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    The perfect ear and throat...



      Originally posted by sgt.siler
      Ahh bareback riding. I do love a good ride. *pulls riding crop and sprurs from....secret hiding spot* A beginner would generally ride using a saddle, bridle, and other items used for a proper ride. Myself, I prefer the bareback method. This way the *rider* can feel the muscles flex and anticipate what her *partner* is feeling. We begin with a slow walk and then move to a trot were I, the rider, begin to "post" in a fluid up and down movement. "posting" is done so that the rider's bottom isn't just slamming into the body of her partner. We quickly move to a canter. After the ride is complete, removing the froth from my partner becomes necessary and a quick rub down is done at this point. Be sure that he has plenty of water so he doesn't dehydrate, but not too much after such a vigorous ride.
      wow, 'hussy tongue' is an amazing language. I bow before the masters of this lusty expression.

      ship sistah

      ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


        Originally posted by Mala50
        Whatever they may indicate, you know Jack's got nothing to worry about! Here's a direct comparison....

        Another 'dual piccy thingy' creation:
        Oh, Mala, this picture breaks my heart. Jack is holding some other guys ring for Sam. Oh, shoot me.

        ship sistah

        ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


          Originally posted by Mala50

          Oh my stars and Jack Clones...You're KILLING me, Mala!

          (Was this your plan all along? You lure me in, then do away with me?)

          What a delectable site this throat is. I need a drink. (Of hot chocolate.)

          If by "fond" you mean droolworthy, hummable, coma-causing, breath-stealing, lustful, libidinous
          appreciation of the First Hussy Magnitude for Jack & his splendid, dirty, sweaty, sun-kissed, lithe-fingered,
          full-bottom-lipped, lickable-eared, agile-tongued, long-necked, silver-haired, gracefully moving body
          in all its fantasmagorical glory, then--- yes. I am also "fond." -- OzGirl



            I'd never seen some of these before, so they were a nice gift for me.

            ship sistah

            ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


              Originally posted by Mala50

              oh MALA ...Jack has really cute ears too ..tanned and small ..perfect shape too .....Anyother part of his body we know is perfect??!!!....

              His nose is too ..small and sexy ..What about his feet ???I thought he was barefeet in "Paradise lost" a lot.



       is just me or are we getting a bit smutty in our hussieness??? No offense intended, just a bit red from all the reading I missed this weekend.....
                Desperate Thunker


                  Watch out for drive by posting...

                  Wow, I leave for two days and the place falls apart.

                  All this talk of riding, and erecting, and licking...

                  I can't believe I missed it.

                  Great pictures Mala.

                  Hi Oz!

                  Are you sure that drinking penguin isn't for MeiMei?
                  Furlings, they sound cute. Like Ewoks. --- SG-1


                  sig by Mala50. You rock.


                    Originally posted by Critter
           is just me or are we getting a bit smutty in our hussieness??? No offense intended, just a bit red from all the reading I missed this weekend.....
                    Nope, it's not just you.
                    Luckily I think we're all adult enough to police ourselves. I'll cut out the smut on my part (I know I'm just as guilty as anyone else ).
                    *sits back and admires Mala's "dual-piccie things"* That's just the BEST name for those things!


                      Originally posted by Critter
             is just me or are we getting a bit smutty in our hussieness??? No offense intended, just a bit red from all the reading I missed this weekend.....
                      Good to see you back, Critter! Thanks for posting your opinion. No offense taken!

                      Some of you know I'm a person of few words... I mainly do my thing - which is to post silly graphics and make pretty pictures of RDA. However, since this thread is named after me, I feel I have to say a few things.

                      First, I can't be here every day policing what goes on in Mala's World. I don't want to either. While I find most of the discussions and innuendo to be fun, I personally try to keep my comments within bounds. As I've said, afterall, this is still a PG FORUM.

                      Second, who's to say when enough is enough, or too much? Again, I'm not one to judge. I'm not a mod. However, I can say that for me, some posts have made me uncomfortable and my reaction has been to simply ignore what I don't like and reply to those posts that I can handle.

                      Third, I want to reiterate here that we're all here to have FUN. I'm just asking we be respectful of each other and that there are other places that more 'exuberant' exchanges can be made or where they may be more appropriate (chat rooms, the Thunk thread, PMs, etc) and that each of us is responsible for our own words and what we contribute.

                      Lastly, I don't want this to escalate into a public debate. If anyone wants to talk more about this in private with me, then PM me. If I've in any way encouraged or contributed to the boundaries of 'good taste' being crossed or have gone beyond the PG parameters of GW, then I apologize!

                      Thanks for reading what is possibly the longest post that you'll get out of me.


                        Originally posted by Critter
               is just me or are we getting a bit smutty in our hussieness??? No offense intended, just a bit red from all the reading I missed this weekend.....
                        *sits in the corner of shame on this one* I'm going to take the responsibility for this if anyone is offended. *stands outside in snowstorm* Perhaps that will cool me off.


                          Originally posted by kiwigater
                          Nope, it's not just you.
                          Luckily I think we're all adult enough to police ourselves. I'll cut out the smut on my part (I know I'm just as guilty as anyone else ).
                          *sits back and admires Mala's "dual-piccie things"* That's just the BEST name for those things!
                          OK, let's look at some S/J "dual-piccie things" (technical name thanks to Bev!)

                          Not exactly a shippy scene, but this was a great look exchanged between them....

                          4.02 The Other Side


                            Originally posted by sgt.siler
                            *sits in the corner of shame on this one* I'm going to take the responsibility for this if anyone is offended. *stands outside in snowstorm* Perhaps that will cool me off.
                            *yanks siler back into room* Get back in here silly! I prefer my friends alive and kicking, not frozen icicles
                            Let us admire Mala's genius together
                            Originally posted by Mala50
                            OK, let's look at some S/J "dual-piccie things" (technical name thanks to Bev!)

                            Not exactly a shippy scene, but this was a great look exchanged between them....

                            4.02 The Other Side
                            *shivers* doesn't that look just say "searing each others souls" to you guys?? (and yes I meant searing, not searching ).
                            I swear those two communicate so effectively just looking at each other it's scary! If only they could TALK honestly.... *grumble grumble*


                              Originally posted by Mala50
                              OK, let's look at some S/J "dual-piccie things" (technical name thanks to Bev!)

                              Not exactly a shippy scene, but this was a great look exchanged between them....

                              4.02 The Other Side
                              I love that scene!

                              Thanks for that. I love these dual-piccie things.
                              Furlings, they sound cute. Like Ewoks. --- SG-1


                              sig by Mala50. You rock.


                                Originally posted by Mala50
                                Lastly, I don't want this to escalate into a public debate. If anyone wants to talk more about this in private with me, then PM me. If I've in any way encouraged or contributed to the boundaries of 'good taste' being crossed or have gone beyond the PG parameters of GW, then I apologize!
                                Originally posted by sgt.siler
                                *sits in the corner of shame on this one* I'm going to take the responsibility for this if anyone is offended. *stands outside in snowstorm* Perhaps that will cool me off.
                                No Siler, you won't take all the responsibility; I share equally. Though I will say it is very interesting the things that get posted throughout the forum that get by and I will leave it at that. I will keep my mouth shut from now on because innuendo is a matter of perspective & I know from RL experience and more & more experiences in this Forum how easy it is for things to be misinterpreted and to offend. *sighs* Time for a longer break from the forum for me I guess, to continue weaning myself away from here.

                                No Mala, you haven't contributed or exceeded any boundaries; no need for you to apologize. And I'm not publically debating. Just stating my piece and moving on.

                                Sorry Critter, Mala, & anyone else who I may have offended.
                                Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                                My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.

