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The Last Word

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    Tame is 80% recovered from her migranes and is almost ready to begin her pursuit...just has a few other RL issues to get out of the way ....and she will be ready for in-depth captur...errr. I mean visiting of old and cherished friends
    Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


      Sorry to hear Tame is 100%. Best wishes for speedy 20% more.
      TMC have fun with MIL
      Baggie, shame on you, fake hugs.
      Shanthaia, well played in far far away.
      I need to research Vancouver before pursuing the chase.
      no means no, and so does pepper spray
      Sig by The Carpenter


        Shan munches the desert - yum thank you Baggie.

        After Baggie and TLW have eaten a delicious meal, TLW wants to go sight seeing in Vancouver. Baggie, nice as she is , can't refuse poor, abused TLW the fun and they are off to china town and it's beautiful classical Chinese garden. TLW is delighted by all the flowers and the gracious architecture. As they cross the bridge, TLW jumps into the water to get cooler as it is terribly hot. Baggie smiles and shakes her head, but also keeps here eyes wide open to spot any hunters, but everything stays quiet.

        After coaxing TLW out of the refreshing water with a bag of biscuits, TLW wants to see Gastown. After an uneventful bus ride, they get off in the oldest part of Vancouver and admire the statue of "gassy" Jack. After that TLW wants to see the steam powered clock. So baggie takes TLW up the street to have a look at this peculiar clock. As it reaches a full hour, it whistles terribly loud and TLW jumps in shock into the arms of…no not baggie…Shanthaia, who happens to stand there (gosh, poor TLW must be really startled, that it doesn’t see the difference between Shan and Baggie)
        Shanthaia looks startled too for a moment, but then grins broadly, gets a better hold on TLW and runs for the sea bus. Baggie, who had been busy watching the event, realises a moment too late what had happened and runs after Shan in hot pursuit. But oh no, it is too late and Shan has too much of a head start, so she manages to get on the leaving sea bus just in time and Baggie is left behind.

        Shan strokes TLW calmingly and promises a shopping tour on Lonsdale (credit card and cash is packed)



          While at Lonsdale..Shan and TLW decide to stop in *The Cantina* where Tame cleverly disguised as *The Gorgeous Barmaid*(TM) serves them up a tasty is a wonderfully prepared *No reason cake* (TM) Shan and TLW are just amazed at the taste and have seconds and thirds...little by little Shan begins to wonder what reason she had for being at Lonsdales in the first fact what reason had she even come into town???? Thus the full power of the *No Reason Cake* is upon her. Tame still cleverly disguised as *The Gorgeous Barmaid*(TM) sees that TLW is also wondering at the reason it to has wandered into this strange and yet compelling Pub. SO she quickly whisks TLW into her pocket along with Shan's generous tip (thank you)

          and quickly skeedaddles out of the Pub as Shan is now falling asleep on the bar and Tame wants no part in explaining why Shan can't think of a reason why she shouldn't be able to put her feet up .....there
          Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


            Thank you Tame! that is great. have fun with TLW till I wake up again and can think on how to persuit you



              Girlbot, has finally made a search of Vancouver, and has tracked TLW who has changed keepers a number of time, but now Girlbot's sensors have detected that one "Tame" and one "Shanthaia" have been detected in the vicinity of "the Cantina".

              What could these two mighty hunters be doing there, unless it is a battle of wits over TLW.

              Although Girlbot has not been to the "Cantina" for awhile, her sensors and powers are always activated when in the vicinity, where she lurks occasionally. So with full cloaking device active, she watches as Tame drugs the two unsuspecting victims, for "no reason", and steals TLW away . But little does Tame know that one of the skills that Girlbot has acquired in her travels thru the universe and in her companionship with certain "Cantina "personnel, is the art of pickpocketing. An art admirably suited to slipping her cloaked hand into Tame's pocket and plucking out the confused TLW who has "no reason" to complain or shout out an alarm. She also needs a bit of ship fare that perhaps Tame's tip could provide,..... ah but no, the honorable Girlbot would not divest Tame of her hard earned bar tip.

              Since TLW is also cloaked within Girlbot's personal field, it is easy to hop on a ride on a space shuttle, where she decides to head west this time, leaving a whistling Tame to think she has gotten away with TLW.
              no means no, and so does pepper spray
              Sig by The Carpenter


                Oh Bravo!!!! that was just well done of you GB
                Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                  keep whistlin
                  no means no, and so does pepper spray
                  Sig by The Carpenter


                    Originally posted by Girlbot View Post
                    Girlbot, has finally made a search of Vancouver, and has tracked TLW who has changed keepers a number of time, but now Girlbot's sensors have detected that one "Tame" and one "Shanthaia" have been detected in the vicinity of "the Cantina".

                    What could these two mighty hunters be doing there, unless it is a battle of wits over TLW.

                    Although Girlbot has not been to the "Cantina" for awhile, her sensors and powers are always activated when in the vicinity, where she lurks occasionally. So with full cloaking device active, she watches as Tame drugs the two unsuspecting victims, for "no reason", and steals TLW away . But little does Tame know that one of the skills that Girlbot has acquired in her travels thru the universe and in her companionship with certain "Cantina "personnel, is the art of pickpocketing. An art admirably suited to slipping her cloaked hand into Tame's pocket and plucking out the confused TLW who has "no reason" to complain or shout out an alarm. She also needs a bit of ship fare that perhaps Tame's tip could provide,..... ah but no, the honorable Girlbot would not divest Tame of her hard earned bar tip.

                    Since TLW is also cloaked within Girlbot's personal field, it is easy to hop on a ride on a space shuttle, where she decides to head west this time, leaving a whistling Tame to think she has gotten away with TLW.
                    Since Girlbot has had a week to keep TLW company with the low atmosphere travel aboard her space ship, she realized that she has missed one thing, and has spent days slowly lasering off the mark that Baggie had so surreptitiously applied to TLW, in case the post office needed to send TLW back. The foot is healed now, and since the procedure was done with minimal power from GB's eye lasers, TLW had no discernible discomfort. Shame on Baggie for marking such an innocent without their permission.

                    Feeling somewhat curious as to why no one is pursuing TLW at this time, GB tries not to get too comfortable with the situation. TLW is a prize sought after by the mightiest hunters at Gateworld, and they must be planning some extraordinary feats. So GB hunkers down with TLW and enjoys the moment, as fleeting as it may be. Ever vigilant as to what she might have missed that the others hunters haven't, the stress continues to build for Girlbot.
                    Will this be the final hunt?
                    Has Girlbot stymied the mighty hunters of old? Of course she hasn't. They are out there somewhere planning, planning. Waiting for GB to make a mistake, run out of fuel, throw the whining TLW out of the capsule. Never may that happen.

                    GB will have to land soon, to stock up. Who knew TLW ate like a hungry elephant. Where is TLW putting it all? Oh the humanity! ! !
                    Last edited by Girlbot; 07 July 2008, 12:24 PM.
                    no means no, and so does pepper spray
                    Sig by The Carpenter


                      Girlbot, after being eaten out of spaceship and shuttle, decides it is time to restock. She places an order for a large amount of edibles through a food wholesaler (of which the phone operator is a friend of TMC, who informs her of an order from an individual TMC has asked her to watch out for).

                      Girlbot lands to take the delivery. While waiting on the landing pad, a refrigerated truck pulls up beside it, and the driver unloads crates of supplies off the truck, and up the ramp of the space craft. Girlbot stands by, and checks off the packages to make sure she isn't cheated. During all the hustle and bustle, TMC sneaks out of a crate where she was hiding (darn tight squeeze, it's all Baggies fault, all those delicious highly fattening desserts), and starts to explore the ship.

                      Eventually she finds TLW in a salon room, sleeping off the last meal, which, due to the larder being depleted, was a lousy protein bar. Using a fresh bright shiny apple, she wakes TLW and lures it to the storage bay, where she and TLW hide in a crate filled with garbage due to be picked up and dealt with.

                      After Girlbot has accepted and signed for the supplies, the garbage dealers arrive, and load up the crates of refuse. Girlbot doesn't think to check the garbage (who in their right mind would hide in there anyway? Someone who's find has been fried after playing host to their mother-in-law, that's who).

                      The garbage truck drives away, and at the dump TLW and TMC climb out, and head straight to a taxi, who charges extra for the bad smell. Arriving back at TMCs' house, they spend 10 minutes under the hose, before taking multiple showers to get clean.

                      Honestly, TLW hunting can get very dirty


                        After a week with the MIL, the desperate TMC, deserves TLW (and a little TLC)
                        good, smelly, but good hunt.
                        no means no, and so does pepper spray
                        Sig by The Carpenter


                          *Applauds GB and TMC's adventures/TLW capture skills*

                          TMC feels safe and secure in her home .TLW is relaxed too ...but hark !

                          The doorbell ringeth...

                          The postman delivers some Christmas Cards.

                          "Christmas in July ???! " exclaims TMC. She wanders round her rooms wondering who and what could have sent these unseasonal greetings.

                          TLW meanwhile is totally excited about Father Christmas.

                          TLW feels a strange compulsion to look up the chimney that swiftly appears in TMC's living room...can it be true ? There really *is* a Santa ,plus Reindeer and pressies ?

                          The curious TLW approaches the "Chimney".She can hear noises ....

                          Quick as a flash ,a gloved paw reaches out and seizes TLW .

                          By the time TMC returns ..the Chimney ,TLW and "Santa" have vanished like Scots Mist .

                          Santa and the real TLW ( biochecked from records in Baggie's possession ) then scoot off to Lapland .A bit early ,but Baggie wants to treat TLW to real pressies and she knows the Elves well enough to pop by anytime !
                          The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                            What Baggie is unaware of is that Girlbot has her own loyal cadre of elves, from way back in the Sony Stargate forum, where they were script elves who were hallowed and treated to cookies galore. When the Fickle finger of forum fate ended their reign shortly after Sony ended theirs, the script elves need to get work, and wouldn't you know it, Santa needed some help. Because of a retraining program offered by the elf consortium they managed to career change into toy makers.

                            Anyway, when they learned that Baggie was in Lapland with TLW, they sent a message to Girlbot, making her aware of the circumstances. GB hopped a ride on Santa's number 2 sleigh which had been in the sleigh shop for minor repairs, and flew on up to Lapland to find Baggie and TLW.

                            It seems that too many cookies makes for a sugar rush followed by a crash, and as Baggie and TLW are sleeping it off, the loyal former script elves, rope them securely and GB puts TLW in a toy sack, borrows sleigh number 1 which needs inspection and emissions testing, and takes it to the Sleigh-rage down south. Ho, ho, ho.

                            Hopping aboard a cruise ship, GB and TLW head for the Caribbean.
                            no means no, and so does pepper spray
                            Sig by The Carpenter


                              Baggie and GB
                              After those shenenigans, I wonder if Santa will be checking his list 3 times, instead of twice


                                Baggie is remorseful .

                                Baggie wonders if the real Santa may "forget" to call by the House Of Baggie in December......

                                Baggie also cannot resist being a Klepto for long.The craving for TLW may overcome her at any given moment .

                                Baggie wanders off to ponder the whole question ...and to plan,plot and scheme up a good snurch of TLW .

                                *Plots *
                                * Gives up temporarily*

                                (Out of character : RL stuff going on .Might take a short hiatus to sort it all out very soon.I'll be back though.*hugs everyone *)
                                The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:

