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Serenity (Firefly) Movie

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    Yeah, Angel was just the Anglicized version of Angelus, which sounds much less feminine. I've actually known of quite a few guys named or nicknamed Angel.

    Joss seems to be reversing the trend of giving traditionally male names to girls. After all, names like Ashley, Lindsey, and Leslie used to be male names, and I know a little girl named Tristan. (That was weird. Who'd want to name their daughter after a Wagnerian tenor?) And it's not like it's the first time sci-fi has done this, but I did think that Darth Vader being nicknamed Ani in his youth was just bizarre. (Not that I've anything against the nickname Annie; it happens to be mine. But really, having people tell you the sun'll come out tomorrow and thinking they're all clever for coming up with the reference is enough to turn anyone to the dark side.)
    Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
    Last update: 14 April 2006
    Melyanna's Multimedia
    Last update: 15 February 2006


      Maybe she was named after Tristan Farnon from All Creatures Great and Small. Of course, he was named after a Wagnerian.


        Attention all Melbournians!!!
        UIP is holding an advanced screening of Serenity at Village Cinema at the Jam Factory, on the 21st of July at 9pm. You can buy tickets online through Village Cinema's website or at the cinema its self.

        I've already got mine

        JANICE: Dr. Bob, you've given this hospital a bad name.
        DR BOB: You're right. Fred is a terrible name for a hospital. I'll give it a better name. How 'bout Eunice?


          Originally posted by Imo
          Attention all Melbournians!!!
          UIP is holding an advanced screening of Serenity at Village Cinema at the Jam Factory, on the 21st of July at 9pm. You can buy tickets online through Village Cinema's website or at the cinema its self.

          I've already got mine
          Do you know if it is completed movie or if it's the work in progress?

          (I am envious of you, tell us bout it when you see it kay?)


            We're hoping its the final cut, but most likely it'll be the same version as the US pre-screenings.

            Wish you could see it Blue. Ya never know they might do a screening in Perth.

            JANICE: Dr. Bob, you've given this hospital a bad name.
            DR BOB: You're right. Fred is a terrible name for a hospital. I'll give it a better name. How 'bout Eunice?


              Originally posted by Imo
              We're hoping its the final cut, but most likely it'll be the same version as the US pre-screenings.

              Wish you could see it Blue. Ya never know they might do a screening in Perth.
              Hmm... I should check just to be sure. How'd you find out about it?


                Someone from UIP (the Aus distributors) posted on the official Serenity forum. If anyothers are anounced their I'll let you know.

                JANICE: Dr. Bob, you've given this hospital a bad name.
                DR BOB: You're right. Fred is a terrible name for a hospital. I'll give it a better name. How 'bout Eunice?


                  Originally posted by Imo
                  Someone from UIP (the Aus distributors) posted on the official Serenity forum. If anyothers are anounced their I'll let you know.
                  Much appreciated.
                  UIP... United International Pictures?


                    I think so.

                    JANICE: Dr. Bob, you've given this hospital a bad name.
                    DR BOB: You're right. Fred is a terrible name for a hospital. I'll give it a better name. How 'bout Eunice?


                      i got my tickets, w00t


                        Good god. The things I do. Finally found a driver (can't drive at night), got 5 people wanting to go. Went online, no tickets available. *&#@!!@!!! So I rang Village and said "I am willing to pay scalper prices for this film." They said, "Hmmm, maybe we should have sold them on Ebay but would a booking fee be okay?" I said, "Yes, please." So we're in crappy seats. Second row, on the side, but we've got them. Phew!


                          Yay, great to hear your able to make it

                          JANICE: Dr. Bob, you've given this hospital a bad name.
                          DR BOB: You're right. Fred is a terrible name for a hospital. I'll give it a better name. How 'bout Eunice?


                            We should meet up, Eemo.

                            That's going to be a long day for me. I teach two classes, then am a student in one, then to Melbourne. Eeek!


                              Yeah we sould I might be going to dinner before hand with a bunch of people from the official site, but I should be around the Jam Factory from about 8.30.

                              JANICE: Dr. Bob, you've given this hospital a bad name.
                              DR BOB: You're right. Fred is a terrible name for a hospital. I'll give it a better name. How 'bout Eunice?


                                We shall PM about it.

