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The Runaway Bride (2006)

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    The Runaway Bride (2006)

    Visit the Episode GuideDOCTOR WHO SPECIAL:
    EPISODE NUMBER - 2814 (214)

    The Doctor helps a woman get back to her wedding after she inexplicably shows up on board the TARDIS in outer space, only to learn that she is a pawn in a plot by the ancient Empress of the Rocnoss.

    Last edited by Darren; 10 April 2011, 03:15 PM.

    Until something official is put up, this'll do. Its out in the open and not in the episode folder so that its easy to see and we don't get a bunch of repeated threads

    Err.... at least Gallifrey got a mention. (that one word gave me a tingly feeling deep down in my inner whovian)

    Really, can RTD please get others to write? Stephen Moffat? Toby Whitehouse? Matt Jones? Noel Clark? Please?

    5/10 - just plain old bad, virtually every line not spoken by David was painful, and generally bad acting from all but the leading man (and even DT wasn't at his best )

    Next season looks good though, although I was really unhappy about the spoiler at the end of it, because:

    A: It was uber spoilery
    B: SOOOOO repetetive, do something new!

    Looking forward to seeing
    Freema as Martha Jones
    I just hope Rose isn't mentioned in anything but episode 1
    Currently titled "Smith and Jones" and supposedly featuring the Judoon (the rhino things)

    I'm off to watch some better Who, just got the Inferno DVD, so that'll do it
    Last edited by The Signal; 25 December 2006, 11:22 AM.
    Equality is not a concept. It's not something we should be striving for. It's a necessity. Equality is like gravity. We need it to stand on this earth as men and women. And the misogyny that is in every culture is not a true part of the human condition. It is life out of balance, and that imbalance is sucking something out of the soul of every man and woman who is confronted with it.
    - Joss Whedon - Equality Now


      This almost made me wish I was watching Love and Monsters. It seemed like an hour of everyone shouting and overacting.


        Two other grouches, a massive ship is in orbit, and neither of the two remaining Torchwood's do anything about it? And the dematerialisation was aweful at the end, please don't let that happen again
        Equality is not a concept. It's not something we should be striving for. It's a necessity. Equality is like gravity. We need it to stand on this earth as men and women. And the misogyny that is in every culture is not a true part of the human condition. It is life out of balance, and that imbalance is sucking something out of the soul of every man and woman who is confronted with it.
        - Joss Whedon - Equality Now


          It was so bad it was good. I would have put good money on at least one 'Bovvered' getting in there.
          IMO it was better than last years, the HC whatever being part of Torchwood stood out a mile as did Donna's groom being in cohorts with the spider and purlese robot Santa's AGAIN!!

          Questions, can Catherine Tate talk quietly? Will the Doctor get teary eyed every time someone mentions Rose? be a bit of a pain if he gets trapped in the Chelsea Flower Show. God I hope series 3 is a bit more promising.
          Last edited by Reefgirl; 25 December 2006, 11:44 AM.


            It wasn't THAT bad!

            1. OK, so Catherine Tate was very Catherine Tatey.

            2. When Donna was moaning about her dress, I could kinda see Ecclestone-Doctor yelling "jump you stupid ape", the kids telling her to jump was cliched though, as was the husband being involved.

            3. The Doctor 'still' can't get away from Torchwood, right!

            4. And just when we needed to be reminded that the Doctor can be a ruthless SOB...clearly there's some cosmologically ancient grudge between Gallifrey and the Agoros.

            5. "This planet will be scorched". Not if your ship's so vulnerable it can be taken out by a good old fashioned Earth tank shell it won't!

            Overall, I threw a lot of wisecrack in the opening few mins before being reminded by Mum that it was supposed to be played for laughs.



              I thought it was nowhere near as good as last years Chrimbo special. Actually I quite enjoyed it once they got into the basement below the offices, but quite frankly I would have turned the TV off and gone to play on my new Wii long before that if we hadn't been watching it as a familly thing.


                Did DT remind anyone of Hawkeye from MASH? Or more precisely, iHawk from Futurama? The ridiculous changes in mood and all.

                iHawk: Believe it all you want, that won't make it true. [He laughs then flicks a switch on this body from "irreverent" to "maudlin".] This isn't a war, it's a murder. [He flicks it back.] This isn't a war, it's a moider!
                Apart from that and CT's perpetual shouting it was enjoyable. Predictable, but enjoyable. Although i did think the bit with DT, the fire, water and red spider was really cool! The music was really intense.
                Speaking of the music, did anyone else find it really intrusive? It was really upbeat and out of place a lot of the time. Obviously with the exception of the wedding reception where the "bobbles" were exploding and there was some delicate christmas music in the background. That was class.

                The center of Khlysty surrounds me


                  I don't know how valid my opinion is since I watched it with a chattery six-year-old and through both a haze of desert wine and the bleary eyes of one who was woken at 20-minute intervals all night to be asked if it was morning yet. I really enjoyed it and thought it was funny, and if Donna hadn't been so loud she wouldn't have made herself heard in my sitting room

                  The spider queen was amazing. Better than the old tinfoil and loo-roll things. I liked seeing the Earth form as well, it was rather beautiful.



                    It's repeated on BBC3 on Wednesday at 8pm


                      i thought the ep was good better then last years ep not that i dident like. the end of the ep was great him makeing it snow much better then the end of doomsday.

                      Err.... at least Gallifrey got a mention. (that one word gave me a tingly feeling deep down in my inner whovian)
                      buts its name lives on galifrey

                      i was gald he finally said it for the frist time in the new series. i was gald he finally said it


                        I really liked this, maybe it helps that I have no idea who the Bride was (the actress I mean, I had never heard of her before she was cast and have never seen anything she has ever done ). Yes she was loud and abrasive but I found that to be a great contrast to Rose and really I think this was all about ridding Doctor Who of Rose, to get Rose out of the picture to make her less important to The Doctor; in time for a new series. Well that is how I saw her anyway.

                        I did lose the plot a little, so were these the same as the ones from "The Planet of the spiders"? And how do you drain the Thames and refill it?

                        I liked the use of Torchwood but having watch Torchwood, I am sad to say the institute is sorely testing my suspension of disbelief, I could have believed before Doomsday (and Torchwood the series) that they were able to pull off something like hidden levels and tunnels under major land marks; but now I am in doubt as to whether they could arrange a P*** up in a brewery. Also time-lines, I worry that the time-lines are getting muddled with too much, but unless someone starts a thread for both Torchwood and Doctor Who I should maybe stop now with the references. Just saying if Jack
                        was really looking for a certain alien he should have known he was back. Should have had some tech thingy to find and locate him *shrugs*

                        Anyway, all in all I liked it, was it as good as a regeneration Chrissy special? No of course not, we were all looking forward to seeing this new Doctor last year, this year we only had a new companion who was never going to be a new companion and we knew that... this was "just" another episode of DW that happened to be set at Christmas time, maybe some were wanting far more then it ever could have delivered, I was just wanting some new DW while I ate some left overs.

                        Worked for me.


                          I thought this episode was really naff. It didnt seem very well written so it spent half the time going nowhere and the other half trying to go everywhere at once. But most of all Catherine Tate just annoyed me, just that loud compulsive repetitive shouting reminded me why i cannot stand to watch the catherine tate show. At least shes only in for that episode!
                          When all technology has failed and all hope is lost, we will realize we had the ultimate advantage all along...

                          MAY BANJOS RULE THE WORLD!!!
                          The reason my chemistry teacher hates me:
                          MBA (my chemistry teacher): What is Avagadros constant?
                          Me: 6 and a bit times 10 to the 23.
                          MBA: Yea, you know that "bit" is two billion trillion?
                          Me: Im barnsley and hung over, a bit will do
                          MBA: What do we do to the number of moles to get the number of atoms?
                          Me: Times it by that really big number!
                          MBA: Yes, that really big number, what is it?
                          Me: How should i know?
                          MBA: Its on the board
                          Me: Then whats the point in asking???


                            the episode was had it's high points and low points.

                            High points:
                            -The doctor still his usual self but with a darker side
                            -The tardis chasing the taxi
                            -Earth's creation was interesting
                            -The make up on the Raknor queen was really well done
                            -All the Cgi was very good standard

                            Low points:
                            -Catherine Tate, I'm glad they didn't cast her for a permanent role, she was alright at times but mostly just an annoyance.
                            -The 'evil' groom to be was sooo obvious, the moment the doctor mentioned the particles in her it was so apparent they came from the coffee.
                            -The little girl screaming....the beam was moving soo slow and she was so far away from it, yet she stood there...doing nothing but screaming.
                            -Hate to say it but the raknor plot, how many times will we see an episode about some lone survivor trying to bring their race back that the time lords destroyed.

                            I didn't like it as much as last years but it was ok and next season looks interesting.


                              Diffrent from the person above I found it better than the on last year. As it was not another "mind control" ep. Tge Rakorn looks cool and very well done. Why canb't stargate have aliens as cool as that?

                              The Spider web spaceship was an intresting design as was the idea of the creation of Earth.

                              Also the taxi chase as staed above was great and alkmost movie quality.

                              Overall 7/10. (Since nothing can beat the Hell episode)

                              Question to any "true" doctor who fans. Was the spider a redisgned version of that giant toy spider alien i have seen in clip talking about the original Dr Whos?
                              Last edited by MechaThor; 26 December 2006, 03:49 AM.
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