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    Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
    I'm not GF, nor do I play one on message boards, but aren't we better then Democrats? We had many years of the prior administration not taking action against Clinton for her misdeeds; to be honest, I don't expect Democrats to behave themselves, nor would I expect them to investigate wrongdoings by Dems.

    On the other hand, I expect the people I vote for to represent me to hold themselves to a higher standard than the Dems do.
    That's right, the people you vote for don't pay to play, why pay the idiot boasting about how bigly his intel is...........
    A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
    The truth isn't the truth


      It's not just the "pay to play" scandal. Like it or not, using a private email server to carry out govt. business is also a no-no, as was her use of a private email address. Oh, and don't forget Benghazi. This woman (& her husband) have a trail of scandals behind them that is longer than most folks can conveniently remember. And the Democrats poo-poo all of them.
      Typical, expected behavior among Democrats.

      I expect better from the Republicans, and if I don't get it I want to know why. Have you noticed that while I support and will continue to support the agenda Trump campaigned on because I think it's the right thing for the country, I haven't been so warm towards Trump himself since this shiznit started to hit the rotary oscillator last week?

      Oh, and remember I was wondering if the Comey firing might be a distraction from something we didn't know yet? I wonder if the Flynn request might be that other shoe dropping.


        Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
        using a private email server to carry out govt. business is also a no-no, as was her use of a private email address.
        Because it's easier for your enemies to hack, right?

        Trump is tweeting from an unsecured Android connected to a Google account.

        ...Oh, and he's giving away highly classified information to the Russians to try to impress them.

        Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
        IThis woman (& her husband) have a trail of scandals behind them that is longer than most folks can conveniently remember.
        She's also been in politics for 35 years.

        Trump's list of scandals is already longer after 100 days.


          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
          Well, it's spread across the internets by now, Israel has been named as the Ally that Trump shafted, but when I made my initial assessment about Mossad not being happy, that had not come out yet, I was asleep
          I see that Netanyahu has sorta brushed it off, but I can't imagine the Israeli parliament being too happy about it.
          Netanyahu can't openly bash an American President. He held his tongue for a long time even with Obama who was openly hostile.

          Netanyahu just had a phone call with Trump, by the way. Oh, to be a fly on that wall...

          P.S. I can't help but repeat that Trump is a grenade thrown into the American democracy.
          If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.- Abba Eban.


            Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
            Because it's easier for your enemies to hack, right?

            Trump is tweeting from an unsecured Android connected to a Google account.
            That is not exactly private or security-sensitive material, is it? He's tweeting it to the general public.


              Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
              That is not exactly private or security-sensitive material, is it? He's tweeting it to the general public.
              Even if it's not, Trumpel's twitter acount is still a goldmine for foreign inteligence agencies. It's not always about what you say, but how and when. I guess any agent is a master in reading between the lines.


                Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                That is not exactly private or security-sensitive material, is it? He's tweeting it to the general public.
                What he told the Russians was.

                No need to hack Trump, if you want top secret information just hang around with him for a while.


                  Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                  What I really think would have happened if Hillary won, is that at her first misstep on the level of any of trumps, especially the last week, the republican senate and republican congress would be writing up the articles of impeachment. (hell, the Flynn screw up would have been enough).
                  Would the same happen in the reverse situation?
                  There's several on the left doing just that for trump. Talking about impeachment. AND NO i don't think if she was in and she had a flynn like screw up there would be ANY talks about impeachment. Just like there wasn't under obama.. Cause she has the 'woman card' like he had the 'race card'..


                    Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                    There's several on the left doing just that for trump. Talking about impeachment. AND NO i don't think if she was in and she had a flynn like screw up there would be ANY talks about impeachment. Just like there wasn't under obama.. Cause she has the 'woman card' like he had the 'race card'..
                    ...... You can't see why there's a problem with Trump? Obama didn't have a special card to protect him from Impeachment, it wasn't an issue because he's an actual adult who understood the responsibilities of the job.

                    There was a time not so long ago when we didn't need hourly updates on what the president of the United States was doing. We could generally trust them to not attempt to start WWIII in an angry tweet, or hand out classified information like candy..

                    The Toddler in Chief needs constant supervision.


                      Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
                      ...... You can't see why there's a problem with Trump? Obama didn't have a special card to protect him from Impeachment, it wasn't an issue because he's an actual adult who understood the responsibilities of the job.
                      Just how hard did baby PH get dropped on her head? You don't think Obama was spared investigation, impeachment or any other of a number of legal actions because of his race?
                      Hell's bells! You couldn't even disagree with his policies without risking being painted as a racist bigot! Anyone who even talked publicly about anything related to impeaching or investigating him would have had their careers ended with the flag of "racist" attached to their name.
                      And it's not like there was a lack of grounds for impeachment, either. Right off the top of my head I can name dereliction of duty. He swore an oath to defend and protect the Constitution of the US, and he deliberately chose to not enforce a number of our laws pertaining to illegal immigration. That's solid grounds right there. Yet no one even tried.


                        Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                        Just how hard did baby PH get dropped on her head? You don't think Obama was spared investigation, impeachment or any other of a number of legal actions because of his race?
                        Hell's bells! You couldn't even disagree with his policies without risking being painted as a racist bigot! Anyone who even talked publicly about anything related to impeaching or investigating him would have had their careers ended with the flag of "racist" attached to their name.
                        You mean like asking for his birth certificate and leading a movement against him?
                        What happened to that guy...........

                        And it's not like there was a lack of grounds for impeachment, either. Right off the top of my head I can name dereliction of duty. He swore an oath to defend and protect the Constitution of the US, and he deliberately chose to not enforce a number of our laws pertaining to illegal immigration. That's solid grounds right there. Yet no one even tried.
                        Laws are not the constitution, try again.
                        A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                        The truth isn't the truth


                          Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                          There's several on the left doing just that for trump. Talking about impeachment.
                          Sure, but it's -some-, not ALL. If Hillary did any of this stuff, it would be universal.
                          AND NO i don't think if she was in and she had a flynn like screw up there would be ANY talks about impeachment. Just like there wasn't under obama.. Cause she has the 'woman card' like he had the 'race card'..
                          A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                          The truth isn't the truth


                            Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
                            ...... You can't see why there's a problem with Trump? Obama didn't have a special card to protect him from Impeachment, it wasn't an issue because he's an actual adult who understood the responsibilities of the job.

                            There was a time not so long ago when we didn't need hourly updates on what the president of the United States was doing. We could generally trust them to not attempt to start WWIII in an angry tweet, or hand out classified information like candy..

                            The Toddler in Chief needs constant supervision.
                            Speaking of updates...........

                            Russia provided all the pictures, they may as well give you the transcript as well............
                            A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                            The truth isn't the truth


                              Oh, and this as well:

                              A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                              The truth isn't the truth


                                Temporary interruption -- replying to several ancient postings..

                                Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                                ...Problem I see is *probably* NOT a problem to you--- the GREAT Commission to the Gentile world (non-Jewish) is closing down. Once that particular time era has ended (as determined by God's designated appointments of who, when, how and where), then the 144,000 Jewish "evangelists" will take over and lead the world the rest of the way -- up to the moment their *true* Messiah returns to earth/establishes "HIS" gov't upon the earth--in Jerusalem (Israel). So, if anyone in this world thinks they got problems dealing with Christians alive now, Oooooo! wait til then..
                                That's when things will get *reeeeeeeeeeeally* interesting.

                                Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                                What do you imagine they will do?
                                Evangelize. Revelation 7 reveals the 144,000 are those who are "sealed" with the mark of God invisibly imprinted into their foreheads. They are the ones who will go forth and evangelize the rest of the world, where the Gentiles left off. So, if the prophecy comes true -- that the current Christian Gentiles stop evangelizing, then the next group of evangelists will end up being of Jewish descent, instead.

                                The gov'ts of this world can write all the rules/regs against Christians evangelizing, but Israel's descendants will have its own -- probably for its own people, but that depends on whatever factors change the spiritual hearts of those who listen and actually choose to (finally) believe.

                                Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                                My hubby and I only attended there at an invite from one of the members.
                                ...After I was laid off from my job and we couldn't travel over there any longer, a year later the whole Church fell apart. Hmmm.. We found out it was "SIN" in the camp that destroyed them--the very items they preached against about, some were doing behind the scenes... Not good.

                                Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                                So, you realised that the church was full of garbage.
                                No, it was NOT "full of garbage". It served its purpose at the time. I got to enjoy some time meditating with God and HIS creation (i.e., nature) in a beautiful location, and in spite of how badly the elders mishandled their *Christian* servant-hood (for a lack of better phrasing), they also provided a temporary home for my hubby and me, when we ended up homeless (losing our new apartment due to a bank mishandling our business/personal accounts. I think otherwise, we would have been pitching a tent instead of renting the honeymoon suite in a Christian-camp with a private bathroom.

                                Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                                Personally, it was NOT part of the original TEN Commmandments, so it seems to be a man-made rule that the Jewish priesthood enforced (the original *fashion* police).

                                Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                                . . .
                                Christians are not subject to the 613 or whatever # Jewish Laws. ONLY the TEN Commandments count -- Priority #1.
                                Yes, the Original Ten Commandments that were etched into stone--Blue Sapphire stone to be exact. Would have been amazing seeing those tablets (the ones that Moses dropped as noted at Exodus 32:19), instead of the 2nd batch, which are still in hiding in a secret location to this day (supposedly they are with the "ark of the covenant" --the one that looks similar to the one shown in the movie "Raiders of the Lost Ark"). Moses originally spoke the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20), but God wrote them into STONE at Exodus 31:18.

                                Believe or not what you will. Based on the research I've found, I believe the sapphire stones are similar to the 3-D engravings suspended in clear acrylic that are designed from the many technological artistic gifts available in today's world.

                                Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                                I didn't say Jesus "changed it" -- I said he FULFILLED and Satisfied the LAW, because no other human could or would ever do it.. as it was *required* (established to be enforced).

                                Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                                Nope, not even in his own words.
                                Your answer implies that you do not understand what he said or why. Taking Jesus' words at that point in time to mean that they meant nothing important, other than some wailing from being in pain, is the general (broad scope) interpretation of people who do not understand Jewish symbolisms, etc. The following answer came from people who studied the Mosaic LAW, and had their info reinforced by Messianic Jews (who believed that Jesus of Nazareth was truly Israel's Jewish Messiah).

                                So, Correction. See John 19:30.
                                Jesus said upon his dying breath "It is finished!".
                                Other translations rephrased that as---
                                "It is accomplished"
                                (A fellow Christian stated) Layman's version pronounced this as a loud "AMEN!! (Thy work is Done)."

                                This is also the Greek word "tetelestai" which translates as "Paid in Full".
                                PAID IN FULL or "tetelestai" is a word that
                                according to the"What does the Greek word 'tetelestai' mean?"
                                -----tetelestai "was also written on business documents or receipts in New Testament times to show indicating that a bill had been paid in full."
                                "The connection between receipts and what Christ accomplished would have been quite clear to John's Greek-speaking readership; it would be unmistakable that Jesus Christ had died to pay for their sins."

                                In other words, in a business transaction the "PAID IN FULL" approval stamp = nothing else needs to be paid once the "PAID IN FULL" stamp satisfies the payment.

                                So, (generic) you figure out what the "PAID IN FULL" was referencing to, if it wasn't to satisfy some payment to something else other than what I've noted here. Since 1st century Christians did not use the Catholic "original sin" issue, they used the LAW of GOD---see Hebrews 10 (all of it), that payment was satisfaction of every aspect of God's divine LAW.. involves Jewish feasts and reasons for having Temple sacrifices to atone (as payment) of a person's own guilt/sin/wrong-doing.

                                This conversation has been mentioned before in the "religion" topic, but it got nowhere. Sorry, but since this is the *political* topic and I've already invested a lot of time into this tidbit issue, I'm not going to re-explain it --again-- here.

