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Moore’s Cylons: “Just Not About Destruction”

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    Moore’s Cylons: “Just Not About Destruction”

    From Now Playing Magazine:

    Moore’s Cylons: “Just Not About Destruction”

    by Scott Collura
    Friday, 30 September 2005

    Click on the link to read the entire article.

    Some excerpts:

    Battlestar Galactica may have had its mid-season finale last week, slipping into reruns now until January, but that doesn’t mean that the red-eye of the Cylons isn’t continuing its slow but steady pendulum swing as showrunner Ron Moore preps the remaining 10 episodes of the season. In the final part of our discussion with Moore (read part one by clicking here, part two by clicking here, and check out our Galactica cast video interview by clicking here), the executive producer of the hit show explains that he has plans for those red-eyed toasters – and their more evolved, human-like brethren.

    “Overall the Cylons are just not about destruction. They have their own civilization and their own ethos. What are they doing with the Colonies?” asks Moore, referring to the decimated human planets of the show. “They left a lot of the buildings intact; they’re cleaning up the bodies. I think they’re intent on using the Colonies for themselves. The question is for what.”

    Part of that answer no doubt lies in the breeding and reproduction experiments that Starbuck encountered in the episode “The Farm,” but Moore says that there is more to the story than that, and he expects that, despite Starbuck and Helo having escaped from Caprica recently, we will see more of the devastated Colonial planet in future episodes.

    “We will probably go back,” he says. “We’ll be away from Caprica for a good chunk of the season, but we’re talking about heading back there. I think part of the show will always have one foot on Caprica in some shape or form. It just feels like that’s part of our tale as well. What happens back at the Colonies now that the Cylons have taken over? Who’s left, who’s not? What are the Cylons doing with the Colonies? What’s their structure? What’s their society? Why did they want the Colonies? I think it will always be a kind of interesting story to tell.”

    Another potential storytelling device that has been thrown around by the writers of the show is to do an all-Cylon episode, wherein the humans, who are typically our heroes, would be portrayed for the audience through the Cylons’ eyes. In that light, Commander Adama and company may look a lot less noble and civilized than they typically do.

    And at the rate that Moore and his writers kill off characters on the series, they may very well need to start utilizing some of those casting resources.

    “[The network’s] concerns are things like, ‘How high is the body count this week?’” laughs Moore. “‘Do we have to kill all these people?! How about we kill half these people?!!’”

    It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.