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    Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
    It doesn't have to be exclusive to the US. Just the fact that there are more jobs available and wages are rising for the first time in decades is going to be a huge benefit to the current administration when it comes time to step into the voting booth.

    And you can't rely on polling to get an accurate picture of support for Trump. Those on the left have shown a willingness to harass & attack Trump supporters in various ways, so many people who do support Trump just do so quietly in order to avoid harassment. The polls will miss these folks.
    The right has shown an alarming lack of care about getting your social systems hacked to get what they want. Trump may not have committed a crime, but he stood by and let your populace get mind screwed by a foreign power in order to aid himself.
    If the EU, or Australia did that to aid the Dems, you would loose your mind, and the evidence is that you do it with the UN.
    You accept cheating to win, so long as it's cheating for you.
    That's just sad.
    A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
    The truth isn't the truth


      Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
      The right has shown an alarming lack of care about getting your social systems hacked to get what they want. Trump may not have committed a crime, but he stood by and let your populace get mind screwed by a foreign power in order to aid himself.
      If the EU, or Australia did that to aid the Dems, you would loose your mind, and the evidence is that you do it with the UN.
      You accept cheating to win, so long as it's cheating for you.
      That's just sad.
      Huh? I'm talking about apples and you're talking about oranges. I'm saying that re-election prospects for Trump, as well as flipping the House are quite good. You're talking about 2016.


        Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
        Huh? I'm talking about apples and you're talking about oranges. I'm saying that re-election prospects for Trump, as well as flipping the House are quite good. You're talking about 2016.
        No, you are dodging the facts, and the point.
        If Australia tipped you into a "socialist hell hole" you would cry foul.
        As Russia tipped you into a authoritarian hell hole, you are happy.
        Your elections, your very fabric of being a democratic republic was stripped from you, but because it worked out how you like it, you see no issue.
        Elections are NOT a legal issue, and while I often chide people for ignoring the LAW, this is not one of those issues.
        You are willing to throw away the basic tenants of classical US conservatism to get what you want, and berate the left for refusing to sell out.
        Again, you are simply sad.
        A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
        The truth isn't the truth


          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
          No, you are dodging the facts, and the point.
          If Australia tipped you into a "socialist hell hole" you would cry foul.
          As Russia tipped you into a authoritarian hell hole, you are happy.
          Your elections, your very fabric of being a democratic republic was stripped from you, but because it worked out how you like it, you see no issue.
          Elections are NOT a legal issue, and while I often chide people for ignoring the LAW, this is not one of those issues.
          You are willing to throw away the basic tenants of classical US conservatism to get what you want, and berate the left for refusing to sell out.
          Again, you are simply sad.
          We have not been tipped into an "authoritarian hell hole" by any stretch of the imagination. Need I remind you that one of the first things any authoritarian govt. attempts is to strip guns away from the people and restrict freedom of the press or otherwise ensure press coverage favorable to the govt.

          Let me think a minute.. Is it the right or the left which is trying to do those things?

          There was no collusion. Yes, the Russians did try to manipulate people's views to push the election to what they thought would benefit them. Guess what? The US has done that to many other nations over the years. And Russia and other nations have tried to influence ours before, too. It's not a crime for us or them to do so. It's international politics.

          It is up to the individual voter to consider the source of any information before basing a decision on which lever to pull. Myself, I'm not going to pay attention to any foreign source. Others might choose differently. Is it illegal for them to do so?


            Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
            We have not been tipped into an "authoritarian hell hole" by any stretch of the imagination. Need I remind you that one of the first things any authoritarian govt. attempts is to strip guns away from the people and restrict freedom of the press or otherwise ensure press coverage favorable to the govt.
            Wrong. Sure, Hitler took guns, but not from the Germans.
            By Nolamom


              And, as to what illegal immigration costs the US.

              Yes, I know, you folks will dismiss this as it's a Fox article, rather than some liberal toilet. Doesn't change a thing.



                Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                And, as to what illegal immigration costs the US.

                Yes, I know, you folks will dismiss this as it's a Fox article, rather than some liberal toilet. Doesn't change a thing.

                It only reports the costs, not what they put into the system. It's like me saying that Walmart Employees cost walmart a ton of money so they should all be fired while ignoring the amount of money said employees make Walmart. Another issue that includes costs of education which they would have regardless of their legal status. But I can see how that might be a big negative for someone who sees children as a burden and not an investment for the survival of humanity and our society. The article itself points these things out.

                But hey, it's just facts, don't let that stop ya!

                That said, I'm going to provide my opinion and I apologize if the nuance is a bit too much for you.

                I don't think they all deserve asylum but they do deserve to have their day in court in accordance to the law. I think Central Americans play the game and set out to play the game versus other Hispanic immigrants that have come in in the past who came here with the intention to work their way to the "American Dream". I find it offensive how they mass together and push their way into countries like they did in Mexico and try to do here. It's one thing for someone to recognize that what they are doing is against the law and therefore have the decency to sneak in, but to barge in in such a visual manner is a bit off putting.

                But in a purely black and white world you live in, this nuance simply doesn't exist.
                By Nolamom


                  Here's the leader of annoyed's favorite Militia being linked to training for assassination of Obama among others. This guy has also been convicted of illegal possession of a firearm and impersonating a police officer in the past. So I really do question how big he is into the rule of law or whether or not he has other motivations that have little to do with the rule of law. He's a felon. Some real American heroes aren't they? And Annoyed wants to trust these find American patriots with not shooting men, women, and children.


                  By Nolamom


                    Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                    Here's the leader of annoyed's favorite Militia being linked to training for assassination of Obama among others.

                    That guy is straight out of a western, seriously.
                    I don’t want to be human. I want to see gamma rays, I want to hear X-rays, and I want to smell dark matter. Do you see the absurdity of what I am? I can’t even express these things properly, because I have to—I have to conceptualize complex ideas in this stupid, limiting spoken language, but I know I want to reach out with something other than these prehensile paws, and feel the solar wind of a supernova flowing over me. I’m a machine, and I can know much more.


                      Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                      We have not been tipped into an "authoritarian hell hole" by any stretch of the imagination. Need I remind you that one of the first things any authoritarian govt. attempts is to strip guns away from the people and restrict freedom of the press or otherwise ensure press coverage favorable to the govt.
                      They HAVE gone after the press and all but declared the state news agency, so phase one already well underway. As for guns, that's not actually true.
                      Let me think a minute.. Is it the right or the left which is trying to do those things?
                      The right.
                      The left wants to limit guns, and that's not the same as taking all guns away. Additionally, the notion that a private citizen can stand up to a police force, let alone the military is a joke, a sick, sad joke.
                      There was no collusion. Yes, the Russians did try to manipulate people's views to push the election to what they thought would benefit them. Guess what? The US has done that to many other nations over the years. And Russia and other nations have tried to influence ours before, too. It's not a crime for us or them to do so. It's international politics.
                      Actually, it IS a crime.
                      It is up to the individual voter to consider the source of any information before basing a decision on which lever to pull. Myself, I'm not going to pay attention to any foreign source. Others might choose differently. Is it illegal for them to do so?
                      You have quoted foreign sources yourself, but you just did not know it, as has the trump campaign and people associated with it.
                      That's how effective the Russian campaign was.
                      Is it illegal?
                      No, it's not if you do not know, which is the only reason conspiracy was not charged. The Russians were so good, and the trump team so stupid as to not rise to the level of intent in a legal sense. What they were, is WILLING bystanders. The watched a crime get committed, but because the results of that crime would aid them, they did nothing.
                      They are the beneficiaries of a crime that they did not participate in (legally).
                      You like to go off about dreamers and anchor babies, and kids getting stuff from their parents crimes as being wrong. That's the apple to apple here, and you are defending it.
                      A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                      The truth isn't the truth


                        Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                        Here's the leader of annoyed's favorite Militia being linked to training for assassination of Obama among others. This guy has also been convicted of illegal possession of a firearm and impersonating a police officer in the past. So I really do question how big he is into the rule of law or whether or not he has other motivations that have little to do with the rule of law. He's a felon. Some real American heroes aren't they? And Annoyed wants to trust these find American patriots with not shooting men, women, and children.


                        According the usatoday article, he "reportedly" mad threats.. Doesn't sound like its a credible accusation. If there was any proof, wouldn't he be in the clink ?


                          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                          They HAVE gone after the press and all but declared the state news agency, so phase one already well underway. As for guns, that's not actually true.

                          The right.
                          The left wants to limit guns, and that's not the same as taking all guns away. Additionally, the notion that a private citizen can stand up to a police force, let alone the military is a joke, a sick, sad joke.
                          Don't you even acknowledge how far biased (toward the Democrats) the majority of the media is in this country? Hell, most of the outlets are just propaganda outlets for the Left/Democrats. You think that's a free press?

                          And you say that the left isn't trying to eliminate gun ownership?

                          I'm sorry, but you don't know what you're talking about.


                            Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                            Don't you even acknowledge how far biased (toward the Democrats) the majority of the media is in this country?
                            That's your perspective, and it has nothing to do with the truth. Your personal belief has NOTHING, NADA ZIP ZILTCH with the truth.
                            You build your argument on falsehoods, so your entire argument is built on lies.
                            Hell, most of the outlets are just propaganda outlets for the Left/Democrats. You think that's a free press?
                            No, they are not. It's just easier for you to believe that.
                            And you say that the left isn't trying to eliminate gun ownership?
                            Tell me, in legal terms where they have.
                            I'm sorry, but you don't know what you're talking about.

                            You are so ignorant as to be a joke, or a meme.
                            A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                            The truth isn't the truth


                              Someone said meme?

                              I don’t want to be human. I want to see gamma rays, I want to hear X-rays, and I want to smell dark matter. Do you see the absurdity of what I am? I can’t even express these things properly, because I have to—I have to conceptualize complex ideas in this stupid, limiting spoken language, but I know I want to reach out with something other than these prehensile paws, and feel the solar wind of a supernova flowing over me. I’m a machine, and I can know much more.


                                Ok, now this is court decision that I agree with.

                                Chalking tires to enforce parking rules is unconstitutional, court finds

