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Battlestars – It’s all About The Quality!

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    Battlestars – It’s all About The Quality!

    From Eclipse Magazine:

    Battlestars – It’s all About The Quality!

    by Sheldon A. Wiebe

    Click on the link to read the entire review.

    Some excepts:

    ’Battlestar Galactica’ is, arguably, one of the two or three best shows on TV right now; ‘Monty Python’s Flying Circus’ remains one of the shining comedy lights in TV history; Michael Mann’s ‘Crime Story’ was far better than his ‘Miami Vice’ – though it never caught on in a big way…

    Battlestar Galactica – Season One

    After all the fanboy grousing about the sex change of two beloved characters from the original ‘Galactica’ died down, and the new version’s mini-series aired, it was clear that the new ‘Battlestar Galactica’ not only surpassed the original in every conceivable way – it was playing in the same league as the best of the network, F/X and HBO original series.

    ‘Battlestar Galactica – Season One’ not only includes the thirteen first season episodes of this extremely fine series, it also includes the original mini-series [with the mini-series commentary track, but not the making of featurette]. So, if you haven’t picked up the mini-series on DVD, yet – and have become addicted to this engrossing series – now’s your chance to glom onto the both.

    When ‘Galactica – the New Series’ premiered, we came in on the characters a scant five days after the conclusion of the mini-series, to find them being hunted by the Cylons – who popped up behind them every thirty-three minutes. The claustrophobic premiere dealt with how real people behave in real combat situations. It was a revelation!

    Prior to the release of the first seasons of ‘Lost’ and ‘Desperate Housewives’ on DVD, this might have been my choice for best DVD of the season to date. Now that Buena Vista has raised the bar so high, though, ‘Battlestar Galactica – Season One’ will have to settle for third place – and that’s pretty fracking good [and infinitely better than most Universal DVD sets].

    Grade: Battlestar Galactica – Season One: A
    Grade: Features: A-

    Final Grade: A

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