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A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms (802)

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    And also, Brienne's family is really low-key in GoT, just a small island that nobody knows about so like 99% of the people don't even know her.
    I don’t want to be human. I want to see gamma rays, I want to hear X-rays, and I want to smell dark matter. Do you see the absurdity of what I am? I can’t even express these things properly, because I have to—I have to conceptualize complex ideas in this stupid, limiting spoken language, but I know I want to reach out with something other than these prehensile paws, and feel the solar wind of a supernova flowing over me. I’m a machine, and I can know much more.


      Originally posted by Chaka-Z0 View Post
      His reputation as Kingsguard is disputed, not Knight
      this is all conflated

      they only respected him as a knight for his fighting skills (at least the 2 good hands version) not as a model of chivalry because to them he was just a Lannister ie. evil treacherous etc.


        Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
        this is all conflated

        they only respected him as a knight for his fighting skills (at least the 2 good hands version) not as a model of chivalry because to them he was just a Lannister ie. evil treacherous etc.
        In GoT lore Jaime is one of the most renowned Knight and the best fighter in the 7 kingdoms to the exception of Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Morning, till his death by Ned. Arthur was his mentor and on Jaime's first mission they went to the Kingswood and defeated the outlaw King. Sure he wasn't chivalrous but it still means a lot.

        Nobody will dispute that, just like nobody cares that Gregor was made Knight for killing babies.
        Last edited by Chaka-Z0; 25 April 2019, 02:36 PM.
        I don’t want to be human. I want to see gamma rays, I want to hear X-rays, and I want to smell dark matter. Do you see the absurdity of what I am? I can’t even express these things properly, because I have to—I have to conceptualize complex ideas in this stupid, limiting spoken language, but I know I want to reach out with something other than these prehensile paws, and feel the solar wind of a supernova flowing over me. I’m a machine, and I can know much more.


          Originally posted by Chaka-Z0 View Post
          Nobody will dispute that, just like nobody cares that Gregor was made Knight for killing babies.
          exactly it becomes meaningless when you know that people like the Mountain or Trant or Lorch took the same oath

          this was lampshaded by Jaime himself in the show in season 2 iirc

          hence the importance of the one doing the knighting their image reputation etc.


            Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
            exactly it becomes meaningless when you know that people like the Mountain or Trant or Lorch took the same oath

            this was lampshaded by Jaime himself in the show in season 2 iirc

            hence the importance of the one doing the knighting their image reputation etc.
            I agree those ****ers were real jerks. Again I don't think it matters bc Brienne is a woman, even if a Targaryen king would've knighted her people would still believe her unworthy. Thing is Jaime has always been honorable, the Mad King was about blow up King Landing's with hidden caches of wildfire and he singlehandedly prevented that. Only nobody knows that but him basically.

            The rest he was true to his family's honor with everything he did, including knocking Bran off the window.
            I don’t want to be human. I want to see gamma rays, I want to hear X-rays, and I want to smell dark matter. Do you see the absurdity of what I am? I can’t even express these things properly, because I have to—I have to conceptualize complex ideas in this stupid, limiting spoken language, but I know I want to reach out with something other than these prehensile paws, and feel the solar wind of a supernova flowing over me. I’m a machine, and I can know much more.


              Okay maybe not so chivalrous I'll give you that, incest is not wincest and he did push a kiddo out the window. Honor wise in some twisted way he did stay true to his family.

              But ya got to admit that he's the character that prolly had the most char. development in the whole story. The Wench will end up with him I'm telling ya.
              I don’t want to be human. I want to see gamma rays, I want to hear X-rays, and I want to smell dark matter. Do you see the absurdity of what I am? I can’t even express these things properly, because I have to—I have to conceptualize complex ideas in this stupid, limiting spoken language, but I know I want to reach out with something other than these prehensile paws, and feel the solar wind of a supernova flowing over me. I’m a machine, and I can know much more.


                Jamie knighted Brianne:

                He respects her and her honor
                He may even love her as much as he can
                Knighting her was the one thing he could do to grant her her wish. they are facing a battle with the undead, and a good chunk of them will die in it, so what’s the harm of giving her her dream knowing that it may be the only thing she ever gets and she may die in the next 24 hours (or be zombieified)

                Knighting her was the one single thing he could to to show his respect and caring so he did it. I’m kinda reminded of the scene in Harry Potter, when Neville goes ‘have you seen luna? I need to tell her i’m mad about her and since we’ll probably be dead by morning, might as well’ or something to that effect.

                Jamie has changed. He’s no longer the sister impregnating golden boy that killed a king and the greatest knight in the realm. He may still love Cersei but he sees her treachery and madness. He has been humbled by losing his hand and has learned that beauty and honor do not go hand in hand. tyrion, totally underestimated by daddy, is probably the smartest in the realm, Brianne, no beauty by a long shot, is more honorable than other knights. She kept him alive and has done so being constantly humiliated in one way or another by others.

                Jamie won’t care if his knighting is ‘official’ or anything like that. He gave her the one gift he could, acknowledgment.

                And, depending on which way the battle goes, there may be no kingdom left or king left to knight anyone anyway.
                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  forget what he did to Aerys this should go to his credit not against him

                  the real problem is what he did to Bran this will follow him forever cause I'm not sure what he can do to atone for that
                  even if he takes his knight vows seriously now he can't undo what he did to Bran
                  unless by some implausible feat of arms he somehow saves a lot of Starks at the peril of his life in the coming battles (and even then)

                  speaking of what's the real reason Bran didn't snitch on Jaime?
                  he says it's because Jaime has a role to play but could the real reason be that Bran also knows the truth about Aerys' planned superterrorist attack on King's Landing & how Jaime prevented it?

                  basically Bran knows the "good" truth (Aerys) and "bad" truth (himself) about Jaime & he abstained from revealing either of those at the trial

                  revealing the bad truth would've have Jaime executed on the spot & revealing the good truth would've had Jaime completely rehabilitated

                  so it's almost like Bran didn't snitch on Jaime because Jaime saved half a million people (so he gave Jaime a reprieve)
                  or conversely Bran didn't reveal Jaime saving half a million people because of what he also did to Bran (so it's a "punishment")


                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    Jamie won’t care if his knighting is ‘official’ or anything like that. He gave her the one gift he could, acknowledgment.

                    And, depending on which way the battle goes, there may be no kingdom left or king left to knight anyone anyway.
                    100% agreed. And to be honest, empty titles or rewards would probably not have meant much to Brienne anyways, this is probably the only guy in Westoros that she truly respects as a honorable man.

                    Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                    forget what he did to Aerys this should go to his credit not against him

                    the real problem is what he did to Bran this will follow him forever cause I'm not sure what he can do to atone for that
                    even if he takes his knight vows seriously now he can't undo what he did to Bran
                    unless by some implausible feat of arms he somehow saves a lot of Starks at the peril of his life in the coming battles (and even then)
                    Bran, now not so much Bran anymore, understands that Jaime pushing him down the window actually was in the ''grand plan'' to become the 3 eyed raven. Otherwise, Bran would've had another future, no Hodor to protect and carry him around, no Hodor to hold the door, etc. If you recall, Hodor was actually part of a time loop which is why he was such a retard throughout his whole life.

                    speaking of what's the real reason Bran didn't snitch on Jaime?
                    he says it's because Jaime has a role to play but could the real reason be that Bran also knows the truth about Aerys' planned superterrorist attack on King's Landing & how Jaime prevented it?
                    When Bran became the 3 eyed raven he had a bunch of visions. If you recall in Season 6, the clips where we see Aerys saying '' BURN THEM ALL!! '' he also sees at that time his wildfire plot and the jars hidden all over the city by the Wisdoms (Alchemist masters). So yes, he does know what Jaime did to save half a million people.

                    **Also if you recall the weird old man with the leather cap from the Alchemist guild that they hired to repel Stannis with wildfire, this guy actually says he was an acolyte back in the days of the Mad King. So he must've known also the plot to ''mine'' the city. Aerys was like an idol to these pyro weirdos.

                    basically Bran knows the "good" truth (Aerys) and "bad" truth (himself) about Jaime & he abstained from revealing either of those at the trial

                    revealing the bad truth would've have Jaime executed on the spot & revealing the good truth would've had Jaime completely rehabilitated
                    And he stayed silent because he knows damn well, as much as Jaime does, that nobody in that room would actually believe Jaime did a good move on killing the MK. His reputation was destroyed and he was despised especially by the North, because their culture is centered around Honor. Also the fact that when Eddard Stark led the rebellion, he stumbled onto Jaime with his pants down right after he had killed the King so ya know, that probably didn't give the best impression.

                    so it's almost like Bran didn't snitch on Jaime because Jaime saved half a million people (so he gave Jaime a reprieve)
                    or conversely Bran didn't reveal Jaime saving half a million people because of what he also did to Bran (so it's a "punishment")
                    Nobody would believe him anyways, so in his wisdom Bran STFU'ed.

                    Edit: I'll add that most of that stuff isn't really explained in much details if you only watched the series. Anything from S06 and onwards is another version of the story, rewritten by the producers of the show, bc GRRM wasn't able to catch up.
                    Last edited by Chaka-Z0; 26 April 2019, 09:25 AM.
                    I don’t want to be human. I want to see gamma rays, I want to hear X-rays, and I want to smell dark matter. Do you see the absurdity of what I am? I can’t even express these things properly, because I have to—I have to conceptualize complex ideas in this stupid, limiting spoken language, but I know I want to reach out with something other than these prehensile paws, and feel the solar wind of a supernova flowing over me. I’m a machine, and I can know much more.


                      Bran may also know that Jamie needs to be at winterfell. He needs to be there to do something, thus keeping quiet is the best thing to do.

                      Bran also has only so much street cred. Yes, his siblings believe him, and some from the north might but not all. And speaking up too much pushes his credibility perhaps too far.

                      I think also he’s seeing the wisdom in letting people do what people need to do. He knows how events need to play out and he needs to let them play out. (I strongly suspect Bran is gonna end up inside that darn tree. They have a face on them for a reason.)
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        Originally posted by Chaka-Z0 View Post
                        And he stayed silent because he knows damn well, as much as Jaime does, that nobody in that room would actually believe Jaime did a good move on killing the MK. His reputation was destroyed and he was despised especially by the North, because their culture is centered around Honor. Also the fact that when Eddard Stark led the rebellion, he stumbled onto Jaime with his pants down right after he had killed the King so ya know, that probably didn't give the best impression.
                        ain't the north supposed to hate the MK (and the Targaryens in general) especially after MK burnt their Warden & his son alive

                        so they'd readily believe that MK's capable of destroying a city the same way


                          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                          Bran may also know that Jamie needs to be at winterfell. He needs to be there to do something, thus keeping quiet is the best thing to do.
                          That's my take on it as well

                          Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                          ain't the north supposed to hate the MK (and the Targaryens in general) especially after MK burnt their Warden & his son alive

                          so they'd readily believe that MK's capable of destroying a city the same way
                          You got to consider this though: Literally 90% of the generation that was present during MK times are dead, so nobody really cares anymore.

                          As for your question about the North hating the South, here's a quick recap of GoT history.

                          1- Everybody came from Essox (the Dothraki lands), before that only the Children of the Forest live in Westoros
                          2- The First Men land in Westoros, they rule the whole continent in co-existence with the Children of the Forest (The Old Gods, faces in the Trees and stuff, Brandon the Builder builds the Wall with the Giants, they build Winterfell and all that fancy stuff)
                          3- Another group of humans, the Andals, basically crusaders of the 7 Gods (Mother, Father, etc.) eventually invade Westoros, conquer most of the South and kill every single Children of the Forest and destroy the Magical trees bc you know, heresy, but fail to conquer the North. The North remains a MAGA.
                          4- In Essox, where the Targaryens rule, a ''doom'' happens and their kingdom (Valyria) explodes literally, leaving only a handful of Targs which escape by boat and make the trip with a couple of dragons to Dragonstone Castle, where they stay for a while.
                          5- Aegon the Conqueror takes over the 7 kingdoms, subdue the North with Dragons but no actual war, and becomes the First King of the Seven Kingdoms.
                          6- As time goes on, then you get the Mad King, and then GoT begins.

                          So basically the North are the OG men, they don't care about Chivalry and all that stuff that came from the Andals and southerners and still worship the old gods. And yes, I am fun at parties.
                          I don’t want to be human. I want to see gamma rays, I want to hear X-rays, and I want to smell dark matter. Do you see the absurdity of what I am? I can’t even express these things properly, because I have to—I have to conceptualize complex ideas in this stupid, limiting spoken language, but I know I want to reach out with something other than these prehensile paws, and feel the solar wind of a supernova flowing over me. I’m a machine, and I can know much more.


                            Originally posted by Chaka-Z0 View Post
                            You got to consider this though: Literally 90% of the generation that was present during MK times are dead, so nobody really cares anymore.
                            the North remembers

                            or is it so old it got dementia

                            So basically the North are the OG men, they don't care about Chivalry and all that stuff that came from the Andals and southerners and still worship the old gods. And yes, I am fun at parties.
                            yet house Stark was one of the most honourable of the houses north & south

                            (btw didn't the First Men also start killing the children of the forest before making some sort of pact with them)


                              Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                              the North remembers

                              or is it so old it got dementia

                              yet house Stark was one of the most honourable of the houses north & south

                              (btw didn't the First Men also start killing the children of the forest before making some sort of pact with them)
                              The North also remember the Long Night and the saying "during winter the lone wolf dies but the pack survives". Winterfell is actually built to withstand a WW siege, not conventional armies.

                              Yes the First men waged war with the Children but they came to a truce.

                              If I may add also, it's said that in Essox the other faction (can't remember the name) that opposed the Targs had water priests that could go toe to toe against dragons, which I thought is pretty cool.
                              I don’t want to be human. I want to see gamma rays, I want to hear X-rays, and I want to smell dark matter. Do you see the absurdity of what I am? I can’t even express these things properly, because I have to—I have to conceptualize complex ideas in this stupid, limiting spoken language, but I know I want to reach out with something other than these prehensile paws, and feel the solar wind of a supernova flowing over me. I’m a machine, and I can know much more.


                                Originally posted by Chaka-Z0 View Post
                                If I may add also, it's said that in Essox the other faction (can't remember the name) that opposed the Targs had water priests that could go toe to toe against dragons, which I thought is pretty cool.
                                you mean the water priests had creatures that could match the dragons?
                                or the water priests themselves could match the dragons? how? (and wouldn't they be matched by the fire priests of Rhllor?)

                                nb from what I read online all valyrian houses had dragons (it's a valyrian thing) and house Targaryen was one of the more modest houses (probably vassal to a greater house?) so I reckon that house with the water priests was also one of the lesser houses since it's a rival of Targaryen? (and they were both dominated by greater valyrian houses)

