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    Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
    I imagine those 60K workers didn't all get laid off because of economic issues. Technologies advance too. It's a simple fact that technology kills the need to have more humans around to do one job.

    Why do you always feel the need to throw communism and socialism in the same bin? They might have some simularities but they are two different things - Comparing Economic Systems: Capitalism, Communism and Socialism explained.

    The most important principle of communism is that no private ownership of property should be allowed. [...] Property should be shared, and the people should ultimately control the economy. The government should exercise the control in the name of the people, at least in the transition between capitalism and communism. The goals are to eliminate the gap between the rich and poor and bring about economic equality.

    [...] Socialism believes that wealth and income should be shared more equally among people. Socialists differ from communists in that they do not believe that the workers will overthrow capitalists suddenly and violently. Nor do they believe that all private property should be eliminated. Their main goal is to narrow, not totally eliminate, the gap between the rich and the poor. The government, they say, has a responsibility to redistribute wealth to make society more fair and just.
    Then please explain why Communist Russia was known as the Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics, and why the full name of the Nazi party that controlled Germany during WW2 is literally translated as "National SOCIALIST Party?"

    all these different forms of collectivism are essentially different rungs of the same ladder


      Because no one ever used Christian laws to make laws and rules, and/or constitutions.

      Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

      Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


        Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
        Then please explain why Communist Russia was known as the Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics, and why the full name of the Nazi party that controlled Germany during WW2 is literally translated as "National SOCIALIST Party?"

        all these different forms of collectivism are essentially different rungs of the same ladder
        You don't trust the word of those governments. It's the same with the term "People's Republic".



          Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
          Then please explain why Communist Russia was known as the Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics, and why the full name of the Nazi party that controlled Germany during WW2 is literally translated as "National SOCIALIST Party?"
          and while we're at it the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is a democracy & a republic by the people for the people


            Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
            The city schools spend 30K/year per student. The teachers and other school staff have compensation packages that are generous to a fault. Median salary is around 50K, with another 25K in benefits tacked on to that.
            Though I am not sure about the benefits the average salary is above 50K here not sure what the median is.
            What do we get for our money? 43% graduation rate, and a whopping 5% are considered competent to enter college after finishing school. And the education unions scream like stuck pigs when there is talk of them having some form of accountability.
            Our graduation rate was 83% a few years back, now it is above 90%. PSSA's (state standardized testing) wasn't very good but that didn't reflect student body's achievements post high school. Not to mention plenty of classmates of mine told me that they completely blew off those tests or didn't really try too hard.

            Largely, I doubt the issue is teacher pay for your NY community. But like I said before, don't punish the successful schools/teachers for the failures of others. I don't want some political holy crusade to mess with this school system before I get a chance to have children and put them through this school system. That's the fault of No Child Left Behind. Great for struggling schools, horrible for successful ones. (Especially of standardized tests are as horrible as they have been reported to be. There have been AP students who have been kicked out of advanced programs not because they were to challenging, but because the test said so).

            We buried 1 police officer who was killed by a thug earlier this year.

            During the 70's and 80's, we had several large very corporations headquartered here. One of them alone had 60K workers on the payroll back then.

            These companies have all moved the lions share of their facilities out of the state, primarily to escape the high cost and regulatory burden imposed by the state. The one that had 60K workers in the eighties? They've got about 2000 these days.

            Recall the economic boom of the 1990's that most of the nation enjoyed? That bypassed us completely, as companies continued to leave to escape the state's tax collectors.

            Our population is leaving, too. Aside from NY city, which is an animal unto itself, population levels have declined for the rest of the state. People are having to move out because there are no jobs here.

            I could go on for hours; there are so many ways this area is "reaping the rewards of liberal/democratic policies", but I don't have all day.

            I don't know where you are, but be glad it's not here.
            That's sad to hear. Growth in my area is moderate, it really depends on the industry. In the end no matter where you live and no matter what governmental system is used, there will always be problems and issues.

            Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
            Then please explain why Communist Russia was known as the Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics, and why the full name of the Nazi party that controlled Germany during WW2 is literally translated as "National SOCIALIST Party?"

            all these different forms of collectivism are essentially different rungs of the same ladder

            There's no rule that dictates that a nation's name should actually reflect said nation's character. After all, the People's Republic of China is neither run by the Chinese people nor a republic. The only truth in that name is the "of China" part and even that is contested by a certain island who shall remain nameless. The United Kingdom is a kingdom in name only at this point. And I can assure you, that the Holy Roman Empire was neither Roman nor holy.

            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
            Because no one ever used Christian laws to make laws and rules, and/or constitutions.

            Many liberals in the US would strongly contest that that has ever happened in the US in the past. Just saying...To be honest, it proves the point you're trying to disprove.
            By Nolamom


              Originally posted by Britta View Post
              You don't trust the word of those governments. It's the same with the term "People's Republic".
              <--- Note Location Tag


                Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                That's sad to hear. Growth in my area is moderate, it really depends on the industry. In the end no matter where you live and no matter what governmental system is used, there will always be problems and issues.
                NY's problem is that our state government is so hostile towards business that businesses are moving out of the state. This is what happens when the government is a liberal paradise.


                  Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                  NY's problem is that our state government is so hostile towards business that businesses are moving out of the state. This is what happens when the government is a liberal paradise.
                  Extremes are rarely a good thing.
                  By Nolamom


                    And more from the "This is absurd" department.

                    California Senate officials earlier this year hired two part-time employees to provide late-night and early-morning rides for members while they are in Sacramento, a 24-hour service that follows high-profile drunken driving arrests involving lawmakers in recent years.

                    The office of Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de León declined to discuss the details or rationale of the program.

                    “We’re not going to provide comment, because it’s a security issue,” spokesman Anthony Reyes said.
                    Hey, it's only taxpayer money, after all.


                      Tell me again why government employee unions don't need to be broken, and broken hard, ala Scott Walker style?

                      Wouldn’t you like to have a job where you get paid to slack off, and no matter what, have a powerful authority to back you up, winning battles to preserve your salary, benefits, and your every demand if your boss tries to fire you?

                      It’s a fact of life for many government workers. A dive into government labor fights at the Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA) reveals a nasty secret—the great lengths federal unions go to protect government slackers, at your expense.


                        Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                        And more from the "This is absurd" department.

                        Hey, it's only taxpayer money, after all.

                        That is crazy
                        Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                          There are reports (don't want to link as this is yet to be confirmed by more mainstream sources) that ISIS is excavating the nuclear reactor site in Syria that was destroyed by an Israeli airstrike several years ago. Probably hoping to find enough radioactive material for a dirty bomb.
                          If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.- Abba Eban.


                            Originally posted by Womble View Post
                            There are reports (don't want to link as this is yet to be confirmed by more mainstream sources) that ISIS is excavating the nuclear reactor site in Syria that was destroyed by an Israeli airstrike several years ago. Probably hoping to find enough radioactive material for a dirty bomb.

                            And imagine the blame game if they use it.
                            Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                              IF they use it... When they use it, you mean. That is, when they find enough to make a dirty bomb, and I don't think you need much for one either. Bomb doesn't have to be that big (depending on the target).

                              Let's face it, these fanatics think of one thing only ... kill every non-believer (Muslim, Christian, Bhudist, Jezidi, ... and every other religion out there that doesn't fit the ISIS-way), leave none alive.
                              Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                              Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                                Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                                IF they use it... When they use it, you mean. That is, when they find enough to make a dirty bomb, and I don't think you need much for one either. Bomb doesn't have to be that big (depending on the target).

                                Let's face it, these fanatics think of one thing only ... kill every non-believer (Muslim, Christian, Bhudist, Jezidi, ... and every other religion out there that doesn't fit the ISIS-way), leave none alive.

                                They are very much like the Daleks
                                Go home aliens, go home!!!!

