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Maelstrom (317)

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    Originally posted by Niddle View Post
    Your station?

    We all watch on SciFiChannel.

    Galactica doesn't run on any local stations. At least not the new ones.

    WHAT are you talking about?

    You do realise there are other countries outside the U.S. right?


      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      well, the queasy quad is now a grieving triangle...but you know, i was kiinda hoping that someone else would buy it.

      trust ron moore to do the last thing you expect

      *sits back to watch the fandom implode

      my speculation

      it's too easy for kara to come back as a cylon, what i expect? she'll show up next season with no real explanation as to where she's been but promising that she knows where earth is and how to get there...if they'll just trust her...she'll lead the humans to earth, but they must have faith
      Thats actually a good idea
      I HATE SY-FY


        This is the first time I`ve actually posted in the BSG forums as far as I can remember but this ep was totally awesome.

        When #3 saw one of the final 5 in Exodus my first thought was that it was Starbuck. I don`t know why but that was my instinct and I was half expecting a resurrection scene at the end of this episode.

        The effects were massively better than they have been previously, some of the fighter scenes were especially awesome. Although the 'fireworks' effect of Kara's fighter exploding didn`t quite seem right to me but what do I know?!

        Great emotion at the end although I would`ve preferred the final scene to be Lee putting her picture up next to Kat's - although I suppose that would`ve been a bit predictable.

        11/10 for this episode. Don`t know if Kara will come back at any point but I think this is a fitting ending considering the self-destructive path she has been on throughout the series. It totally worked for me.


          Originally posted by talyn2k1 View Post
          When #3 saw one of the final 5 in Exodus my first thought was that it was Starbuck. I don`t know why but that was my instinct and I was half expecting a resurrection scene at the end of this episode.
          3's apology perhaps reflected the time she nearly smashed Anders head to pieces. She didn't realize who he was. Kara as a cylon would be to obvious, especially when you recall Leoban telling Laura that "Adama is a Cylon". What other female on the show has Adama as her last name....

          11/10 for this episode. Don`t know if Kara will come back at any point but I think this is a fitting ending considering the self-destructive path she has been on throughout the series. It totally worked for me.
          I have no doubt Kara will miraculously come back..when the series ratings are rock bottom and the network executives are grumbling the word "Cancellation".


            Originally posted by Vienna View Post
            Still, RDM killed off their best chance to win an Emmy outside of visual effects.
            Really? I think she's middle of the road in terms of acting on BSG. Mary McDonnell, Edward James Olmos or James Callis will win an Emmy before Katee.


              Originally posted by apollo123 View Post
              Really? I think she's middle of the road in terms of acting on BSG. Mary McDonnell, Edward James Olmos or James Callis will win an Emmy before Katee.
              Katee's acting is absolutely on par with the actors you have mentioned, and would not be surprised if she pulls an Emmy win for her work in BSG this season. She truly revolutionized and enhanced the character of Starbuck. Running a close second, would be James Callis. The guy is amazing! Not sure about Mary McDonnell, she is a talented actress who seems to have dumbed down her acting abilities in this series. I put her on par with Kandy McClure.

              Considering how Emmy LOVES to snub the Sci-fi TV genre over other types of TV drama, RDM just shot himself in the foot by losing 1/4th of his slim to nil chance of garnering Emmy gold outside of special effects.


                Kara as a cylon would be to obvious, especially when you recall Leoban telling Laura that "Adama is a Cylon". What other female on the show has Adama as her last name....
                1)since when has Kara had ''Adama'' as her last name? I thought it was Thrace...also Zak died before they married


                2)Dee married into the Adama family (bleh)


                  Originally posted by kharn the betrayer View Post
                  1)since when has Kara had ''Adama'' as her last name? I thought it was Thrace...also Zak died before they married


                  2)Dee married into the Adama family (bleh)

                  Yes, you are correct. Kara Thrace never had the opportunity to marry an Adama, so she never took the name "Adama". Leoben's comment, as cryptic as it was, never specified bloodline..only a NAME. By marrying into the Adama family (double bleh!) Dee now has the Adama NAME. What a good way for a cylon to hide in plain sight....who would believe an ADAMA would be a cylon?

                  Then again, who believed RDM would have Starbuck take her own life??



                    Originally posted by Vienna View Post
                    3's apology perhaps reflected the time she nearly smashed Anders head to pieces.
                    this i can see, althuogh less now that starbuck is gone. imagine teh angst if starbuck found out she'd been shagging a toaster?? talk about frakking with your head.

                    now that starbuck is gone however, i dunno. unless anders fades into the background and returns when starbuck returns. outing him as a cylon could be how she 'proves' her truthfulness to adama and the gang when she returns.

                    Ok, now i'm speaking as a mod

                    I'm very aware that folks are upset about the turn of events. I can empathize with how you feel about the changes. I would be upset too if a character that i really like was killed off.

                    However, there is a fine line between discussing and invading folks privacy, and we're getting pretty close to that. We're also getting pretty close to having a slanging match break out over Katee's talent and winning awards.

                    There is no doubt that she has talent, she wouldn't be on the show if she didn't. But let's not argue about it please. there is the tragic truth that scifi actors never receive the accolades that they deserve.

                    But let's keep the discussion here on the episode itself, not the award winning potential of its cast.
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Okay, I just saw "Maelstrom" at the end I scratched my head and simply thought "What the frak....?" Somehow this episode strengthened my suspicion that Kara is one of the finale five. What Leoben or who/whatever this thing was said "..prepare you what for what is between life and death..." This is exactly what D'Anna had tried to find out and what we saw was the outline of the final five. I DON'T think that Kara is really dead. There is something more in store for her. I just think that her life as she knew it is over. Death as part of a transformation into something different. BTW is it just me or are those oracles/priestesses downright creepy. This is the second oracle we encounter. The first one on New Caprica (the one that talked to D'Anna) and now this one. They don't seem to make a difference between Cylons and humans and also between the one (Cylon) god and their multitude of gods and goddesses. I was also intrigued about the fact that Aurora was so often mentioned. Aurora renews herself every morning at dawn and flies across the sky, announcing the morning's arrival. Her siblings consist of sun and moon. So if Kara is Aurora or maybe a high priestess of her, does that mean she will now be renewed/reborn ? A strange yet intruiging episode. I felt very sorry for Bill and I had wished Laura had been there to hug him
                      Last edited by huntress; 08 March 2007, 06:02 AM.
                      He's like fire, ice and rage. He's like the night, and the storm in the heart of the sun.
                      He's ancient and forever. He burns at the centre of time and he can see the turn of the universe.
                      And he's wonderful.


                        Originally posted by Oreo View Post
                        259 people are in the BSG forum.

                        And the episode was great, there will obviously be more to this next season. This episode was way too over hyped.

                        Of course her hand was on the eject button so she could have been picked up from the Cylon ship.

                        And the preview for next week's episode was useless.

                        I'm going to assume she ejected. I mean, it showed her hand on the ejection lever. This isn't the kind of show that just shows random things...they showed that particular scene for a reason.

                        She ejected. There really was a Cylon ship out there. And she got picked up.
                        It feels good to be alive.
                        Cause i've been dead for so long.


                          Originally posted by GhostPoet View Post
                          I'm going to assume she ejected. I mean, it showed her hand on the ejection lever. This isn't the kind of show that just shows random things...they showed that particular scene for a reason.

                          She ejected. There really was a Cylon ship out there. And she got picked up.
                          There *was* a reason for showing her hand on the ejection lever. It showed her fear of death (or fear of accepting her destiny), which was the point of the episode. It was this fear that guided her decisions throughout her life, of not accepting how "special" she was. If she had pulled the lever, she would've given into this fear. Instead, she decided to accept her destiny and face death head-on. In other words, she chose *not* to pull the lever.


                            Another vote here for Kara being dead but not gone forever.

                            Apologies if I am not remembering some of this correctly--but going with Leoban's "All of this has happened before..." concept; didn't one of the Gods of Kobol (Athena?) kill herself by jumping off the top of a mountain? Could Kara be a physical reimbodiment of this goddess who is doomed to kill herself for some reason (by falling from a great height and slamming into the ground or "hard deck" with or without a viper) and be reborn again and again throughout time?

                            The Oracle's figurine of Aurora symbolizing continual death and rebirth would tie into this concept of her fate. Starbuck was also the one to retrieve the Arrow of Athena linking her with this goddess as well.

                            Perhaps the twelve cylon types were modeled after the twelve gods on Kobol. Perhaps they are physical embodiments of them. The thirteenth god who left for earth was called the "Jealous" god wasn't he? Interestingly, Exodus 34:13 says "For thou shalt worship no other god: for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God." Could this 13th god/our god be the cylon god?

                            Just some thoughts. Comments would be appreciated...


                              Originally posted by Astaire310 View Post
                              Another vote here for Kara being dead but not gone forever.

                              Apologies if I am not remembering some of this correctly--but going with Leoban's "All of this has happened before..." concept; didn't one of the Gods of Kobol (Athena?) kill herself by jumping off the top of a mountain? Could Kara be a physical reimbodiment of this goddess who is doomed to kill herself for some reason (by falling from a great height and slamming into the ground or "hard deck" with or without a viper) and be reborn again and again throughout time?

                              The Oracle's figurine of Aurora symbolizing continual death and rebirth would tie into this concept of her fate. Starbuck was also the one to retrieve the Arrow of Athena linking her with this goddess as well.

                              Perhaps the twelve cylon types were modeled after the twelve gods on Kobol. Perhaps they are physical embodiments of them. The thirteenth god who left for earth was called the "Jealous" god wasn't he? Interestingly, Exodus 34:13 says "For thou shalt worship no other god: for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God." Could this 13th god/our god be the cylon god?

                              Just some thoughts. Comments would be appreciated...
                              This is a really intriguing idea, and your recollection is correct (or at least matches mine).

                              Kara also appeared to pray to a totem of Athena (or was it Artemis) on more than one occasion, particularly in the episode where she first interrogated Leoban.

                              Mapping the "Lords of Kobol" seems prone to ambiguity, however. I've seen every member of the Olympic pantheon mapped to every known Cylon (and every major cast member) at one time or another in reading the posts in this and other BSG forums.

                              That's the big problem with myths--they are bigger than life, fraught with internal contradictions, and applicable to multiple personality types, so it's messy to try to do a one-to-one mapping. It's even murkier to ascribe two dieties to Kara (Athena and Aurora), although it is fun to think about.
                              Last edited by anotherquestion; 09 March 2007, 07:13 AM.


                                Starbuck had her own head-character (non-Leoben) and this got me thinking....

                                First, I predict Starbuck will return as another character's head-character, probably Lee. Lee will have lengthy conversations with head-Starbuck and we will all debate whether he is imagining her, or if she is real.

                                And, it's almost the end of the 3rd season and we STILL don't know what these head-characters are! The 6 in Baltar's head is not a Cylon, the Baltar in 6's head is not a human, the Leoben in Starbuck's head is not-Leoben, so who/what are they ?

                                My guess...The final five are:

                                The 6 in Baltar's head
                                The Baltar in 6's head
                                The Non-Leoben in Starbuck's head
                                The Starbuck soon to be in Lee's head
                                (maybe Deanna....not sure though)

                                Of course, that might be the 'Who', but not the 'What'

