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Mala's World

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    Originally posted by Zoser View Post
    Congratulations!! to you and the young man!!
    Zoser! Thank you so much! He's worked very hard to get to this point and it's such a relief... Now, only 2 1/2 years until the next one is finished...
    Last edited by Mala50; 06 December 2006, 09:17 AM.


      I have a manip pic of Sam at the cabin that I wanted to share with MW. I always thought that seeing Sam wearing one of Jack's shirts would be an subtly 'hot' and shippy image... However, after I started it, it seemed to be missing something - I didn't know how to make more specific to Jack's cabin (besides the shirt ).
      So when S10's The Uninvited was broadcast, I took a look at screencaps of the inside of Jack's cabin and in the background, I spotted a Remington statue ('Outlaw') near a window. So I found a replica on the net and added it to the pic and I think it balanced it out...

      Anyway, when I recently read a fanfic by Rachel500 called, "Fishing" (S10 spoiler warning - I told her that thought that this pic would go well with it. I'm happy to say that a smaller version is now on her SG1 fic page along with my 'BHK' manip. Check it out if you have the time, it's a great story.

      Also, take a look at her third page: Every Sam and Jack Shippy Moment Ever it's illustrated with of some of my DPTs and other S/J manips!


        Jack's waiting for Sam to come wrestle him for his shirt...


          Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
          Jack's waiting for Sam to come wrestle him for his shirt...

          If Sam won't do it, I will!!


            Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
            Jack's waiting for Sam to come wrestle him for his shirt...
            Why wait for Sam when we hussies are already here!!!!!!?

            So, this afternoon I FINALLY had a few minutes to myself and I was going to play in Mala's World....and DARN IT! I couldn't get into GateWorld! THE NERVE!!!! Well, my time is now gone (or should I say "Awake from his nap"?) so I am off.

            Thanks to all who have shared their Avalon stories (and pictures ) which means that I am not thanking RUNE!!!!!!

            Mala, as always, your pictures fill a thousand buckets. I guess that's the reason you are THE DEVINE MS. M in my mind!

            xoxo to all in Mala's Wonderful World!
            Desperate Thunker


              Mala that manip Of Sam in his shirt is fabulous my dear!


                Originally posted by ChevronSeven View Post
                If Sam won't do it, I will!!
                Originally posted by Critter View Post
                Why wait for Sam when we hussies are already here!!!!!!?

                So, this afternoon I FINALLY had a few minutes to myself and I was going to play in Mala's World....and DARN IT! I couldn't get into GateWorld! THE NERVE!!!! Well, my time is now gone (or should I say "Awake from his nap"?) so I am off.

                Thanks to all who have shared their Avalon stories (and pictures ) which means that I am not thanking RUNE!!!!!!

                Mala, as always, your pictures fill a thousand buckets. I guess that's the reason you are THE DEVINE MS. M in my mind!

                xoxo to all in Mala's Wonderful World!
                I got locked out of GW for a while, too... I'm sorry I missed you both - ((C7 and Critter))!!

                Love the shirt...Love the man in the shirt...BH COOGAMOOGA!!


                  Originally posted by jafacakes View Post
                  I'll be going to the States for the first time tomorrow. Any tips ?
                  Be very careful of those US folk! Have you read this thread???? Huh??? They're a funny bunch, who spell things without the very nice letter 'U' (one of my favourite letters ), and have lots of strange creepy-crawly beasties (pack the Raid).
                  Have a great time, and send a postcard.


                    Originally posted by SG1Poz View Post
                    Mala that manip Of Sam in his shirt is fabulous my dear!
                    Hey! Did I miss you, too? Thanks (((Poz)))!


                      Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
                      Be very careful of those US folk! Have you read this thread???? Huh??? They're a funny bunch, who spell things without the very nice letter 'U' (one of my favourite letters ), and have lots of strange creepy-crawly beasties (pack the Raid).
                      Have a great time, and send a postcard.
                      Heeey.... I'm not the one with all those scary spider stories! Here's my spider contribution...



                        Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
                        Welcome to Mala's World, Hubble! Glad to see that you delurked - I'm just sorry that no one answered your question - yet!

                        So do one of you lucky lusty wenches want to tell us about Rick's RL cheeks? (the ones on his FACE!! Jynjyr, please control yourself! ) I've noticed when I'm scrubbing my screencaps of Jack, that sometimes the face make-up seems a bit heavy with the red. However, when I'm playing with real photos of Rick, his coloring is neutral/not rosey ...unless he's overheated and sweaty... *swoon*
                        Rick's cheeks were very thunkworthy. They weren't red at all, and even when he was hot he just sweated a bit more.....sweat trickling down his forehead....waiting for me to....oops, sorry, I got a wee bit carried away there.

                        Phew! is it hot in here?


                          Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
                          OK then, so which of one you lusty wenches left behind the secret MWer's plans for Avalon domination, hmmm?

                          LOL! Now I see what went wrong. I went left instead of right. D'oh!


                            Originally posted by Anakin View Post
                            ROTFL!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't know such a plan existed! *pokes Bev, and Rune* Why didn't you tell me?!
                            We were the frontline assault team, willing to take one for the gals!


                              Originally posted by Mala50 View Post

                              But what I want to know is, what does it feel like to touch him back? And don't any of you think you can lie and say you didn't cop a feel...
                              *happy sigh* I kept rubbing my hand up and down his side. It was an automatic reaction to touching The Man! He didn't seem to mind.

                              *He felt VERY nice!*


                                Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
                                Oh, all this talk is making me hungry...and not for ice cream... Here's a silly pic for you silly gals...


                                That looks exactly like the banana splits that Rune and I ate which started all this off. Unfortunately, it didn't have RDA as a side order.

