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Serenity (2005) Discussion Thread Contains All Manner of Spoilers

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    Originally posted by Queen Eleta
    I thought the love bot liked a bit like Kaylee at first.
    Joss and his fembots.


      Originally posted by Shep'sSocks
      Did anyone else wince in horror as Serenity bounced in on that landing. That was just awful.
      Yes. Ouch. That was painful to watch. As was seeing her dressed as a Reaver ship.


        Originally posted by Shep'sSocks
        Did anyone else wince in horror as Serenity bounced in on that landing. That was just awful.
        Yeah. I wanted to throttle Joss for a momentt here--dammit Joss..first you kill Book, I know you're going to kill Wash in just a moment(I read a spoiler a ways back) and at the same time you're going to kill Serenity??...GAHHH!!!

        Winced at the reaver camouflage, but at the time I liked really set the mood for that stage of the movie
        Eagles may soar free and proud, but weasels never get sucked into jet engines.
        "We're not going to Guam are we?"


          Originally posted by Shep'sSocks
          Did anyone else wince in horror as Serenity bounced in on that landing. That was just awful.
          I could feel it in the cinema I was in... the floor was quite literally vibrating...

          I cannot believe the backlash that the movie is getting because of Wash's death... people wanting to give up their DVDs and tell their friends not to watch it... I'm glad that there's none of this stuff happening here...
          "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


            Originally posted by Easter Lily
            I could feel it in the cinema I was in... the floor was quite literally vibrating...

            I cannot believe the backlash that the movie is getting because of Wash's death... people wanting to give up their DVDs and tell their friends not to watch it... I'm glad that there's none of this stuff happening here...
            Have these people seen a Whedon show before? I mean, I came out of my first screening very upset and little angry but after thinking on it for a while I thought "Of course Joss did that." He takes risks and he lets you know that none of these people are ever truly safe. Frankly, if someone hadn't died in that melee I would have found it very unrealistic.


              Originally posted by Naeara
              Have these people seen a Whedon show before? I mean, I came out of my first screening very upset and little angry but after thinking on it for a while I thought "Of course Joss did that." He takes risks and he lets you know that none of these people are ever truly safe. Frankly, if someone hadn't died in that melee I would have found it very unrealistic.
              Well, I'm new to the whole Joss Whedon fandom thing myself, so I didn't know that he habitually kills people off. Even so, I accepted the death as part of the storytelling. I didn't particularly like it, and I was in denial for about 2 minutes thinking that he couldn't really be dead but once we got to the funeral, that sense of finality kicked in. I've seen it 3 times now and every time he says, "I'm a leaf on the wind", I feel like crying but as you say, it would've been very unrealistic that everyone of them got out of the misadventure alive.
              Some people are even going to the extreme of saying that Zoe should've been the one to be killed.

              The thing that annoys me is this loss of perspective... these ex-fans are a minority but a vocal one nonetheless...
              "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                The "I swallowed a bug" scene was great, River's expression was hilarious, it was such a Charlie Brownesque moment.


                  Sweet! I just got my visual companion in the mail today. I hope we get to see some of the companion training house scenes that got deleted. Great scene where there was a discussion about Inara's torrid affair with a space pirate.

                  And there was a nice scene with Mal and Inara just after they discover the message.

                  And a major plus, a wonderful picture of Jayne with the guitar at the fireside.


                    And which space pirate might we be referring to...?

                    And there was a nice scene with Mal and Inara just after they discover the message.
                    What message?
                    "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                      Originally posted by Easter Lily
                      And which space pirate might we be referring to...?

                      What message?
                      The one about the reavers left by the scientist (her name was Dr Caron)

                      Here's an excerpt from the Companion house. Sheydra is another companion.
                      INARA: Grea romance has nothing to do with being a Companion, Sheydra. You Should know better.

                      SHEYDRA: I'm not the one who had a torrid affair with a pirate.

                      Inara nearly spills her drink.

                      INARA: A who? With a what?

                      SHEYDRA (smiling): It's the talk of the House. The girls all trade storeis in the dorms at night.

                      INARA: I didn't... have a pirate...

                      SHEYDRA: In one of the stories you make love in a burning temple. i think that's my favourite.

                      INARA: Theis is unbearable. Captain Reynolds is no priate; he's a petty thief An he never laid a finger on me. All he ever did was rent be a shuttle and be very annoying. Byen daTAHmenduhBAY joGOluh. (A switch to those girls' backsides is just good enough)

                      SHEYDRA: A year on his shuttle and he never laid a finger on you. No wonder you left.

                      INARA: (bridling) I left because - go away. We're no longer friends. you're a stranger to me now.

                      SHEYDRA: I do love to watch you boil. Don't worry. The stories will fade. And your Captain Reynolds has probably gotten himself blown up by this time.

                      INARA: (looking away again) Yes, that would be just liek him.


                        Originally posted by Blue Banrigh
                        The one about the reavers left by the scientist (her name was Dr Caron)
                        Oh... yes... that message... How nice is that nice moment...?
                        "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                          Originally posted by Easter Lily
                          Oh... yes... that message... How nice is that nice moment...?
                          Very nice moment, we know Mal values his freedom and he is against the alliance but it was a moment that furthers why the experiment affected him so. And it's also interesting that he confides with a person who supported unification.

                          EXT. RESEARCH VESSEL

                          He takes a few unstead stpes away from the vessel. Inara appears behind him, follows - he holds a hand out behind him, seemingly to make her stop, but then he grabs her shoulder, holds her for support. She puts her hand over his.

                          MAL: I seen so much death... I been on fields caprted with bodies, friends and enemies - I seen men and women blown to messes no further from me than you.

                          INARA: Mal...

                          MAL: But every single one of those people died on their feet. Fighting. Or, hell, running away - doing summat to get through. This is...

                          INARA: Mal I need your help with this. I need you to help me, because I can't -

                          He looks at her, folds her into his arms. Brings her face to his, not kissing but touching, pressing into each other with the urgency of pulsing life.


                            ^^ They cut that out?! *grumble, grumble*
                            Hope they put it into the DVD... deleted scenes or extended edition...

                            Thanks for the transcripts Blue... Maybe I should think about getting the Film Companion...
                            "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                              Impatient person that i am I ordered mine from Amazon, but I imagine Dymocks should get some eventually.


                                I've seen them in a couple of comic book stores for around $30. I think I'll get it next time I have some cash left over...

                                JANICE: Dr. Bob, you've given this hospital a bad name.
                                DR BOB: You're right. Fred is a terrible name for a hospital. I'll give it a better name. How 'bout Eunice?

