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    Originally posted by toomuchcaf View Post
    Girlbot, that was excellent

    Unfortunately, being left on the side of the road, with a very recognisable car and convention fans on the prowl, I have had to hitch a ride as far away from my vehicle as possible. I really need a coffee after that, so I'll just take my time drinking it at a roadside cafe, and formulate another harebrained escapade to divest you of the TLW
    Thanks TMC. Glad it wasn't a dangerous road that I left you on. I did forget to tell you that I called in a police report about a broken down porsche, and gave them your location, but you had already hitched a ride. You can find your porsche at the police impound lot, but I must warn you
    even without the pulled wires, it looks like vandalism from the irate Shepard fans will have the police asking a few questions .
    Too bad I can't be there to see how you handle telling them your story, the charges of fraud, for the convention scam , the pickpocketing, stealing, speeding, and no license and registration, you could be away for a long time. Would have been fun to watch. I suggest you have some more coffee, and don't even consider adding insurance fraud to your list of charges, (they'd never believe your story anyway)just chalk that porsche off to experience.
    no means no, and so does pepper spray
    Sig by The Carpenter


      It appears that Girlbot has found a very secluded spot to hide TLW. It has been almost one week,and still no Hunters on the horizon.

      Baggie is off handling other issues. *happy thoughts for Baggie* and
      TMC is creating a shortage of coffee as she sits drinking at the roadside cafe,of course TMC also has that warrant out for her, so she might be just hiding out now. and well Tame hasn't been feeling very well lately herself what with the glowy things and the headaches *I really do worry about Tame she has felt sick lots lately, time for a doctor visit*. then there is CeeKay, and Shanthaia, they are missing in action also. Who else is out there. I know they are out there plotting, plotting.

      In the meantime, TLW is busy with the cabana boys and is drinking far too much, (need to cut off the tab). It's not that TLW wants to drink all those Pina coladas, but TLW just likes to watch the cabana boys walk back and forth getting the drinks . Girlbot isn't having a bad time herself. *Ah cabana boys*.

      So as GB waits and watches for any sign of the other hunters, she has to keep a close eye on the cabana boys to make sure the hunters haven't found a way to infiltrate them and pose as one of them to steal away TLW. And believe me, GB can spot an imposter cabana boy a mile away.
      no means no, and so does pepper spray
      Sig by The Carpenter


        *Sends hugs to all the TLW hunters, hopes everyone is doing OK in RL *

        Highly strung and jittering about a bit, TMC has probably had a bit TOO much coffee. But there is an added benefit. Her brain is thinking at 100 miles an hour, creating plots and possibilites. But it's causing a strain, and she soon gets a headache. And with that warrant still out there, maybe it's time for TMC to lie low on some tropical island out of the country.

        So using a fake passport, and a very bad fake tan, TMC catches a flight to an island where she has heard the cabana boys are exceptionally good looking eye candy at serving customers and mixing drinks

        Arriving at the beach in her swimming outfit, TMC decides to go truly tropical, and gets her hair braided. Hmmm, looks terrible, 'Bo Derek' I'm not! So out comes the braid, but now it looks like an Afro! With hair up to there!

        After looking at herself in the mirror TMC really needs a drink (nothing is going right this week in TLW land, first the porcshe, then the hair!).
        Finding an almost deserted stretch of deckchairs, TMC orders something large and tropical and bananananary, with an umbrella in it. TMC enjoys the view of the Cabana Boys, but notices they're not being very good service wise. Seems they spend a lot of time fawning over those two over there........those two who look very familiar........Girlbot and the TLW!

        Woohoo, I'm back in business. Noticing that TLW is a bit under the weather, TMC gets hold of a bacon and egg sandwich, and hids it in her hair! She times it just right, and as a Cabana boy goes past, distracting Girlbot, TMC walks behind their chairs. The smell of the sandwiche drifts over to TLW, who starts salivating. TLW follows the smell, jumping into TMCs hair to find the hidden treasure. Girlbot realises that TLW is missing, and jumps up and starts searching. She looks over the tourist, nope, she couldn't have it, she's wearing a bathing suit with nowhere to hide the TLW. Maybe TLW has gone chasing a Cabana boy.....Girlbot rushes off to find out.

        Woohoo! I've got the TLW! *refrains from doing a victory dance* TMC hurries away get her things, then off to the airport. Holiday is over, now is the time for escape. TMC manages to travel to Australia, and holes up in the mining town of Coober Pedy, in the middle of the desert, in an underground hotel. Definitely a nice place to 'hole up' for a while TMC allows herself a mad chuckle *chuckle chuckle madly*. Unfortunately, the barmen here are nowhere as good lookin' as those Cabana Boys of Girlbots....


          As Girlbot rushes around in search of TLW who has been taken by a devious TMC, she finds a paper (translate poster, couldn't use that word, cause I know where that context would take you ) attached to the back of a Cabana boy. It seems that is a good place for these papers because obviously the backs of Cabana boys get looked at quite a bit.

          Anyway it appears to be a wanted paper, the kind you usually see at the post office. It appears that TMC left the country with outstanding warrants against her, and the FBI of course is now involved. AND, to top it all off, she is now travelling on a fake passport. This information was acquired when the local police raided an infamous ring of counterfeiters, who unfortunately keep records of their illustrious clients. Now not only the local police and the FBI, but Interpol are in search of TMC, since she used said fake passport to fly to Australia.

          Tut tut. (TMC you are in a bind.) She should have stayed and faced the first charges, which would have meant a small fine and a few hours of community service. Now Interpol is on the lookout for her, and they have traced her to the Aussieland.

          Girlbot is a bit concerned about interfering with this search and since she is not familiar with Aussieland, she decides to keep her eye on the agents sent after TMC, and google some info on the place they will find TMC and TLW, hoping that she can somehow manage to find a way to snatch TLW from TMC before interpol, so as not to have TLW arrested as some kind of accomplice to TMC's misdeeds.

          So GB settles herself in a nice comfy hotel room and waits for the inspiration to hit, hoping that the other hunters are sufficiently occupied with their own scenarios that they may not have found a way to get TLW.
          no means no, and so does pepper spray
          Sig by The Carpenter


            Tom owns!!!!!
            Vice Admiral and occasionally the Acting Leader of the Gateworld Cantina


              *TMC pokes tongue out at Tom TLW has no owner, but is a free spirit that gets carried away by the company it keeps *

              TMC is booored. This underground hotel is starting to feel claustrophobic. So TMC and TLW decide to go sightseeing (unknowing of the interpol search). They drive up to Alice Springs, and decide to take the tour, and also walk to the top of Ayers Rock


                TMC and TLW arrive at Ayers Rock and very respectfully take photos,wander round and eventually get lost in the surrounding Outback terrain.

                TMC spots a strange sight : a very well-stocked Ice Cream stall,and even better ,a shaded area to sit and relax round the stall !

                Cautiously,TMC watches as several native Australians and their children go to the stall-holder for a cool refreshing ice .

                Noting they all seem quite happy ,and that no nefarious activity is going on ,she decides to treat TLW to a big cool Sundae .

                TMC is no fool.She checks out the "Ice Cream vendor" and in moments recognises Baggie.

                TMC and Baggie catch up quickly on each others' adventures,and they both decide it's far too hot to stay in Australia.TLW agrees and so they all beam up to the Baggie 1.

                TLW wants to see the World Baggie flies the ship through earth's atmosphere and then sets course to orbit the planet .
                ( Wellll.....TLW didn't stipulate *which* part of the World she wanted to see ! )

                TMC meanwhile fell asleep .

                Hmmm....Baggie just can't stop herself.

                Baggie beams TMC down to her home ,then sets a new course .

                When TMC wakes ,she finds a note attached to her jacket:

                "Off to see the Clangers .BRB...maybe . Love Baggie and TLW".
                The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                  Welcome back Baggie Good hunting
                  no means no, and so does pepper spray
                  Sig by The Carpenter


                    Why ,thankees !
                    *Sends hugs and Green soup *

                    *TLW sends "Rescue meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !" note to GB and the other Hunters*

                    ( TLW is homesick for Earth already .)
                    The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                      It has been an interesting search for TLW. Girlbot has gotten side tracked with all the lovely scenery that Aussieland has to offer. But it was also a mission that she was on before she could resume the hunt. There was that little matter with TMC. Baggie dropped her at home, where the Local yokels, the FBI and the interpol agents were there with their myriad warrants. We will not fault Baggie for this, she has been preoccupied, and was not aware that TMC was in such a fix.

                      Fortunately, Girlbot is a member of an intergalactic monitoring agency, and her credentials are impeccable. So after lengthy negotiations with previously mentioned earth agencies, she has been able to get all charges against TMC dropped, due to temporary caffeine insanity. TMC is relaxing at home safe for the moment. Unfortunately while GB was working her legal skills in behalf of TMC, Baggie has returned and absconded with TLW.

                      Poor TLW has sent messages to the hunters. A cry for help? What has Baggie done to create such a stir in TLW? It seems that TLW is rooted firmly in earth culture, and Baggie has fled in her starship, to cruise in earth's orbit.

                      Girlbot has no trouble following the nano particle trail left by Baggies starship. It seems that Baggie has not upgraded her power cells, and they are leaking like a sieve.

                      GB has followed Baggie in her cloaked space craft and and waits for an auspicious moment, (while Baggie is in the loo), to beam aboard the ship. she finds TLW cowering in the corner not knowing which way is up. ( Seems Baggie's gravitation field module needs some work also). GB soothes the frightened TLW puts it in her pocket with promises of earth, beaches, and cabana boys.

                      GB beams TLW to her impeccably maintained space craft, but before GB leaves, she locks the loo door, so Baggie is slightly hindered in the time it will take her to trace GB and TLW. GB also leaves a bill for the fines that are due on TMC's escapades, since it was part of the deal that paid for the towing on the car, and the clean up at the convention site. After all it was Baggie's fault for dropping TMC at home, and putting her in that compromising position with the law enforcement agencies.

                      GB now flies TLW back to earth and to the sandy beaches of Hawaii ,and the promised cabana boys.
                      no means no, and so does pepper spray
                      Sig by The Carpenter


                        Shan stretches her wings and wiggles her tail lazily while drifting aimlessly through the vacuum. Nothing is more calming and relaxing than the vast emptiness and silence of space she thinks to herself and smiles. Then she fingers her ancient life support piece of tech – it looks like the personal shield thingy but glows red.

                        Ancients were amazing with shield technology, weren’t they?

                        It is was easily enough to cling onto a satellite rocket to get into space…but how to come back? Shan hasn’t really thought so far when she decided to test the life support. She floats through some pink glittering dust, which promptly sticks to the Shan engulfing force field. To her horror even some of it manages to penetrate the shield and she promptly starts yawning.

                        The sandman must have lost some sleepy dust here

                        Shan starts to consider gliding back to earth because she is in drier need of a nap.


                        Shan doesn’t know what has happened it all went so fast. The next thing she realises is that she is stuck to a windscreen of a space vessel. “Strange” she thinks to herself “I haven’t seen this coming – must have been cloaked.”

                        Seems as if Girlbot has set the space craft on autopilot to have more time for TLW. Shan is amazed by this coincidence…it must mean TLW was meant for her and she will size this unique opportunity. Luckily for Shan said space craft has an air lock, which can be operated from the outside and Shan has no troubles letting herself in. Of course she gets spotted by Girlbot at once upon entry and she demands to know what Shan is doing in her space craft. But before Shan can answer Girlbot and TLW start yawning and fall asleep almost immediately.

                        Seems as if there was still plenty of sleeping dst sticking to the shield But Shan is partly protected and way too excited to be tired right now.

                        Shan cradles the peacefully sleeping TLW in her arms. As she is sure that the life support will also keep TLW safe and the space ship just enters the out atmosphere, she quickly exists through the airlock and flies towards high and beautiful looking mountains. Meanwhile Girlbots ship heads for the beach and the cabana boys, just as Girlbot had programmed the autopilot to do.

                        At least this space craft is working properly!
                        Last edited by Shanthaia; 31 July 2008, 06:25 PM.



                          TMC decides to take some rest, and spends the time sending thankyou notes to Baggie for the icecream and catchup, and Girlbot for the legal aid

                          TMC wonders were the TLW is now, and decides to put the word out to the underground spy network to keep an eye out. She soon finds out that Shan has, through both brilliance and fate, possession of the TLW. TMC decides to wait a while before beginning the hunt once more, that sleep dust has a long active life, and TMC really doesn't want to fall asleep in the middle of a snurch


                            Baggie has eventually managed to escape the loo.Pesky dratted ,new-fangled locks !

                            Baggie has no idea where the heck TLW ,Shan or anything else is....seeing as Charlie Mouse spilled his Cola all over the control panel .Klutzy Mouse !

                            In between cleaning up the panels and fuming at the time wasted in the uber-locked bathroom ( so snackless !),Baggie reads the itemised bill GB left .

                            Baggie decides it is actually only fair to pay off all the amounts shown.

                            Intergalactic telephone banking is easy ,so Baggie soon clears all her debts and sends flowers to GB.

                            Baggie also orders a huge Pizza to satisfy those ever present hunger pangs .
                            The Mice help with the leftovers and then scurry to their stations .

                            All present and correct ? Yep !

                   to track the whereabouts of the TLW.

                            Baggie whips out her trusty Crystal Ball..and soon finds Shan and TLW .

                            Beaming to Shan's side ,Baggie adroitly snags TLW .Baggie leaves Shan a "Beam-me -anywhere-except- to- the- TLW " bracelet as a consolation prize.

                            Just as adroitly,Baggie beams herself and TW TLW ( yup..the real one) to Las Vegas to play the slots and mess around for a while .
                            Last edited by Bagpuss; 04 August 2008, 08:49 PM.
                            The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                              Girlbot, awakens after what seems like an eternity, to find some flowers wilting in a vase, compliments of Baggie. (seems GB was asleep so long that the beautiful flowers are fading.) What a shame, but what a nice gesture. And a thankyou card from TMC, how sweet. Seems all Shanthaia left was some sleep dust. GB quickly turns the recycler on to rid her craft of that pesky dust, otherwise it will continue to rest in the crevices and GB will just drop like a narcoleptic everytime the dust is disturbed.

                              OMG. How long has she been asleep? Look at those legs, it's going to take forever to shave those things. GB decides that a trip to the spa is the way to go. So she looks up the number of a good spa, and books a weeklong stay, to rest and recoup before continuing the search.
                              no means no, and so does pepper spray
                              Sig by The Carpenter


                                girlbot - that made me laugh so much! - Thanks for posting that bit

                                Shan is incredibly happy about this nice bracelet and decides that it could be very entertaining. She decides to vist all her GW friends around the globe, so will be busy for a while and can't hunt TLW.

                                (sorry baggie can't green you at the mom )
                                Last edited by Shanthaia; 05 August 2008, 04:27 AM.


