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The Impossible Astronaut (3201)

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    The Impossible Astronaut (3201)

    Visit the Episode GuideDOCTOR WHO - SERIES 32
    EPISODE NUMBER - 3201 (601)
    An older, more concerned Doctor summons Amy, Rory and River Song to witness a startling event, sending them to America in the year 1969 — perhaps to try and stop it from happening. Meanwhile, Amy is confronted by a terrifying alien with the power to erase all memory of the encounter.


    This thread will be opened when the episode airs on Saturday, April 23.
    Last edited by Darren; 25 April 2011, 05:47 PM.

    I just couldnt wait for the thread to open lol

    OMG That was awesome!!!
    So cant wait for next week!
    So it was the future Doctor that dies...
    And the Silence!! Bloody hell, they were pretty creepy! Another great creation by Moffat!
    Their ability is actually quite frightening lol, one look away and you forget about them...
    Great to see the Lodger Tardis is back, its probably not the Silences, and I think that will be one of the unanswered questions...
    Doctor Who is back!!

    Whats going to happen to them all?
    Does Amy shoot the Astronaut? Argh!! I cant wait for next week!

    Gateworld Mods, merge this with your thread when it opens please =)
    Last edited by Teddybrown; 23 April 2011, 09:54 AM.


      And it answered a question from the last season

      The Silence Definitely the creepiest aliens in Doctor Who...

      .......Is it next week yet?


        Loved it, but did see Amy's pregnancy a mile off.

        "You've put on weight but I wasn't going to say anything."

        And then her frantic need to get to the toilet.
        I write articles/features/reviews for I'm With now. Check out our stuff if you get a minute!

        Click on sig to check out my fanfic gallery too!


          Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
          And it answered a question from the last season

          The Silence Definitely the creepiest aliens in Doctor Who...

          .......Is it next week yet?
          What question was answered, I must have missed that


            Originally posted by Teddybrown View Post
            What question was answered, I must have missed that
            From The Lodger..


              Not sure what current spoiler policy is, so I'll spoiler it all.

              Well that was totally awesome. I'm still guessing that River is the Doctor's killer and that was her in the suit, though obviously Matt Smith wont be the last Doctor so this is one of those instances where time can be rewritten.

              What about the girl though? Who is she? Right now I'm thinking Amy's Daughter or a young River (dashing awesome man swooping into her life to save her and knowing all about her) or even they're the same person. Given that Amy is now pregnant in the season we are told River's identity will be revealed, I'm leaning heavily towards the River is Amy's daughter theory now, though it's only episode 1 so I could abandon it still.

              Is the next episode next week? I remember all sorts of rumours that it'd be Easter Sunday, but I guess that was not to be.

              In all my ranting about the awesome, I'd completely forgotten about the return of the Lodger TARDIS (cue pause button for me to explain to my terminally forgetfull family what it was), I'm assuming it doesn't belong to the Silence. If they had one of their own to blow up, why use the Doctor's? Though given that he's going to die in the future, perhaps his TARDIS does end up being the Lodger one afterwards.

              Talking of the Silence. Wow. I found them terrifying, though none of my family did. What's everyone elses opinion on them?


                Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
                From The Lodger..
                Sorry, Im still not with you...
                I know thats the Tardis from the Lodger, but what does it answer?

                pbellosom - I thought the Silence were great, some really creepy bits with them
                And their ability to make you forget is chilling... One look away and you forget all about them


                  Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post

                  .......Is it next week yet?
                  I don't think so.. Ill check my calendar
                  I dunno what to put in here now..


                    The Elizabeth Sladen bit at the beginning was nice, but whens the 15 minute programme dedicated to her? I couldnt find it on any channels, so ill have to iplayer it, like ill be iplayering Doctor Who later lol


                      Originally posted by Teddybrown View Post
                      Sorry, Im still not with you...
                      I know thats the Tardis from the Lodger, but what does it answer?

                      pbellosom - I thought the Silence were great, some really creepy bits with them
                      And their ability to make you forget is chilling... One look away and you forget all about them
                      The Silence TARDIS.. It seems unlikely that it belongs to another alien race when The Silence were all around it.. they were in the present and the past, everywhere the Doctor went.. it seems reasonable to assume it belongs to them.. or at least that they've commandeered it and are using it for.. whatever they're using it for.. before they fall...

                      Or since they fell The other TARDIS did want to leave.. so maybe this one does too..


                        Originally posted by pbellosom View Post
                        Not sure what current spoiler policy is, so I'll spoiler it all.

                        Well that was totally awesome. I'm still guessing that River is the Doctor's killer and that was her in the suit, though obviously Matt Smith wont be the last Doctor so this is one of those instances where time can be rewritten.

                        What about the girl though? Who is she? Right now I'm thinking Amy's Daughter or a young River (dashing awesome man swooping into her life to save her and knowing all about her) or even they're the same person. Given that Amy is now pregnant in the season we are told River's identity will be revealed, I'm leaning heavily towards the River is Amy's daughter theory now, though it's only episode 1 so I could abandon it still.

                        Is the next episode next week? I remember all sorts of rumours that it'd be Easter Sunday, but I guess that was not to be.

                        In all my ranting about the awesome, I'd completely forgotten about the return of the Lodger TARDIS (cue pause button for me to explain to my terminally forgetfull family what it was), I'm assuming it doesn't belong to the Silence. If they had one of their own to blow up, why use the Doctor's? Though given that he's going to die in the future, perhaps his TARDIS does end up being the Lodger one afterwards.

                        Talking of the Silence. Wow. I found them terrifying, though none of my family did. What's everyone elses opinion on them?
                        They really reminded me of something from Buffy for some reason - a twisted Whedon-style design. Liked them!

                        As for the identity of the little 'girl', well, didn't Nixon tell the BSG/Firefly guy that it was in fact a little boy? Younger Nixon maybe? Wibbly Wobbly timey wimey and all of that? I initially thought, before the kid stepped out in the end, that the boy was going to be Rory (somehow turned infant by the Silence) and that their reference to 'the little girl' was going to be another joke by Moffat at the character's expense (him screaming like a girl).

                        The Doctor said in the NEXT TIME preview that they were going to lead a 'revolution', not a battle as he would perhaps normally say, against the enemy and River, in this ep, says that the tunnels stretch all of the way under the Earth. A revolution can only be fought against those in control by my understanding, and I am therefore presuming that the Silence have been influencing humanity for a very long time (controlling the major powers maybe) via use of that TARDIS-looking machine (originally from the Lodger). Maybe rewatching The Lodger itself will reveal some clues.

                        Definitely approved of it as a series opener though. Brilliant! Just gutted that we have to wait another week now, and even more gutted that it's taking a haitus in six weeks until Autumn
                        I write articles/features/reviews for I'm With now. Check out our stuff if you get a minute!

                        Click on sig to check out my fanfic gallery too!


                          Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
                          The Silence TARDIS.. It seems unlikely that it belongs to another alien race when The Silence were all around it.. they were in the present and the past, everywhere the Doctor went.. it seems reasonable to assume it belongs to them.. or at least that they've commandeered it and are using it for.. whatever they're using it for.. before they fall...

                          Or since they fell The other TARDIS did want to leave.. so maybe this one does too..
                          Oo, alright, I thought you meant it answered something else
                          We will hopefully find out next week who it belongs to, but I reckon it could be a part of a bigger story
                          Why would the Silence abandon it at that James Cordens characters house though?
                          Looking forward to next weeks episode
                          Who else found the Silences ability to make you forget chilling? I really want to see more of them now.


                            Originally posted by Teddybrown View Post
                            Oo, alright, I thought you meant it answered something else
                            We will hopefully find out next week who it belongs to, but I reckon it could be a part of a bigger story
                            Why would the Silence abandon it at that James Cordens characters house?
                            Looking forward to next weeks episode
                            They make you forget as soon as you look away.. who says they abandoned it?


                              Oh wow, theories already abound! Let me add my own
                              I somehow don't think Amy is actually pregnant. Given that she was feeling sick and had those stomach pains after seeing the aliens or thinking about them, and then River was feeling ill in the tunnel as well, makes me think that its something caused by the aliens themselves.

                              Still interesting though the other theories

                              - Rory's new nickname 'Rory the Roman'
                              - Best alien defence mechanism ever seen
                              - Daaaaaaaaark! So much darker!
                              - "You think you can just shoot me?
                              THEY'RE AMERICAN'S!"
                              - "RIVER MAKE HER BLUE AGAIN!!"
                              - Swearing on fishfingers and custard

                              If found, is probably lost on the way to Azaroth or the Pegasus Galaxy

