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The Political Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by s09119 View Post
    When your Lord and Savior says you "should" do something, I think it's pretty close to "obligated" if you don't want to go to Hell. Just saying.

    Also: many would argue that the rich today steal their wealth, and how, pray tell, do you know that Jesus was being hyperbolic?
    since when does putting in an honest day's work constitute stealing money? if anything the one's doing most of the money stealing are those sucking at the teet of government welfare....government is stealing hard-earned earned by people who put in an honest day's work and giving it to people who wouldn't know an honest day's work if it bit 'em on the mik'ta


      Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
      because for love to be true it cannot be forced.....if He forced us to follow Him He'd be no different from those who manipulate others for their own know that whole "if you love someone let them go" thing? and how could we be following a path? it's plainly obvious people do their own thing almost every day...some of them aren't exactly legal it's highly unlikely that anybody's path is pre-ordained

      as for your second did organizations like Catholic Charities get to be as big as they are then? money don't grow on trees ya had to have been given to them people of good will....and I see plenty of examples of people helping others out of the goodness of their hearts in time of trouble
      Was talking from the god complex perspective, not man's. Could also ask how did rich warlords/dictators/governments get as big as they are? Giving one selective instance of people giving charity does not diminish the majority who would chose not to do so.

      Originally posted by lordofseas View Post
      Omnipotence basically means all powerful. Not all knowing.
      Omniscience is a subset of omnipotence.


        Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
        'tis true 'fascist' tends to be used abusively as a blanket term, so I avoid it whenever possible
        I use 'nazi' instead
        and you too would be inaccurate, given the POLITICAL (you know, in this political thread) differences between Mussolini's Fascism and Hitler's National Socialism.



          With healtcare I think as a human being good health (or as good as is possible) is a right so if people are forced to give a small part of their income away then so be it.

          Using your logic if I were a communist and anti-war campaginer why should I be forced to pay for facilitating commerce and starting wars?


            Originally posted by Ben 'Teal'c would WIN!!' Noble View Post
            With healtcare I think as a human being good health (or as good as is possible) is a right so if people are forced to give a small part of their income away then so be it.

            Using your logic if I were a communist and anti-war campaginer why should I be forced to pay for facilitating commerce and starting wars?
            move to a communist country then.....I'm sure they'd love to have you and don't let the door hit your backside on the way out


              Originally posted by jmoz View Post
              Was talking from the god complex perspective, not man's. Could also ask how did rich warlords/dictators/governments get as big as they are? Giving one selective instance of people giving charity does not diminish the majority who would chose not to do so.

              Omniscience is a subset of omnipotence.
              so I only listed Catholic Charities....I listed it because it is one of the largest non-profits in the world.....they help millions upon millions every day.....and as I said money doesn't grow on trees....this means that this charity and others must have an awful lot of donors to keep up large ministries like this one.....and cannot be therefore written off as a one-off....if anything the hugeness of these non-profits would seem to point in the direction of Scrooges being the minority and charitable people being in the majority.....people like me though just prefer to be generous on our own terms....not on government's

              it is up to We the People to decide how to help each other in times of trouble...not have government dictate the terms of such help


                Originally posted by xxxevilgrinxxx View Post
                and you too would be inaccurate, given the POLITICAL (you know, in this political thread) differences between Mussolini's Fascism and Hitler's National Socialism.
                damn you really are fussy about terminology ! how Nazi of you !
                Last edited by SoulReaver; 25 March 2011, 11:29 AM.


                  Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
                  move to a communist country then.....I'm sure they'd love to have you and don't let the door hit your backside on the way out
                  you've seriously gone for the, if you don't like it get out mentality, well done you, seems you don't know what communist means either

                  being against state funded healthcare, doesn't that basically mean you want poor people to die, or at best be pushed into ridiculous debt because they got cancer or something, that doesn't sound very christian to me


                    Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
                    move to a communist country then.....I'm sure they'd love to have you and don't let the door hit your backside on the way out
                    He lives in a democracy, he doesnt have to "get out" if he doesnt like the way things are done. Its an odd thing to tell someone to do when you claim to be about "we the people" and "freedom of this and that." He has as much a rite to stay exactly where he is and enact his democratic right vote for what he believes, and question those he dissagrees with as you do, not get out if he doesnt like what you believe.


                      Originally posted by Ukko View Post
                      He lives in a democracy, he doesnt have to "get out" if he doesnt like the way things are done. Its an odd thing to tell someone to do when you claim to be about "we the people" and "freedom of this and that." He has as much a rite to stay exactly where he is and enact his democratic right vote for what he believes, and question those he dissagrees with as you do, not get out if he doesnt like what you believe.
                      you forget that communism and democracy are 2 completely different forms of is for freedom the other is for 100% total domination of the people by government


                        so if one wants to be a liberty-hating communist one might as well move to a country with the same form of government


                          Originally posted by dosed150 View Post
                          you've seriously gone for the, if you don't like it get out mentality, well done you, seems you don't know what communist means either

                          being against state funded healthcare, doesn't that basically mean you want poor people to die, or at best be pushed into ridiculous debt because they got cancer or something, that doesn't sound very christian to me
                          no I just want to help people as I see fit...not as government sees other words...IRS should jolly well keep its cotton pickin' hands off my hard-earned money and stop taking it only so it can go to people who haven't worked a day in their want help you go to a non-profit charity....that's the way it used to be before everyone thought it would be a jolly cool idea to help the poor by stealing what doesn't belong to them via the levy of taxes


                            Originally posted by dosed150 View Post
                            you've seriously gone for the, if you don't like it get out mentality, well done you, seems you don't know what communist means either

                            being against state funded healthcare, doesn't that basically mean you want poor people to die, or at best be pushed into ridiculous debt because they got cancer or something, that doesn't sound very christian to me
                            of course....If I hated liberty....why on God's green earth would I stick around in a country filled with it?


                              Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
                              so if one wants to be a liberty-hating communist one might as well move to a country with the same form of government
                              Or vote one into the country they are already in.


                                Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
                                you forget that communism and democracy are 2 completely different forms of is for freedom the other is for 100% total domination of the people by government
                                Strange that im given the opportunity to vote for the communist party then.

                                Believe what i believe or get out isnt very democratic and doesnt seem like the words of someone who claims to like freedom and liberty.

