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    Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
    You actually pay attention to the drivel printed by that site GF referenced?
    Then lets find you a source that you love, shall we...

    How about The Charlotte Observer, a local paper from where Tom Farr hails:

    Trump pick for NC judge accused of ‘hostile record on African-American voting rights and workers’ rights’

    This is Thomas Alvin Farr for you:

    ...has committed himself to two main missions: disenfranchising voters of color and attacking workers’ rights. Farr has been the go-to private attorney for North Carolina Republicans in their efforts to dilute African-American votes and implement laws aimed at making it more difficult for communities of color to vote. Indeed, the courts have rebuked Farr’s most recent voting rights cases. Farr unsuccessfully represented the Republican-led North Carolina Legislature in Cooper v. Harris, 137 S. Ct. 1455 (2017). The Supreme Court concluded that the Legislature had engaged in an unconstitutional racial gerrymander when it redrew two districts after the 2010 census. Farr also failed in his attempt to defend North Carolina’s restrictive voter identification law. See North Carolina v. N.C. State Conf. of the NAACP, 137 S. Ct. 1399 (2017). The Supreme Court denied review of the Fourth Circuit’s decision that Republican legislators had enacted the law with discriminatory intent, “target[ing] African Americans with almost surgical precision.” N.C. State Conf. of the NAACP v. McCrory, 831 F.3d 204, 214 (4th Cir. 2016).
    And here's Jeff Mateer for you:

    ...his most controversial statements were made in two 2015 speeches, in which he said transgender children are proof that “Satan’s plan is working” and same-sex marriage is a harbinger for “disgusting” practices such as polygamy and bestiality. He also appeared to advocate for gay conversion therapy, a discredited practice banned by a handful of states and condemned by human rights and medical groups.
    The title of the speech is pretty telling he's probably in favor of a Christian Caliphate in the US:

    In a May 2015 speech, titled “The Church and Homosexuality,” Mateer talked about a Colorado lawsuit in which the parents of a transgender girl sued her school for blocking her from using the restroom consistent with her gender identity.

    “In Colorado, a public school has been sued because a first grader and I forget the sex, she’s a girl who thinks she’s a boy or a boy who thinks she’s a girl, it’s probably that, a boy who thinks she’s a girl,” Mateer said. “And the school said, ‘Well, she’s not using the girl’s restroom.’ And so she has now sued to have a right to go in. Now, I submit to you, a parent of three children who are now young adults, a first grader really knows what their sexual identity? I mean it just really shows you how Satan’s plan is working and the destruction that’s going on.”
    In that same May 2015 speech, Mateer said that a Supreme Court decision in favor of same-sex marriage — which had not yet come out — could pervert the institution of marriage in “disgusting” ways

    “I submit to you that there’ll be no line there,” he said. “And actually in the arguments of Chief Justice Roberts, who’s in the center there said, I mean, what is the limiting? Why couldn’t four people wanna get married? Why not one man and three women? Or three women and one man? And we’re gonna spare you some of those slides. We actually have a presentation that we get into it. And I’ll tell you, we say it’s PG-13, it may be R, or what do they call the next one? NC-17 or whatever?”
    In separate remarks in November 2015, Mateer lamented the push to ban “ex-gay” conversion therapy at a conference hosted by pastor Kevin Swanson, who gained notoriety during the 2016 presidential election for remarks insisting homosexuality should be punishable by death.

    “Biblical counselors and therapists, we’ve seen cases in New Jersey and in California where folks have gotten in trouble because they gave biblical counseling and, you know, the issue is always, it’s same sex,” Mateer says in the speech. “And if you’re giving conversion therapy, that’s been outlawed in at least two states and then in some local areas. So they’re invading that area.”
    I assume you still love them -- I mean, what do you care about anyone else's rights but your own hey...

    Here's the guy who told Trumpywumpy to pick them: Leonard Leo

    Leo, 51, has spent his 26-year legal career at the Federalist Society, whose goal is to promote free-market principles and limited government. Many of its members have strong religious beliefs, like Leo, who is a devout Catholic.
    Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

    Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


      Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
      You actually pay attention to the drivel printed by that site GF referenced?
      We pay attention to your dribble..............
      A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
      The truth isn't the truth


        Isn't that the problem? Annoyed dismisses news sites that contradictis his ideology. I read news from both sides of the spectrum
        Originally posted by aretood2
        Jelgate is right


          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
          It's not a punishment dude!!
          Mrs GF and I, as a couple will provide more tax dollars to the state than you ever will, but I don't see that as punishment, I see it as an economic reality.
          That's not how it is here in the states, what with all the tax credits families with kids get, and the generally HIGHER tax threshhold they have.. As someone who for 6 years, assisted in the VITA job (Volunteer income tax assistant) i saw just how much families got back in taxes in apr, than us single folk got.. Even when the single person earned LESS than the married with kids person did..

          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
          If you met a million of them, that would represent less than 0.3% of the population of the US.
          Gamers, at least in the classic D&D sense of gamers are a severe minority and at the height of pen and paper RPG's (80's-90's), we were seen as devil worshippers because we did not conform.
          Strange then, since i see a lot more gamers now than i did back in the 80=90s..

          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
          Did it ever have an effect?

          What if the couple can't have children? Will you force divorce as well?
          If society ever got to the point of forcing people to marry for what ever reason, then it might stand to reason there would be something to cover that situation..


            Originally posted by garhkal View Post
            That's not how it is here in the states, what with all the tax credits families with kids get, and the generally HIGHER tax threshhold they have.. As someone who for 6 years, assisted in the VITA job (Volunteer income tax assistant) i saw just how much families got back in taxes in apr, than us single folk got.. Even when the single person earned LESS than the married with kids person did..
            What about when their kids enter the workforce?
            You are looking at it in a vacuum, and that's not how society works.
            Strange then, since i see a lot more gamers now than i did back in the 80=90s..
            Not the point I was making.
            A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
            The truth isn't the truth


              Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
              Then lets find you a source that you love, shall we...

              How about The Charlotte Observer, a local paper from where Tom Farr hails:

              Trump pick for NC judge accused of ‘hostile record on African-American voting rights and workers’ rights’

              This is Thomas Alvin Farr for you:

              And here's Jeff Mateer for you:

              The title of the speech is pretty telling he's probably in favor of a Christian Caliphate in the US:

              I assume you still love them -- I mean, what do you care about anyone else's rights but your own hey...

              Here's the guy who told Trumpywumpy to pick them: Leonard Leo

              Leo, 51, has spent his 26-year legal career at the Federalist Society, whose goal is to promote free-market principles and limited government. Many of its members have strong religious beliefs, like Leo, who is a devout Catholic.
              Originally posted by jelgate View Post
              Isn't that the problem? Annoyed dismisses news sites that contradictis his ideology. I read news from both sides of the spectrum
              jelgate has a point here. It really does depend on where you are coming from, doesn't it?

              FH, you may consider that Charlotte paper to be center or even right leaning, based on your comment that "it's a source I love". but it is in reality, left-biased, according to To you, it may seem right-biased, but that's because you yourself are very far to the left.

              You rail against the positions those potential judges have, and yeah, one of 'em looks over the line to me also. But to me, a judge who would order a private business owner, such as a bakery to provide services for an event that he has religious objections to is just as far out of line. That decision disregards property owner's rights just as much as the guy you hate disregards voting rights.

              To me, Fox seems to be the most accurate, because it refects my view, just as you consider the leftie sites to be better because of where you are. Everything is relative.

              And, no, I'm not talking about THOSE relatives.


                Hang on.
                I supplied that bias checker months ago and you said they were all left leaning BS.
                A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                The truth isn't the truth


                  Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                  Hang on.
                  I supplied that bias checker months ago and you said they were all left leaning BS.
                  I remember where I got it. I ain't that old. Yet, anyway.
                  I figured you would chime in when you saw it.

                  The fact checking site itself is biased to me. I looked through its list of what it considered the best sources and it had USA Today as a least biased? Like any Gannett paper, that paper is very left biased.

                  I used it here to illustrate the point that where everything else is for an entity is relative to where that entity is on the scale. the bias checker site, which is itself biased considered the Charlotte paper to be left. Which make the Charlotte paper even farther to the left.


                    The problem is that you reject any information that disagrees with your ideology as left biased
                    Originally posted by aretood2
                    Jelgate is right


                      Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                      I remember where I got it. I ain't that old. Yet, anyway.
                      I figured you would chime in when you saw it.

                      The fact checking site itself is biased to me. I looked through its list of what it considered the best sources and it had USA Today as a least biased? Like any Gannett paper, that paper is very left biased.

                      I used it here to illustrate the point that where everything else is for an entity is relative to where that entity is on the scale. the bias checker site, which is itself biased considered the Charlotte paper to be left. Which make the Charlotte paper even farther to the left.
                      So, your perception of what is truth is the standard?
                      Isn't that -exactly- what you constantly accuse the left of?
                      A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                      The truth isn't the truth


                        Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                        What about when their kids enter the workforce?.
                        When you stop claiming the kid as a dependent, those credits go bye...


                          Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                          The fact checking site itself is biased to me. I looked through its list of what it considered the best sources and it had USA Today as a least biased? Like any Gannett paper, that paper is very left biased.
                          No, it's not. You should read the information they provide. It checks for sourcing and loading words, IE how it comes across.

                          Hell they have a whole page on methodology:

                          For instance, you can pretty much tell if something is left or right leaning from the topics on the main page.

                          Here, a quick check:
                          Right-biased: Fox news

                          First five topics i see:
                          -The Florida Democrat who criticized President Donald Trump this week for being "insensitive" toward the widow of a U.S. soldier slain in Africa might be facing similar criticism herself.
                          -Ellen DeGeneres fails to press Las Vegas security guard in interview
                          -Quebec Unmasked
                          -Grandmother bags gator while on hunt with son, grandchildren
                          -Kaepernick retweets posts slamming Goodell after owners meetings

                          Left-biased: CNN:

                          -Tillerson labels China predatory rule breaker
                          -4 soldiers dead. a chaotic scene. few answers
                          -Study: insect populations plummet 75%

                          after that it's a homogeneous gruel of topics. Hurricane aftermath, trump's call with a military widow, and catalonia
                          (god i hate this site, maybe even more than fox's. who designed this?)

                          I mean, they're barely even reporting the same news. Fox doesn't even mention catalonia on it's front page, i found one link to the hurricane and one to China.

                          Hell, i'll throw in my main international news source, The Guardian:

                          (I picked it because it actually has a nice site design and reasonable reporting. The left-bias is fairly low in their reporting, and sometimes insufferable in their opinion pieces. But they label it fairly well).

                          Main topics:
                          -New Zealand elections
                          -rescued children facing limbo
                          -China: A huge deal as the era of Xi Jinping thought begins
                          -Russia: World's deepest lake crippled by putrid algae

                          and then some small stuff against Trump's handling of a military women, brexit, travelban and russia.

                          I think you can play this game for a while, before you find two sites with the same front-page news.
                          Last edited by thekillman; 18 October 2017, 11:41 PM.


                            Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                            If society ever got to the point of forcing people to marry for what ever reason, then it might stand to reason there would be something to cover that situation..
                            Mmm... indeed, it probably would.

                            Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                            FH, you may consider that Charlotte paper to be center or even right leaning, based on your comment that "it's a source I love". but it is in reality, left-biased, according to To you, it may seem right-biased, but that's because you yourself are very far to the left.
                            Nope, I didn't actually think you'd love it -- hence why I wanted to change the sentence but forgot. The reporting style of the article wasn't right (leaning) enough. But I did consider it center enough for it to be between left and right, and therefore neutral enough because I couldn't find an article even discussing the appointments on the first page of my results. I was pressed for time.

                            And also, I'm not far left... I don't even know what that means (notwithstanding far left is a Trump invention).
                            I'm center-left, for the record.

                            Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                            ou rail against the positions those potential judges have, and yeah, one of 'em looks over the line to me also. But to me, a judge who would order a private business owner, such as a bakery to provide services for an event that he has religious objections to is just as far out of line. That decision disregards property owner's rights just as much as the guy you hate disregards voting rights.
                            Someone who actively crosses the line on any one issue, or worked actively towards voter suppression in this case, is not fit to sit in any judge-seat. If you can't see past your own prejudice or ill-conceived notions, then you are not fit to serve the people.

                            Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                            To me, Fox seems to be the most accurate, because it refects my view, just as you consider the leftie sites to be better because of where you are. Everything is relative.
                            I read all sites actually... compare and try to find the source of the thing. You are one-tracked right.
                            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                              Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                              Someone who actively crosses the line on any one issue, or worked actively towards voter suppression in this case, is not fit to sit in any judge-seat. If you can't see past your own prejudice or ill-conceived notions, then you are not fit to serve the people.
                              Just as a judge who elevates the rights of the gay couple above those of the bakery owner in order to force the baker to provide services he doesn't want to provide on religious exceptions isn't fit to serve.


                                Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                                Just as a judge who elevates the rights of the gay couple above those of the bakery owner in order to force the baker to provide services he doesn't want to provide on religious exceptions isn't fit to serve.
                                Is it the gay you find "objectionable", or the interference of State and/or Federal law in "private business"?
                                Government interference in private business -can- be bad, it can also be good.
                                If it's the gay you find objectionable, however.............
                                ALL THANKS TO THE WONDERFUL CREATOR OF THIS SIG GO TO R.I.G.
                                A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                                The truth isn't the truth

