learn will eventually override any frivolity
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      A person can only play for so long, especially someone like Helen, who's had responsibility drilled into her

      her desire to help and study and learn will eventually override any frivolity
      Helen has been the product of many eras, and I think it would be cool to explore her life in certain times in history, we've seen a bit of her from Victorian era England, and will see some in WW2, but I'd like to see how else the times have rubbed off on her.

      Here's a little question, which era would you most like to see Helen in? Me, I'd like to see her in the 30's and 60's because I love the 30's everything was so classic back then, some really good music, so on. For the 60's I want to see how she got-- if she got into the "grove" of things back then, if she wore colored clothes, what kind of hair she had and if she was a little bit of a hippie.


        I'd like to see her in the "flapper era" with the fring-y dresses and dancing and stuff like that. I love the music of that era. And from the 40's as well.


          i think helen would have been at her flightiest in the 20's and 30's....and then i think WWII and all that happened there 'grew her up', so to speak. And that's when she got serious and maybe started her network

          i think seeing the horrible crimes against humanity of that war hardened her resolve and encouraged her to give up playing and get to work
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post

            Here's a little question, which era would you most like to see Helen in? Me, I'd like to see her in the 30's and 60's because I love the 30's everything was so classic back then, some really good music, so on. For the 60's I want to see how she got-- if she got into the "grove" of things back then, if she wore colored clothes, what kind of hair she had and if she was a little bit of a hippie.
            frivolously, i'd love to see her in the 60s.



              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              i think helen would have been at her flightiest in the 20's and 30's....and then i think WWII and all that happened there 'grew her up', so to speak. And that's when she got serious and maybe started her network

              i think seeing the horrible crimes against humanity of that war hardened her resolve and encouraged her to give up playing and get to work
              yeah. and i visualized all this while reading it.



                Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                I'd like to see her in the "flapper era" with the fring-y dresses and dancing and stuff like that. I love the music of that era. And from the 40's as well.
                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                i think helen would have been at her flightiest in the 20's and 30's....and then i think WWII and all that happened there 'grew her up', so to speak. And that's when she got serious and maybe started her network

                i think seeing the horrible crimes against humanity of that war hardened her resolve and encouraged her to give up playing and get to work
                Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                frivolously, i'd love to see her in the 60s.
                I wonder if she keeps any clothes or dresses from throughout the decades? See, this is one of the things I love about Helen, she comes from such an old era in history, an era where a lot of cool inventions were made that started a chain of inventions throughout history, and she's been around for almost 160 years now, she's seen the best and worst of history, met so many historical figures that must have an an influence on her, and the times throughout history also must have had an influence on her.

                To me, Helen is like a living history book, she hasn't heard or read about history, she's lived it, and she she's lived through all sorts of different stages of the human condition, and that fascinates me about her. There's so much story to tell with her, and one that that excites me about S4 is that we get to see the impact that Helen has had on history according to Robin.


                  Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post

                  I believe Amanda talked about it a little at AT4, I don't remember exactly what she said, but she said kind of what you said, Sky, how after so many years, that Helen may not have only had male lovers, but some very intriguing and powerful women over the years. Something like that.

                  But yeah, I agree with you, Sky, Amanda's never actually said Helen is bi, but that she could and probably did have female lovers, like Amelia Earhart. I have a female friend who's actually bi, and she's had 2 bf's and 1 gf, and even though she told me once she doesn't think of herself as bi, she just once had a gf. Could Helen think like that, not really calling herself straight or whatever, just that she's experimented?
                  Rocky, Sky was there. She knows what Amanda said.
                  Mourning Sanctuary.
                  Thanks for the good times!


                    Originally posted by suse View Post
                    Rocky, Sky was there. She knows what Amanda said.
                    She was? Oh, that's right, she went to AT4, not AT5. Oh, well, I still think that info was worth bringing up.


                      I only did AT 2 and 3, I wasn't there.

                      but I remember at TSE, that her attitude was along the line of 'helen's been alive for so long, she's experimented'

                      in other words, AT was ruling nothing out
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                        helen or amanda doesn't believe in limiting herself (on what you wrote above)?

                        for whatever way they go in s4 -with a lover for helen- i hope, IF they go the gay route, they'll also put in a hot guy for helen for the other side.
                        She was speaking about Helen.

                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        I don't know if AT has ever said that helen IS bisexual...but that, given that she's almost 160, it's certainly not OTT for her to have experimented...with a lot of things
                        True. It wasn't really definitive, she just thought that Helen most likely would have experimented and not limited herself.

                        Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                        True, and the only one can really answer that question is Damian who created the character.
                        We know what a man would write.

                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        i think helen would have been at her flightiest in the 20's and 30's....and then i think WWII and all that happened there 'grew her up', so to speak. And that's when she got serious and maybe started her network

                        i think seeing the horrible crimes against humanity of that war hardened her resolve and encouraged her to give up playing and get to work
                        Maybe she had a still set up at the Sanctuary during prohibition. I think you'd be right about WWII. Though WWI and the flu epidemic had to have had an impact as well. Of course,the 20's came out of that. People needed to forget the horrors and cut loose.

                        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                        frivolously, i'd love to see her in the 60s.
                        I think she would have indulged. We do know she knew the Beatles. Maybe she did a little acid and hung with the Maharesi (sp?). I could see Helen meditating on a mountain top.
                        Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                        William Shakespeare

                        Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                          I don't know if AT has ever said that helen IS bisexual...but that, given that she's almost 160, it's certainly not OTT for her to have experimented...with a lot of things
                          Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                          I believe Amanda talked about it a little at AT4, I don't remember exactly what she said, but she said kind of what you said, Sky, how after so many years, that Helen may not have only had male lovers, but some very intriguing and powerful women over the years. Something like that.
                          But yeah, I agree with you, Sky, Amanda's never actually said Helen is bi, but that she could and probably did have female lovers, like Amelia Earhart. I have a female friend who's actually bi, and she's had 2 bf's and 1 gf, and even though she told me once she doesn't think of herself as bi, she just once had a gf. Could Helen think like that, not really calling herself straight or whatever, just that she's experimented?
                          Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                          True. It wasn't really definitive, she just thought that Helen most likely would have experimented and not limited herself.
                          So I guess its just what some people interpret what makes one a bisexual...are you considered bi if you experiment or have one or two affairs with women or something more? I don't recall Amanda ever saying that Helen was bisexual but rather that she wouldn't rule out that Helen had a relationship with a woman in the past...and who knows, she might yet have another in the future.
                          Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                          Here's a little question, which era would you most like to see Helen in?
                          I'd like to see Helen living it up in the roaring twenties...and I'd also like to see her chilling out in the 60's/70's.
                          Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                          I'd like to see her in the "flapper era" with the fring-y dresses and dancing and stuff like that. I love the music of that era. And from the 40's as well.
                          Amanda did once say in an interview that "Helen isn’t afraid to wear Converse running shoes with a flapper dress." I'd love to see that happen.
                          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                          i think helen would have been at her flightiest in the 20's and 30's....and then i think WWII and all that happened there 'grew her up', so to speak. And that's when she got serious and maybe started her network
                          i think seeing the horrible crimes against humanity of that war hardened her resolve and encouraged her to give up playing and get to work
                          That's why the 60's were so damn good. I think Helen needed the 60's to show her how to not take life so seriously all the time. Maybe help her find a balance of work and play even though the scales still tip largely to the work side but at least she seems to have been able to move on...she did have Ashely after all....and IIRC, Ashley was born during the cold war.
                          Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                          We know what a man would write.
                          Well, to be fair, Damian isn't just any man.
                          Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                          Maybe she had a still set up at the Sanctuary during prohibition.
                          Not sure Helen would have been a fan of moonshine...she did have a rather impressive wine cellar until Tesla found it.
                          Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                          I think she would have indulged. We do know she knew the Beatles. Maybe she did a little acid and hung with the Maharasi (sp?). I could see Helen meditating on a mountain top.
                          I can't imagine Helen tripping out on acid or anything too wild...maybe a little bit of marijuana...oh heck...who am I kidding...she would have tried it all...they did use cocaine or was it heroin??...back in the 1800's after all...for medicinal purposes of course.
                          So one day high as kite then the next meditating on a rock...far out man!!
                          I'd like to see her with flowers in her hair, flowers & hearts painted on her face and burning her bra with Jane Fonda!
                          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                          ~Amanda Tapping


                            i think helen would have tried the harder drugs, out of the sheer curiosity 'does my abnormal blood make me immune from addictions'

                            but even as she'd do it she'd have a fear of being weak and falling into the addiction trap
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Hey fiction???? You write them so well....please????????
                              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                              ~Amanda Tapping


                                Just a thought and I'm not even sure how it might work, but I'd love to see a time travel episode..or two. Not an era from Helen's past, but one from even before she was born. Famous times from literary history; Robin Hood, King Arthur, Joan of Arc, etc.. Abnormals I'm sure weren't limited to just this century and having her go back to save a few, while trying to not change too many things in that time while doing so...and thus changing future events would be intriguing to say the least.

