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The Last Word

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    Furlings breed rapidly and quickly overcome the SMOR's defense system. While everyone parties with Thor and Sam, FP snitches TLF and escapes in a (duh) escape pod.

    When all else fails, change channels.


      FP does indeed snatch TLF who is the cousin of TLW who is still partying on the SMOR with Thor, Sam, Sela & the Furlings who have decided to switch sides and brought the imported beer...
      "You cannot reason with your own heart;
      it has it's own laws and beats about things
      which the intellect scorns."
      - Mark Twain -


        Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
        The Furlings disable the SMOR with one blast from their mighty gun.
        Proof-positive that size doesn't matter.


          O-ra hangs out on The SMOR with Sela and company all the while keeping tabs on the ships TLW-nappers sensors.
          TEAM SG1 LIVES


            Although she doesn't trust O-Ra as far as she could throw her, Sela hands her one of the Furlings' beers and the two of them have a really good laugh at the human male notion of "size doesn't matter".

            After they explain it to the Furlings, they have a real giggle as well....
            "You cannot reason with your own heart;
            it has it's own laws and beats about things
            which the intellect scorns."
            - Mark Twain -


              One thing about those beers is that they have a potion in them, commonly known as "give sinubis TLW potion"....under the influence of this potion, Sela is overcome with TLW-givingness, and hands it over to Sinubis.

              Arik tree-ac te kek. Dal Shakka Mel!


                Give me TLW or Fluffy will be angry! And you don't want that, trust me!


                  Fortuantely, the Furlings don't drink their own beer in front of non-Furlings (it's a cultural thing) so when they become aware of what's happening, they stop Sela from giving up TLW and they bite Sinbuis around the ankles with their sharp little teeth until he runs screaming out of the airlock.

                  They then go back to the party to gather around the little fluffy dog that's shown up and try to communicate with him and find out where the heck he's been for the last few months.
                  "You cannot reason with your own heart;
                  it has it's own laws and beats about things
                  which the intellect scorns."
                  - Mark Twain -


                    euch! my ankles!!!!!!
                    buuuuuut, with my ankles bitten, TLW feels guilty and comes to me

                    Arik tree-ac te kek. Dal Shakka Mel!


                      Actually, you're hallucinating from oxygen depravation in the coldness of space. TLW is still on The SMOR with me.

                      You can't win .....bwahhahahahahahahahha....
                      "You cannot reason with your own heart;
                      it has it's own laws and beats about things
                      which the intellect scorns."
                      - Mark Twain -


                        damn that oxygen deprivation!
                        buuuuuuuuuuut, guess what?
                        with YOUR lack of non-oxygen in your ship, you have not actually got TLW, coz i do! look, there it is!! ----->TLW

                        Arik tree-ac te kek. Dal Shakka Mel!


                          Scary jumps in, scaring everyone (wearing an oxygen mask)
                          everyone dies as they exhaled their last oxygen
                          Scary has TLW!!


                            wha - the....hmmmm - what?

                            You must be right because I have no idea what you just said.... ...and the lack of non-oxygen made me post slower than I intended!
                            "You cannot reason with your own heart;
                            it has it's own laws and beats about things
                            which the intellect scorns."
                            - Mark Twain -


                              Scary knowing Sela has gone mad, steals TLW to protect it, as she didn't notice me!


                                i just live to confuse!
                                and T, you dont breathe out breathe out CO2, sorry, im a scientist....
                                so by that, i have TLW coz you're .......brilliant...ok i cant insult you!!

                                Arik tree-ac te kek. Dal Shakka Mel!

