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    Trump claims a lot of things that aren't true. Remember how charitable he is with his organization that is under inspection for fraud
    Originally posted by aretood2
    Jelgate is right


      Originally posted by jelgate View Post
      Trump claims a lot of things that aren't true. Remember how charitable he is with his organization that is under inspection for fraud
      Look it's only 75 small lawsuits, nothing any president has to deal with. Besides, just imagine how much he can pay off now with his hands on the public purse
      A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
      The truth isn't the truth


        Impeachment can't come soon enough
        Originally posted by aretood2
        Jelgate is right


          If it only affected a 5th of your population, I say let him go, but it does not.
          A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
          The truth isn't the truth


            Originally posted by jelgate View Post
            He kind of reminds me of Fly
            To be honest, I don't think I've ever seen him post much on such things aside from 4, maybe 5 posts in past two years? Usually short quibs.
            Originally posted by jelgate View Post
            Impeachment can't come soon enough
            I will enjoy watching that. That one professor said it will happen so...
            By Nolamom


              Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
              To be honest, I don't think I've ever seen him post much on such things aside from 4, maybe 5 posts in past two years? Usually short quibs.

              I will enjoy watching that. That one professor said it will happen so...
              The fact remains they both can't seem to separate Detroit from the rest of Michigan
              Originally posted by aretood2
              Jelgate is right


                Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                The fact remains they both can't seem to separate Detroit from the rest of Michigan
                Seeing as though the crime of Detroit is representative of the rest of the country, did you expect anything else?
                A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                The truth isn't the truth


                  Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                  Then let the chips fall where they may. Besides, Trump is already claiming he did win the popular vote.
                  What will it take to show you just how full of **** this guy is?
                  You are so blinded by your -unproven- distrust of Hillary and having been screwed by your own party for 30 years that you are grabbing -anything- that comes along.

                  Two years ought to do it.
                  Haven't I been saying that all along?


                    Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                    Haven't I been saying that all along?
                    Why yes, you have.
                    Are you seeing who the cabinet is getting filled with?
                    Republican insiders and business elites.
                    Who needs lobbyists when you have the positions in hand?

                    "I can't get my oil pipeline built"
                    "Not to worry, the Dept of energy is owned by an oil tycoon, we will just waive anything you need"

                    "These people are not selling their properties to me Mr President"
                    "not to worry, eminent domain, the nation needs it for social works, Have you got a nice place for my kids new resort?"
                    "why yes Mr President, there is"
                    "lets make a deal"
                    A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                    The truth isn't the truth


                      Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                      Seeing as though the crime of Detroit is representative of the rest of the country, did you expect anything else?
                      No but I prefer to not live in generalizations. A majority of the state is quite different from Detroit.
                      Originally posted by aretood2
                      Jelgate is right


                        Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
                        The automotive industry has mostly been taken over by robots.. It wasn't free trade agreements that displaced the Human workforce.

                        But since this is your latest obsession.. *nods and agrees* Yes, free trade agreements Nurse, he's out of bed again..

                        There are a few smaller car makers that do everything by hand. But they make dozens of cars a year at an extremely high price (they call it exclusivity), not tens of thousands. A Human workforce cannot keep up with the demand. Not if they want the end product to be affordable.
                        Have a look at this.


                        Made In U.S.A. (Partly)

                        For example, while Jeep's Patriot may be built in Belvedere, Ill., its transmissions originate in Mexico, Japan and Germany. Similarly Ford's Michigan-assembled Mustang may be as American as mom, Marines, and apple pie, but its transmissions come from China, France, the U.K., and Mexico. Chrysler's PT Cruiser isn’t even built in the U.S. – it’s assembled in Toluca, Mexico, though its transmission is U.S.-sourced. GM, meanwhile, builds its Chevy Camaro in Canada and its GMC Sierra pickup in Mexico.

                        Confusing? Yes. But that’s not the start of it. BMWs are now built in the U.S. and so are some Mercedes vehicles (in Spartanburg, South Carolina, and Vance, Alabama, respectively). With Japanese carmakers having established multiple assembly plants across the U.S. and American car companies operating plants in Canada and Mexico lines are blurred further.
                        And from the obligatory "intellectual talking head"..
                        Mark Birmingham, an industry analyst at the Center for Automotive Research, said consumers who want to buy American primarily should look at where the vehicle is assembled, as often that indicates a large presence not just in manufacturing.

                        “There is something to be said for buying a Detroit ‘Big Three’ label,” he said, “in the sense that all of administrative, development and white-collar work is indirectly supported
                        Note the overwhelming concern for the blue collar worker.

                        They still need workers to build these things, but they are locating a great deal of it outside the U.S.


                          Originally posted by jelgate View Post

                          Quote Originally Posted by Gatefan1976
                          Seeing as though the crime of Detroit is representative of the rest of the country, did you expect anything else?
                          No but I prefer to not live in generalizations. A majority of the state is quite different from Detroit.
                          I don't know about Fly, but I'm not talking about the crime in Detroit. I'm talking about the impact of the auto industry's decline on the entire state.


                            Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                            Why yes, you have.
                            Are you seeing who the cabinet is getting filled with?
                            Republican insiders and business elites.
                            Who needs lobbyists when you have the positions in hand?

                            "I can't get my oil pipeline built"
                            "Not to worry, the Dept of energy is owned by an oil tycoon, we will just waive anything you need"

                            "These people are not selling their properties to me Mr President"
                            "not to worry, eminent domain, the nation needs it for social works, Have you got a nice place for my kids new resort?"
                            "why yes Mr President, there is"
                            "lets make a deal"
                            Actually, I like some of his cabinet selections. Education, for example. From what I've read, she is in favor of giving parents more choice about where their kids go to schools, charter schools, private schools, vouchers and such. She wants to break the stranglehold the current failing educational has on the process. I'd call that a good idea.

                            And I think you know I approve of Environment. The guy believes as I do that the whole climate change thing is bogus.
                            That isn't an ethical violation or any other sort of violation, it's just a different political position on an issue.

                            If he does try to use public funds to run his own operations, or crosses legal/financial lines in anyway, it will be known almost immediately, considering the number of spotlights being aimed at him.


                              An overstatement at the least. Wrong at the most
                              Originally posted by aretood2
                              Jelgate is right


                                Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                                Actually, I like some of his cabinet selections. Education, for example. From what I've read, she is in favor of giving parents more choice about where their kids go to schools, charter schools, private schools, vouchers and such. She wants to break the stranglehold the current failing educational has on the process. I'd call that a good idea.
                                I'd call it a moronic over-simplification of the situation
                                I'd ask you to -educate- yourself, but as you don't listen to educated people, what is the point?

                                And I think you know I approve of Environment. The guy believes as I do that the whole climate change thing is bogus.
                                That isn't an ethical violation or any other sort of violation, it's just a different political position on an issue.
                                Pay for play is not a concern?
                                So what were you upset with Hillary for?
                                As for it being an ethical violation, it is abundantly clear that your ethical compass expands as far as your own concerns. If something does not affect you directly, it is not real. Even worse, if it does not affect you, you will rail against it.
                                My summation may be incorrect, I will give you the benefit of the doubt, but there is nothing in 2 years that would change that opinion.
                                At best, you do not care, at worst, you argue against.

                                If he does try to use public funds to run his own operations, or crosses legal/financial lines in anyway, it will be known almost immediately, considering the number of spotlights being aimed at him.
                                It does not matter if it is known, it will not be believed by his supporters. Quite simply, facts have no meaning for you if they contradict your beliefs.
                                ALL THANKS TO THE WONDERFUL CREATOR OF THIS SIG GO TO R.I.G.
                                A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                                The truth isn't the truth

