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    Originally posted by Col.Foley View Post
    OK now I am really curious about what that is. I have not heard the term at all in my political viewings. I admit this is a strange feeling. And why would the mods intervene?
    PH would probably be thinking about the possibility of offence someone might take when Annoyed refers to Obama this way.

    And Britta already gave you the gist of it, though I'm sure should you ask Annoyed he would be more than happy to fill you in.
    Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

    Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


      LSoS stands for Lying Sack of Shiznit.

      Since no word in that phrase is offensive by itself, and the replacement for an offensive word is not really a word; kinda like the way Galactica played fast and loose with broadcast standards back in the 70's, I don't think a mod. would have grounds to object. After all, "shiznit" is undefined, the reader can assume any definition they want.


        Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
        LSoS stands for Lying Sack of Shiznit.
        I couldn't remember the last part -- I thought it was Shissit. It does sound the same.
        Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

        Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


          Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
          The US of A goes down the drain if Trump is elected. Gone superpower, hello China!
          Not in my opinion. It surely will though if Hillary gets in.

          Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
          When asked what he would do in a hypothetical situation - China sinking a Filipino or Japanese ship:

          I would say the exact same thing; only an idiot tells his enemies or potential enemies what they have in mind.
          Same here. I am amazed at the amount of info we let the press put out about what we are going to do, and when and to whom.. Its almost like we WANT them to know our battle plan so they can get out of dodge.


            Originally posted by garhkal View Post
            Not in my opinion. It surely will though if Hillary gets in.
            Here is the thing. You're both right
            Originally posted by aretood2
            Jelgate is right


              I'm thinking how amusing Trump as president would be.
              Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                I couldn't remember the last part -- I thought it was Shissit. It does sound the same.
                No, that's Chassit, the high speech word for death!!!!
                Damn his FEMA death camps!!!!
                A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                The truth isn't the truth


                  Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
                  I'm thinking how amusing Trump as president would be.
                  -puts on C-3PO voice-
                  Amusing is hardly the word I would use.
                  A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                  The truth isn't the truth


                    Originally posted by gatefan1976 View Post
                    -puts on c-3po voice-
                    amusing is hardly the word i would use.
                    Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                    Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                      Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                      Dr. Ben Carson, unlike the messaiah Trump he doesn't lie nor does he make vague promisis that remind me of the rhetoric used by Mossulini. He's never corrupted politicians and doesn't pander to Evangelicals by pretending tobe Christian and then admitting that he has never asked God for forgiveness and despises reporters who ask hard questions.
                      Carson is definitely worth consideration at this point, even though there are a few things that raise my eyebrows.

                      First, the plus sides.
                      2nd amendment:
                      From a facebook post dated November 10, 2014:
                      I feel that the Second Amendment is vitally important. I would NEVER COMPROMISE the Second Amendment in any way. It was put there for very specific reasons: so that the people could act and support the military in case of an invasion, but more importantly, so the people could protect themselves from an overly aggressive government. We absolutely cannot compromise that. You have a right to bear arms.
                      He favors a balanced budget amendment. This may be smoke and mirrors, 'cause I doubt ANYONE could actually push such an amendment through.

                      He makes good noises on foreign policy, but I am concerned that he may want to play world policeman in situations such as Russia. Our military might not be quite up to that after 8+ years of emasculation by the current administration. He also seems to be able to be proud of the United States, as opposed to being apologetic for it, as Obama ( Happy, PH? =) ) is.
                      On the other hand, he does favor rebuilding our military.

                      He favors a return to local control of schools, which is the best place for it.

                      There really is a lot to like here.

                      On the down side, he is saying conflicting things on illegal immigration; I get the sense he is letting the Clinton technique decide his stance here; stick a finger in the air and see which way the wind is blowing. As of now, he's not saying the right things on this for me. And this is a priority 1 issue for me.

                      He references religion far too much; he is basing his flat tax proposal upon the religious tenant of Tithing. But he does say one thing I like on this topic, that separation of church and state does not mean that God should be kicked from the public arena altogether.

                      He favors reparations for WWII Japanese, which is a bad idea. In case no one remembers, Japan attacked us on 12/7/41, not the other way around.

                      He proposes dropping the legal standard for intoxication to .02, from the current .08. This is will be very large revenue generator for local police and state coffers. Since Alcohol affects different people differently, any kind of arbitrary standard is nonsense.. A coordination or ability test should be used instead.

                      Oh, and one other thing.
                      He might try coming up with an original slogan. From his campaign web site:
                      I hope you’ll join me. Together we can make America great again.
                      Where have I heard that before?


                        Originally posted by Annoyed View Post

                        He favors reparations for WWII Japanese, which is a bad idea. In case no one remembers, Japan attacked us on 12/7/41, not the other way around.
                        And people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki are still suffering the effects of the nuclear bombs the US dropped on them, in case no one remembers..

                        The US helped rebuild Germany.. And that was the base of the whole Nazi operation.. in case no one remembers..


                          Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
                          And people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki are still suffering the effects of the nuclear bombs the US dropped on them, in case no one remembers..
                          It was a tragedy, but those attacks were the direct result of Japanese aggression against the United States.
                          The outcome of the war at that point was never in any doubt by that point in time. Japan was going to lose, and lose hard.
                          But the Japanese government would have never surrendered; they would have forced the U.S. to engage in a very bloody assault on the island of Japan which would have killed far more people on both sides than the nukes did. At the end of the day, the decision to use nukes saved many lives which would have otherwise been lost in a conquest of Japan. More than were killed by the nukes.

                          Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
                          The US helped rebuild Germany.. And that was the base of the whole Nazi operation.. in case no one remembers..
                          The U.S. also helped rebuild Japan after the war as well.


                            Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                            It was a tragedy, but those attacks were the direct result of Japanese aggression against the United States.
                            The outcome of the war at that point was never in any doubt by that point in time. Japan was going to lose, and lose hard.
                            So why not drop two of the most powerful bombs ever created on an already defeated enemy

                            And not the military bases, not the soldiers, the people who are actively fighting against the US forces. But cities, where the civilians live. Innocent men, women and children vaporised in an instant. The people further out suffered agonising deaths.

                            And people are still suffering the effects now. People are born with defects caused by those bombs.

                            Far more died because those bombs were dropped in the instant it happened and the years since than would have died in a few extra weeks or months of war.


                              Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
                              So why not drop two of the most powerful bombs ever created on an already defeated enemy

                              And not the military bases, not the soldiers, the people who are actively fighting against the US forces. But cities, where the civilians live. Innocent men, women and children vaporised in an instant. The people further out suffered agonising deaths.

                              And people are still suffering the effects now. People are born with defects caused by those bombs.

                              Far more died because those bombs were dropped in the instant it happened and the years since than would have died in a few extra weeks or months of war.
                              As I said, Japan's leadership, Emperor Hirohito would not have surrendered without a very long and bloody street by street military invasion and conquest of the island of Japan. Don't take my word for it, review the history of it yourself.
                              Only the completely overwhelming power and demoralizing aspect of nukes convinced him that there was no chance of Japan surviving had he not surrendered.

                              Yes, I know, as I said, it was a tragedy for the two cities that were nuked. But it was the best possible way to end an unpleasant situation that Japan brought upon itself.


                                Originally posted by Annoyed View Post

                                Yes, I know, as I said, it was a tragedy for the two cities that were nuked. But it was the best possible way to end an unpleasant situation that Japan brought upon itself.
                                Maybe for the US..

