All in interpretation, I suppose. I mostly disagree with your assessment.
I don't see the Adama/Starbuck/Tigh faceoff as a reset at all. At the beginning of the series, Starbuck was very much a daughter to Adama (like he said). Now that's changed. She's burned a lot of bridges, and it'll be a while before she's able to fix that. Tigh started the show as a depressed alcoholic. I got the vibe that now he's a depressed, villainous alcoholic. I don't mean to say that he's going to help the Cylons or anything, but I can't help but think he's going to be a colossal pain in the ass for the fleet from here on out.
Regarding Sharon being the one to find the Basestar....come on, did you expect anything else? Grace Park does have main cast billing.
I also don't think it's much of a stretch that Baltar's been hard at work on finding Earth, or at least was until the Occupation. He's an intelligent guy, and before his descent into alcoholism, pill popping, and whoring he must have been doing something to occupy his mind. He hasn't been 'sitting on them,' he hasn't even worked out the full solution yet! It was a work in progress. I mean, how much good does it do if you only have a vague idea? Suppose you want to drop a bomb on one particular person, and the only information you have is that he's somewhere in the United States. You've narrowed down the target area a bit, but the information is still comparatively useless. Now apply that to three-dimensional galactic space and the information becomes even more useless. Now we've just got both teams scouring the general direction they know they need to go in.
I don't think Sharon's lack of projecting is much of an issue either. The Sharon in "Downloaded" was a sleeper agent, who until her attack on Cmdr. Adama, was unaware of her true nature. Even after she had downloaded, we saw that she was still having trouble accepting what she was. Why should she be able to project back then? Now that she's spent a lot longer among her own and come to terms with it all, it's reasonable to guess that she can project, but back in "Downloaded" it makes perfect sense that she would have no idea.
As for what I agree with, the sudden drop of Lee's weight and the return of the six-pack was a bit shocking. I wish I could do that in a week!
I'm also inclined to agree with your Star Trek assessment of the Cylon situation. It was nice to see the other side of the coin in "Downloaded", but I'm not enjoying the Basestar story a whole lot. The show has always been about the human race and having that much screen time devoted to the villains is a bit of a bold departure from the show's foundation.
I don't see the Adama/Starbuck/Tigh faceoff as a reset at all. At the beginning of the series, Starbuck was very much a daughter to Adama (like he said). Now that's changed. She's burned a lot of bridges, and it'll be a while before she's able to fix that. Tigh started the show as a depressed alcoholic. I got the vibe that now he's a depressed, villainous alcoholic. I don't mean to say that he's going to help the Cylons or anything, but I can't help but think he's going to be a colossal pain in the ass for the fleet from here on out.
Regarding Sharon being the one to find the Basestar....come on, did you expect anything else? Grace Park does have main cast billing.
I also don't think it's much of a stretch that Baltar's been hard at work on finding Earth, or at least was until the Occupation. He's an intelligent guy, and before his descent into alcoholism, pill popping, and whoring he must have been doing something to occupy his mind. He hasn't been 'sitting on them,' he hasn't even worked out the full solution yet! It was a work in progress. I mean, how much good does it do if you only have a vague idea? Suppose you want to drop a bomb on one particular person, and the only information you have is that he's somewhere in the United States. You've narrowed down the target area a bit, but the information is still comparatively useless. Now apply that to three-dimensional galactic space and the information becomes even more useless. Now we've just got both teams scouring the general direction they know they need to go in.
I don't think Sharon's lack of projecting is much of an issue either. The Sharon in "Downloaded" was a sleeper agent, who until her attack on Cmdr. Adama, was unaware of her true nature. Even after she had downloaded, we saw that she was still having trouble accepting what she was. Why should she be able to project back then? Now that she's spent a lot longer among her own and come to terms with it all, it's reasonable to guess that she can project, but back in "Downloaded" it makes perfect sense that she would have no idea.
As for what I agree with, the sudden drop of Lee's weight and the return of the six-pack was a bit shocking. I wish I could do that in a week!
I'm also inclined to agree with your Star Trek assessment of the Cylon situation. It was nice to see the other side of the coin in "Downloaded", but I'm not enjoying the Basestar story a whole lot. The show has always been about the human race and having that much screen time devoted to the villains is a bit of a bold departure from the show's foundation.