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This disease thing has me a bit worried about the series. It's obvious from the preview of the next episode that the humans figure out what killed the baseship and the cylons. Now, suddenly, they have an uber-weapon upon which they can kill all the cylons (or at least reduce them in number, maybe forcing them to destroy their ressurection ships until they can contain the infection). At that point the threat of destruction by the cylons is drastically reduced, since the humans can simply let them know they have the disease, and force the Cylons to back off, lest the humans come after them for vengence. Or, as the next episode obviously is about, they go through an agonization as to whether to unlease their newfound bio-weapon upon the cylons. Either way (they use the disease or hold it as a "doomsday device" to keep the cylons away), now the series is no longer about the rag-tag fleet fleeing cylons and a hair's breath away from destruction. That changes things far more than New Caprica did when they colonized it.
I have faith in Mr. Moore, but this disease thing has me very worried. Lets see where it goes.
I don't think the disease will be around, skin jobs are basically human, they have to have an immune system, so it stands to reason they could get anti-bodies to the disease to cure it in themselves.
spoiler from next week preview
Thought I saw Sharon-Athena on the infected Basestar and she didn't seem to affected. Next week reminds me of a Star Trek:TNG when they find the borg, Hugh and want to use him to deliever a virus to the borg, guess we'll see next week
I don't think the disease will be around, skin jobs are basically human, they have to have an immune system, so it stands to reason they could get anti-bodies to the disease to cure it in themselves.
An immune system didn't save the people who died during the Black Death, or those who died from the Spanish Flu. Sure, it might not destroy all of them, but a disease to which they have little or no natural immunity could still stretch the Cylons VERY thin.
Lets look aside the obvious plot dilemmas that are forthcoming in the next episodes, and just realize this episode for what it was, the best episode since the first season. The character development for Saul and Starbuck was as exeptional as it was divergent in their paths and the pain they felt was honest and heartbreaking. Every step if the Galactica plot line, and concluding in the Tigh, Starbuck montage was artistic, emotional, but most of all it was real. As the colonials try to settle in this period, every character and relationship is redifined and put through extreme stresses, and whether they recommit themselves like starbuck or acknowledge that they can't go back like Tigh, they are the epitome of choice and conflict. Exodus pt II might have had the best effects and action but this episode definately had the best drama and character development this season.
I trying to figure out what the advantage of having a hybrid controll the ship ala "pilot" as opposed to a central ship computer. Maybe the brain unleashed at its full potential is infact more powerful than any hardware based computer. Now, Im really confused.
I suppose they chose it because Athena was on the original series, but then it was Adama's daughter so it felt weird....Oh!!! Could this be symbolic, especially considering what Adama said to Starbuck?
Lets look aside the obvious plot dilemmas that are forthcoming in the next episodes, and just realize this episode for what it was, the best episode since the first season. The character development for Saul and Starbuck was as exeptional as it was divergent in their paths and the pain they felt was honest and heartbreaking. Every step if the Galactica plot line, and concluding in the Tigh, Starbuck montage was artistic, emotional, but most of all it was real. As the colonials try to settle in this period, every character and relationship is redifined and put through extreme stresses, and whether they recommit themselves like starbuck or acknowledge that they can't go back like Tigh, they are the epitome of choice and conflict. Exodus pt II might have had the best effects and action but this episode definately had the best drama and character development this season.
It did! And the Cylon scenes reminded me of "2001, A Space Odyssey". It gave a strange atmosphere to the Cylon ships scenes. Sometimes it works to be derivative.
Yeah it looks like they borrowed from a few other movies too. "Please kill me!" from Aliens.The Hybrids looked very much like the Precogs from the Minority Report.
Yeah it looks like they borrowed from a few other movies too. "Please kill me!" from Aliens.The Hybrids looked very much like the Precogs from the Minority Report.
How about those weird things from the Chronicles of Riddick. Their prophetic, or inane ramblings harken back to them.
On another note, I have to agree with the jumping thing, I don't think they were really in any pain. The way it was said was just so...
Very enjoyable episode IMO. There was a lot of character turmoil going on, and for some, it appears that will continue. I can't wait to see the conclusion next week.
MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
"Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead