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    We dont need photo ID, we just take in a card with our name and address on which has been issued by the council, heck, i forgot it one day and i told them, they asked my name and address and then let me vote
    Edited to add: They do have a list of our names and addresses in front of them
    Last edited by pookey; 07 February 2016, 01:33 AM.


      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
      So, it's okay to make fun of Mohammed in a disrespectful way, but not Jesus?

      Or it isn't okay to be disrespectful to either?
      How far is too far anyway? (Charlie Hebdo could tell you)
      While i agree, its disrespectful either way, it should not mean "Don't do it"..
      Which is what it seems to get to with Islam. Don't do it or else!..

      Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
      So, a sitting Secretary of state conducts official business, using a private email address on a private email server which was outside the government's control doesn't bother you?
      Add to the the security implications, and it still doesn't bother you?
      What pray tell might bother you enough?

      And if this was say, Trump, Cruz's or somebody else on the right's scandal, rather than Hillary, would it still not bother you?
      It certainly bothers me. IMO if a lesser person had done even 1/10th what she has, they would already have been tried and convicted. BUT cause its Hillary, it seems that she is immune to everything.
      And i DO know several people who feel that "it doesn't matter, cause its hilllary but if it was anyone else (especially on the right) it would matter like crazy"..

      Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
      As for it bothering -me-, umm, not really, it's just more incompetence. What people have to understand is that people really don't actually trust Hillary. No democrat I know (and that's quite a few) trusts her. The issue is, they trust the GOP candidates -even less-.
      But if as you admit, its showing more incompetence, then how is that NOT bothering you that she is running? Do you want someone incompetent to get the white house??

      Originally posted by Womble View Post
      By requiring a photo ID?

      Frankly, I'm surprised at the states in which you CAN vote without a photo ID. Anywhere else in the world this would not even merit a serious discussion; name me a country where you can drop by and vote without a photo ID. Brazil demands biometric identification, for crying out loud.

      How is it even possible for a citizen of a first-world country to not have a photo ID?
      Especially when Having that photo ID is required for damn near everything else you do..


        Originally posted by Womble View Post
        The way I see it, that's a self-solving problem. People who don't care who will govern them willingly refrain from being part of the decision. Makes perfect sense. Wouldn't have it any other way.
        If you choose to do it, fine, but then sit down, shut up, and don't think you will ever live in a democracy.
        Again dude, the situation just boggles my mind. If people choose to do it, that's their call, at least in America.
        By requiring a photo ID?
        No, by making it hard to get the ID, or having voting stations in places difficult to get to, or having elections in the middle of the working week, or any of the other crazy stuff that happens.
        Requiring photo ID is fine.
        Frankly, I'm surprised at the states in which you CAN vote without a photo ID. Anywhere else in the world this would not even merit a serious discussion; name me a country where you can drop by and vote without a photo ID. Brazil demands biometric identification, for crying out loud.

        How is it even possible for a citizen of a first-world country to not have a photo ID?
        As Pooks said, we don't have to produce our ID most of the time, but we are expected to show it if asked. Also, as pooks said, they have our census lists with our names and addresses in front of them.
        A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
        The truth isn't the truth


          Originally posted by garhkal View Post
          While i agree, its disrespectful either way, it should not mean "Don't do it"..
          Which is what it seems to get to with Islam. Don't do it or else!..
          Only with the nutjobs, and not one person here is arguing that there are not nutjobs, active, dangerous, nutjobs out there.

          It certainly bothers me. IMO if a lesser person had done even 1/10th what she has, they would already have been tried and convicted. BUT cause its Hillary, it seems that she is immune to everything.
          And i DO know several people who feel that "it doesn't matter, cause its hilllary but if it was anyone else (especially on the right) it would matter like crazy"..
          What are all her crimes?
          Emails, ok, but what else?

          But if as you admit, its showing more incompetence, then how is that NOT bothering you that she is running? Do you want someone incompetent to get the white house??
          I never said it does not bother me, but given the likely choices of Republican candidates, I find them either more incompetent, or more dangerous. You like Trump, he has Zero experience in public office. Cruz is a slimy little toad who sent out messages that Carson was dropping out of the race -after- it was known he was not during the Iowa caucuses. Rubio -seems- like the only one with a lick of sense, but I think that's more due to him being under the radar to a degree. Carson is a walking advert for Ambien, who wanted to prove he was "hard" by telling everyone he stabbed a family member!!
          A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
          The truth isn't the truth


            Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
            Oh.............. Ok what did they do this time?
            They continue bombing the rebels, who are fighting against Assad and IS, and which so happen to have a delegation at those peace talks.
            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


              Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
              They continue bombing the rebels, who are fighting against Assad and IS, and which so happen to have a delegation at those peace talks.

              Well that's just plain stupid. Something more should be done to shut the ruskies down.

              Meanwhile North Korea launched a rocket and that's upset people. Sneaky buggers
              Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                And all it took was an entire country living in poverty
                Originally posted by aretood2
                Jelgate is right


                  Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                  And all it took was an entire country living in poverty

                  Yes well China is NK's best ally and even they can't control the runt.
                  Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                    Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
                    Meanwhile North Korea launched a rocket and that's upset people. Sneaky buggers
                    I think it's a North-Korea hobby to upset people.
                    Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                    Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                      I like how it was reported in the news here. "NK launches a rocket that could reach Sydney"

                      Cause Sydney is a high priority target for NK.............
                      A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                      The truth isn't the truth


                        Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                        And all it took was an entire country living in poverty
                        When they headline articles "North Korea launched a satellite into space", they should begin with "even".
                        If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.- Abba Eban.


                          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                          What are all her crimes?
                          Emails, ok, but what else?
                          How's about leaving our Envoy in Lybia to be slaughtered..
                          Lying to congress..


                            Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                            How's about leaving our Envoy in Lybia to be slaughtered..
                            Exactly what part was criminal?
                            There is a lot of BS on both sides about this, so I want to know exactly what you feel was criminal.

                            Lying to congress..
                            If that were a crime, you would need to lock them all up
                            What in particular?

                            I am not trying to absolve Hillary, there are good reasons why no one trusts her, even some dems, but I want to know particulars.
                            A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                            The truth isn't the truth


                              A news article
                              Regressive Left Tied to Terrorism
                              Most people in the United States today are worried about terrorism. Between the inflated news media hype and the authentic horrifying attacks that Muslim extremists have carried out on our soil, fear of more violence seems to be at an all-time high. Anti-Islamic sentiment has grown so feverishly that the leading republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump, called for a complete ban on Muslims traveling to the U.S. “until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on.” Fox News spends hours each day reporting on the dangers of Islam, and its right-leaning audience members appear to view Muslims with a mixture of dread and sometimes, outright hatred.

                              Many on the left, understandably, have gone in the opposite direction. While they are certainly concerned about terrorism, they renounce Donald Trump and Fox News as misinformed and damaging. Members of the left say they espouse liberal, progressive values and therefore could never agree with Trump or right-wing reporters regardless of the topic. But many of them are so against the right wing that they refuse to accept any criticism of Islam, however valid. They will not support ex-radical Islamists who have left the religion in favor of secular values. They refuse to support women who are victims of Islam. They refuse to acknowledge the antiquated and backward philosophies inherent in the religion. They turn a blind eye to the violence in the Koran.

                              These are members of what is known as the regressive left, and they are tied to terrorism by actively blocking efforts of the Muslim Reform Movement, a movement that could ultimately end the bloodshed. When it comes to inflaming the passions of Muslim extremists, the regressive left is worse than a million Donald Trumps and a billion Fox News stations put together. To understand the regressive left, let us first take a look at how the term was coined.
                              A vid from Douglas Murray I assume he's maybe a rightwing conservative? on Islam

                              You know its a sad day for those on the left when a neo-con rightwinger makes more sense
                              the left needs more guys like Sam Harris

                              Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                              How far is too far anyway?
                              [ how far is too far ]
                              (Charlie Hebdo could tell you)
                              Charlie Hebdo is not too far, a bunch of radical barbaric thugs killed cartoonists, so what would they do next? Maybe they can next rape and kill a woman for not dressing appropriate, would they murder a shop keeper and burn down a business for selling bacon, would they beat people up for selling alcohol, would they poison or attack a black dog because Mohammed himself, the man they believe a prophet had a phobia of black dogs? would they blow up the studios where South Park is created or bomb the book company that published Rushdie's can not make excuses for radicalism, barbarism and terrorism.
                              Cartoonists and writers should be supported
                              so to answer you question in this case: there is no too far in freedom of speech here!!
                              they killed people for drawing a cartoon, yes murdered, did terrorism, rioted, burnt buildings to the ground, lotted, attacked, beheaded each other across the muslim world and killed random people over toons
                              they killed over a cartoon!! END OF DEBATE

                              Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                              It's Islam, and you are wrong for the record:

                              Why Islam prohibits images of Muhammad
                              (incorrect source from the
                              This is incorrect, by posting this link you are helping spread Islamist propaganda...btw I am not attacking you here I am correcting a fellow Gater, if you have quoted something incorrect then someone friendly to you should correct that mistake and should tell you

                              Mohammed Image Archive
                              Islamic Depictions of Mohammed in Full
                              Last edited by ClockworkNebari; 08 February 2016, 01:17 PM.


                                Originally posted by ClockworkNebari View Post
                                they killed over a cartoon!! END OF DEBATE
                                A cartoon which openly ridiculed Mohammed.
                                More recently they also ridiculed God, and drew a picture of the little boy who drowned last year Aslan (I think his name was) saying that if he had lived he would have grown up to be a rapist.

                                If that's still "freedom of speech" then respect shall not be given.

                                Originally posted by ClockworkNebari View Post
                                This is incorrect, by posting this link you are helping spread Islamist propaganda...btw I am not attacking you here I am correcting a fellow Gater, if you have quoted something incorrect then someone friendly to you should correct that mistake and should tell you
                                Dude, are you serious?

                                Did you even visit the link I provided. I chose that site because it's the official American Islam Association, but I could just as well have used The Telegraph or any other site.

                                Spreading Islam propaganda... my goddess...
                                Allah be merciful on this man's soul. Oh wait, I don't believe in Allah... damn it...

                                So, all those rants against or for regressive left... what are you trying to accomplish here?
                                Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                                Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1

