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    YOu don't respond with a nuke. Why double/triple the radiation?

    That's when you go in iwth a surgical strike and remove the head of the snake, along with concurrent strikes to damage other launch facilities. Then with NK being the aggressor it gives reason for a UN force to come in, take over the country, remove it's leaders and let it be an occupied country until a sane leader can be found.

    Playing tit for tat with nukes just increases the probability of armageddon and the probability of Max Max or any other post apocalyptic scenario you can think of.
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      YOu don't respond with a nuke. Why double/triple the radiation?

      That's when you go in iwth a surgical strike and remove the head of the snake, along with concurrent strikes to damage other launch facilities. Then with NK being the aggressor it gives reason for a UN force to come in, take over the country, remove it's leaders and let it be an occupied country until a sane leader can be found.

      Playing tit for tat with nukes just increases the probability of armageddon and the probability of Max Max or any other post apocalyptic scenario you can think of.
      If that tinpot does strike first, you can bet he's going to be holed up quite deep before the launch and it will be very hard to pry him out of his hole afterwards.

      I like the surgical strike, that's my intent with the small tactical nukes, rather than blasting entire cities with either conventional or nuclear weapons. It's not the Korean people we have issues with, it's their leaders, and that may be the only way to cut the head off the snake. If we can get him with conventional, like the "M.O.A.B." bomb used a few months back, great. That's the preferred way. But that might not be enough.


        You can't count on help from his people. There may be some that see what we would call reason, but for many, they're so deep into the brainwashing that they lay themselves down in front of tanks to save him.
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
          You can't count on help from his people. There may be some that see what we would call reason, but for many, they're so deep into the brainwashing that they lay themselves down in front of tanks to save him.
          I'm not counting on his people. I'm just saying that our beef isn't with them, it's with the leadership, so we shouldn't want to bomb his people.


            Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
            Wasn't it "killary" you were worried about starting a war?
            Actually i never mentioned i was worried about her being a warmonger.. Though i do know several conservative news peeps were..

            Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
            Are you surprised?
            Trumps BASE (and I mean his hardcore base, not people who just wanted to shake up the system) bought into Obama being
            1: Not American
            2: Not Christian, but a secret Muslim
            3: The Founder of ISIS
            And with all obama did, how can anyone blame them for having that belief..

            Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
            Few hundred thousand? Not unless he hits a major population centre, and they are all liberal, so why care?
            With how small Guam is, if they hit there, even if not in a major population center will most likely wipe out the whole island...

            Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
            Not with N Korea, but perhaps with China.
            With how many South koreans and japanese are WELL within range of NK's artillery, its not just US that will pay a price though if NK does go off the deep end..

            Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
            There's still the radiation cloud to consider. And I don't know how you would contain the cloud of radioactive poison just to NK. Even with tactical nukes the radiation cloud has every chance of slowly poisoning SK and parts of China and Japan. I'm not opposed to dealing with Dictator Fathead. I just wouldn't wanna risk slowly poisoning adjacent nations with a cloud of thermonuclear fallout.
            Which is why at times, i would love to have an Imp star or two, to park in orbit and turbolaser barrage his ass from space.



              A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
              The truth isn't the truth


                Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                Actually i never mentioned i was worried about her being a warmonger.. Though i do know several conservative news peeps were..
                Collective you, not personal you, sorry man.

                And with all obama did, how can anyone blame them for having that belief..
                What did he do?
                He was Born in Hawaii, so he is an American citizen, He went to church, not Mosque, so chances are he is Christian, and ISIS started before he came along.
                I blame them for being ignorant, and embracing being ignorant.
                With how small Guam is, if they hit there, even if not in a major population center will most likely wipe out the whole island...
                How is that relevant to what I said?

                With how many South koreans and japanese are WELL within range of NK's artillery, its not just US that will pay a price though if NK does go off the deep end..
                Again, how is that relevant?
                SK has rockets aimed at it all the time, and yes, if someone strikes at NK, SK will pay the biggest price, but this has -nothing- to do with China stepping in if they see their interests threatened by the US.
                Which is why at times, i would love to have an Imp star or two, to park in orbit and turbolaser barrage his ass from space.
                Why am I unsurprised you would choose the Imperial route. If they were a planet, I am sure you would want a death star.
                A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                The truth isn't the truth


                  Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                  YOu don't respond with a nuke. Why double/triple the radiation?
                  That is basically why MAD no longer works, and why North Korea et al can afford to threaten the world with nukes. Because setting off a nuke is no longer suicide.

                  That's when you go in iwth a surgical strike and remove the head of the snake, along with concurrent strikes to damage other launch facilities. Then with NK being the aggressor it gives reason for a UN force to come in, take over the country, remove it's leaders and let it be an occupied country until a sane leader can be found.
                  You can't do that. Occupying countries is wrong. North Korean people are not guilty of their leader's behavior and subjecting them to war and occupation is collective punishment and therefore illegal.

                  Besides, they might respond by setting off another nuke...
                  If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.- Abba Eban.


                    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                    Collective you, not personal you, sorry man.
                    Apology accepted.

                    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                    What did he do?
                    He was Born in Hawaii, so he is an American citizen, He went to church, not Mosque, so chances are he is Christian, and ISIS started before he came along.
                    I blame them for being ignorant, and embracing being ignorant.
                    Whether he was born in hawaii or not, he did lead to ISIS being formed.
                    First by removing the US from Iraq in such a big #.
                    2ndly by toppling several regimes, helping set up the "arab spring" and by pushing muslim brotherhood gruops into power in several areas
                    3rd by helping to ARM isis..

                    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                    Why am I unsurprised you would choose the Imperial route. If they were a planet, I am sure you would want a death star.
                    I could have said a mon cal, or a group of gou'ald Hat'aks..


                      I'd rather have a fleet of Asgard ships at my disposal
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        Na.. We need to go klingon on their butts!


                          Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                          Whether he was born in hawaii or not,
                          Are you not upset about dems supposedly undercutting trump?
                          The allegations against trump have some basis in reality, the birther movement has NONE.
                          he did lead to ISIS being formed.
                          This will be good..........
                          First by removing the US from Iraq in such a big #.
                          The withdrawal was pre-planned by Bush.
                          2ndly by toppling several regimes, helping set up the "arab spring" and by pushing muslim brotherhood gruops into power in several areas
                          Who did he topple?
                          Obama can be rightfully accused of not being strong enough in diplomatic matters, but he did not "topple" anyone. The programs revealed by WikiLeaks began for the most part -before- Obama came to power, and quite frankly -both- parties are guilty of wanting to interfere. Perhaps you should look at the difference between the power of the Executive, and the power of Congress, something trump is learning right now.
                          3rd by helping to ARM isis..
                          Provide some proof of that.
                          I could have said a mon cal, or a group of gou'ald Hat'aks..
                          But you didn't, did you.
                          A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                          The truth isn't the truth


                            Lucy, I'm hoooo-ooome!!

                            Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                            Dammit, I'm still not happy with that shot of Enterprise shredding Reliant.
                            Anything I can do to help you with that?

                            Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                            If an employee insists on extras, pay, time off or whatever, there are a 100 people who will take his place in a heartbeat. The workers need the job far, far more than the employer needs any individual worker.
                            Funny now, we have negotiated treaties of sorts between employers and employees by way of the unions which give us extras (like a car, a cellphone, a train/bus card, payback of the costs of our home internetconnection, extra vacation because we work longer hours than are set for normal workweeks -- 38h, pay for an extra month (13th and half of a 14th), extra pay for vacationdays, extra vacation days after you've reached a certain amount of years at the company (5 years entitles you to 1 extra day, and then it continues to count), extra vacation for 55+ employees, ...).

                            And everybody's equally entitled to these things.

                            He must have been asleep when they were talking about August 6 and 9, 1945 in history class.

                            Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                            Well, if htey have a mini nuke AND seem more than willing to use it, they better be prepared to get borked over.. Unless you are ok with a nuke dropping on LA or San fran..
                            You seem to be okay with one dropping on Pyong-Yang.

                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            People are still dying from radiation from Chernobyl and that was a concentrated dose in a relatively small area with minimal atmospheric contamination.
                            Same goes for Nagasaki and Hiroshima residents.

                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            A nuke that will send radiation into the atmosphere? It will kill untold millions not just immediately but over many generations. Not just directly but also via contaminated food and water supplies and the diseases that will result from the following famines as food supplies dwindle and refugees swamp surrounding areas trying to get to safety.
                            Here we go: Worldwide Effects of Nuclear War

                            It's a bit of a read, but the end is the same: we're screwed.

                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            IT's bloody stupid that we even still have nuclear weapons
                            You'd think they would have learned their lesson after Japan. They sure did learn one, just not the one everyone hoped it would be.

                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            We have two immature people trying to one up the other and both of them lack the maturity to say 'yeah, whatever' and walk away.

                            We need a parent to intervene, and preferably sooner rather than later.

                            Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                            That would be fine if NO ONE had them. But since that is not possible, it wouldn't be good if we didn't have them and others did.
                            Neverending circle.

                            Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                            In the event of war, and we do use nukes, I would rather something along the lines of small, tactical nukes targeting NK's military leadership, rather than large scale bombing of cities.
                            Tactical nukes are still nukes, and still cause fallout. They would still kill a large area.

                            The nuks need to stay exactly where they are -- in a hangar in Kleine Brogel, Belgium.

                            Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
                            There's still the radiation cloud to consider. And I don't know how you would contain the cloud of radioactive poison just to NK. Even with tactical nukes the radiation cloud has every chance of slowly poisoning SK and parts of China and Japan.
                            At least someone's paying attention in nuke school.

                            Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
                            I'm not opposed to dealing with Dictator Fathead.
                            Trump or Jong-Un, unsure which you mean.

                            Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
                            Of course a lot of people say that China is just as sick of Dictator Fathead's crap as everyone else and likely wouldn't lift a finger to bail him out. But we shall see how this progresses I guess.
                            Looks like China is sick and tired of both dictators acting like immature children.

                            Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                            Surely you don't suggest we don't respond if NK strikes the U.S. or an ally with a nuke?
                            Considering the Trump didn't explicitly reaffirm his commitment to Article 5 of the NATO alliance, I'd say that would be up in the air.

                            Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                            I'm not counting on his people. I'm just saying that our beef isn't with them, it's with the leadership, so we shouldn't want to bomb his people.
                            Yet, using nukes will attack the people considering you can't control fallout.
                            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                              Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                              Lucy, I'm hoooo-ooome!!

                              Anything I can do to help you with that?
                              No, thanks for the offer, though. I just have to find the right image. I've got one I really like, but it's 4:3 aspect ration. Trying to find a widescreen version of it.

                              Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                              Funny now, we have negotiated treaties of sorts between employers and employees by way of the unions which give us extras (like a car, a cellphone, a train/bus card, payback of the costs of our home internetconnection, extra vacation because we work longer hours than are set for normal workweeks -- 38h, pay for an extra month (13th and half of a 14th), extra pay for vacationdays, extra vacation days after you've reached a certain amount of years at the company (5 years entitles you to 1 extra day, and then it continues to count), extra vacation for 55+ employees, ...).

                              And everybody's equally entitled to these things.
                              By and large, over here the only non-management types who get sweet deals like that here are govt. employees, which are still very heavily unionized. And the U.A.W., of course.

                              Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                              He must have been asleep when they were talking about August 6 and 9, 1945 in history class.
                              If you're referring to the "Like the world has never seen" aspect, he's right. Nuclear weapons today are hundreds of times more powerful than those used on Japan in WWII.
                              Last edited by Annoyed; 12 August 2017, 03:14 PM. Reason: Grammer


                                Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                                Lucy, I'm hoooo-ooome!!

                                Anything I can do to help you with that?

                                Funny now, we have negotiated treaties of sorts between employers and employees by way of the unions which give us extras (like a car, a cellphone, a train/bus card, payback of the costs of our home internetconnection, extra vacation because we work longer hours than are set for normal workweeks -- 38h, pay for an extra month (13th and half of a 14th), extra pay for vacationdays, extra vacation days after you've reached a certain amount of years at the company (5 years entitles you to 1 extra day, and then it continues to count), extra vacation for 55+ employees, ...).

                                And everybody's equally entitled to these things.

                                He must have been asleep when they were talking about August 6 and 9, 1945 in history class.

                                You seem to be okay with one dropping on Pyong-Yang.

                                Same goes for Nagasaki and Hiroshima residents.

                                Here we go: Worldwide Effects of Nuclear War

                                It's a bit of a read, but the end is the same: we're screwed.

                                You'd think they would have learned their lesson after Japan. They sure did learn one, just not the one everyone hoped it would be.


                                We need a parent to intervene, and preferably sooner rather than later.

                                Neverending circle.

                                Tactical nukes are still nukes, and still cause fallout. They would still kill a large area.

                                The nuks need to stay exactly where they are -- in a hangar in Kleine Brogel, Belgium.

                                At least someone's paying attention in nuke school.

                                Trump or Jong-Un, unsure which you mean.

                                Looks like China is sick and tired of both dictators acting like immature children.

                                Considering the Trump didn't explicitly reaffirm his commitment to Article 5 of the NATO alliance, I'd say that would be up in the air.

                                Yet, using nukes will attack the people considering you can't control fallout.
                                Yes I was paying attention in "nuke school" as you call it because the horrific images of what our 2 nukes we used on Japan caused made quite the impact. If I were in charge I doubt I'd've ever authorized the use of nukes even on Japan. I think those 2 nukes allowed us to distance ourselves from the horrors of war. Because the pilot only had to drop 2 bombs. He didn't have to be there on the ground watching as countless non-combatants were instantly vaporized (i.e., the lucky ones) and others succumbed to the slow agonizing death of radiation sickness (the unlucky ones). If I (in conjunction with Congress) had to declare war I'd rather do whatever I can to limit the number of non-combatant casualties and thermonuclear weapons do little, if any to mitigte these non-combatant casualties. This is one of the few issues I will likely always disagree with Annoyed on. For one thing the religious principles I abide by apply the principles of double effect to the use of force in self-defense situations and wartime situations. One of the underlying principles of "double effect" is to not cause evils greater than the one to be eliminated. And the use of thermonuclear weaponry is not in accord with that principle.

