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    Merry Christmas US government workers.
    A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
    The truth isn't the truth


      Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
      Merry Christmas US government workers.

      They won't get paid it's not so merry.
      Go home aliens, go home!!!!


        Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
        many women are pro-life
        until they're the ones concerned

        Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
        They won't get paid it's not so merry.
        that's the point :/


          Hope you did your part Annoyed

          I don’t want to be human. I want to see gamma rays, I want to hear X-rays, and I want to smell dark matter. Do you see the absurdity of what I am? I can’t even express these things properly, because I have to—I have to conceptualize complex ideas in this stupid, limiting spoken language, but I know I want to reach out with something other than these prehensile paws, and feel the solar wind of a supernova flowing over me. I’m a machine, and I can know much more.


            Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
            They won't get paid it's not so merry.
            Actually, they will get whatever is owed to them in a lump sum after the shutdown ends.


              Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
              Actually, they will get whatever is owed to them in a lump sum after the shutdown ends.
              Only if congress elects to do so for furloughed workers, it's not automatic. Also, any contractors are in a worse boat as congress historically has never back paid them.
              A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
              The truth isn't the truth


                I rather like this piece about the shutdown. Presents that all sides are better off standing pat on this, so it might be a long shutdown.



                  He's been talking about sacking the head of the Federal Reserve too. Is he just so incompetent he'd rather blame everyone else then wear his mistakes, I think he is.


                  Oh look he's blaming someone else
                  Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                    Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
                    He's been talking about sacking the head of the Federal Reserve too. Is he just so incompetent he'd rather blame everyone else then wear his mistakes, I think he is.


                    Oh look he's blaming someone else
                    Originally posted by aretood2
                    Jelgate is right


                      anyone else notice the irony of the US government shutdown coinciding with the darkest day (literally - winter solstice)
                      aint that a good omen


                        Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                        I'm able to assimilate as Jewish without conversion? I don't have to convert into Catholicism to become Italian.
                        Umm, you don't need to convert to Judaism to gain Israeli citizenship, either. My wife will be a full citizen in 5 to 7 years through naturalization process. The process is a lot of bureaucratic pain, but it does not require a 100 questions language and civics test that most natural-born citizens would fail, like in the USA.

                        Acquisition of Israeli Nationality

               do know I am American right? That I live on a side of the world where that is the only form of nationality. We do recognize ethnicities and they tend to be "German" and "Mexican"...but Mexican and American are both Ethnicities and Nationalities. This is my worldview. Ethnicities are also more complex but one needs not convert or be born off a convert to be a Mexican or an American. Religion doesn't play a role despite what some would want in both countries.
                        Yes, I know, and you are subject to American prejudices that come with it. In the USA and Western Europe, being Jewish is viewed as a religion-mostly or even religion-only due to historical quirks, but that is an outlier not a norm. In Russia and Eastern Europe, for example, being Jewish is seen as ethnicity-only with religion an entirely optional component. There are historic reasons for it that are quite recent - in Western Europe post- Enlightenment, secularization of societies led to Jews trying to fit into emerging new identities as Germans/French/Italians of Mosaic faith (prompting the new anti-Semitism that targeted the Jews by ethnic lineage in order to keep the assimilated ones in the crosshairs), thereby prompting Jews to de-emphasise the ethnic component of identity - whereas in the Russian Empire, the persecution was religion-centered (Pale of Settlements restrictions which could only be circumvented through conversion, attempts at forced conscription of all Jewish males from age 12 up into the 25 year military service where they would be forcibly converted etc. and later the USSR prohibition on practicing religions), thereby prompting Jews to de-emphasize religious component of identity in favor if the ethnic one. The inconvenience caused to Gatefan and other "critics", while enjoyable, was not intentional.

                        (Whether American is an ethnicity is an interesting question. Never thought about it before).

                        Enlighten me? I might...and hold I know it sounds crazy and radical, but I might actually learn something.

                        Pointing out that I am ignorant of something without bothering to educate me, what good is that? Most people that I have talked to (That is people from other countries) take the time to explain something that I don't understand. That's just something people do in discussions like this. But you seem to be using it as a "Shut up" tactic.

                        It's like the abortion debate. Pro-choicers use the "You're not a woman so shut up about it" which just sidesteps any and all points on the matter ignoring that many women are pro-life to shame a pro-lifer into submission.
                        I've tried before.

                        The full English translation of the law is freely available. This is ALL of it, and it's been Googlable since July. Most of it is restatement of stuff that's been on the books forever, in the Declaration of Independence and in previous basic laws, and the new law itself is little more than populistic tautology. Feel free to explain which part it is that gets your goat - or, for that matter, which part it is that's new and worthy of controversy - because my impression so far is that you are criticizing something you've never read.
                        If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.- Abba Eban.


                          Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                          anyone else notice the irony of the US government shutdown coinciding with the darkest day (literally - winter solstice)
                          aint that a good omen

                          Winter is coming!

                          Will the USA slide down a fiscal cliff?
                          Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                            Yes. Trump is a terrible driver
                            Originally posted by aretood2
                            Jelgate is right


                              Originally posted by Chaka-Z0 View Post
                              Hope you did your part Annoyed

                              Did you?

                              GoFundMe account looks to buy 'ladders' to scale Trump's border wall


                                Lots of idiots gave away money
                                Originally posted by aretood2
                                Jelgate is right

