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    Originally posted by Jynjyr View Post

    OMG! RDA as a civilian investigator butting heads with Gibbs.
    Oh, yes. I melt a bit at just thinking about it.


      Hi Mala, thanks for the welcome back and thunks for the Return Part 2 pics. Have it downloaded but haven't had time to watch.

      Rune, looking forward to seeing your report. Hav been reading other peoples and it sounds like it was a blast of a time. You all are so lucky. <SIGH>

      Well gotta go. Hope to see you all later.

      My Photos


        Check this out! It's really cute:


          Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
          A$$ets yes!!! As long as they are yours and not that Family Guy dude!!!

          I happen to agree with the rest of you lusty wenches...that ad is disgusting!!! Fortunately I don't see it now!!!

          BTW...excellent thunkage here Mala!!!
          Desperate Thunker


            Originally posted by SG1Poz View Post
            I still can't believe it!!! and I have to tell you what Trupi told me Also major Kudos to Thomasina ((HUGS))!!!!.
            Trupi said after the pics were taken (hers and my poster she and hubby began to walk away, Thomasina said to get back in there for her hubby's pic to be taken in which case Trupi said "no, no, my hubby gave up his photo spot for (Maria) and Thomasina yelled "NO!" Get back in here, They and I insist! (((HUGS AGAIN AMANDA, RICK and Thomasina!)
            Trupi is the most wonderful, generous of heart and soul person I've ever met. I'm so glad to be able to call her my friend Beware Trupi of the major hug coming your way in a few weeks!!
            (((((POZ))))) (((((Trupi))))) (((((Trupi's hubby)))))

            Yes, Poz, you have a great friend there. It's lucky when we can say we have a friend as good as that. It is very rare indeed!!!
            Desperate Thunker


              Originally posted by blueiris View Post
              Sounds like Avalon was a good time for all. I am so jealous but happy for all of you lucky lusty wenches!

              RL is a *word that I don't say*! so I don't have much time to but lurk now and again.

              I am so excited that Rune and Bev wore coogamooga badges! Gosh darn it, my word got to meet Richard Dean Anderson!

              And Mala, I love the sig. I only wish I had thought of that! Not that I could have done anything about it, which is what makes you you! ((Mala))

              I have to run now but I may try and get back later and catch up some.
              (((((blueiris))))) It just now really hit me that these wonderful hussies got to meet THE MAN!!! How lucky for them all. And, like you blueiris, I am so in awe of it all!!!!
              Desperate Thunker


                Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
                I was thinking how much I love Scruffy RDA/Jack... Can you imagine if RDA had showed up for Avalon with some scruff?!?

                Desperate Thunker


                  Originally posted by blueiris View Post
                  I don't see it, either, and I have Firefox, as well.
                  Sorry to quote myself, but I guess I'm just oblivious to details. Since reading this thread, I have started seeing that ad. A lot!

                  Sometimes oblivian is nice.
                  ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                    As I read through the posts here and on other threads about the wonderful weekend(s) that everyone had I am so caught up in their excitement that I really don't even need the details to appreciate the fun that was had! But it would be nice to have them!!!!

           are being uncharacteristically quiet...what did you do?????

           are also being quiet but it's not uncharacteristic of you---you just want us to beg!!!!!!!!!!

                    SS.....I imagine you are still spell bound! Was is just everything you'd hope it would be????

                    **clears throat** ANTE UP HUSSIES!!!!!!!!!
                    Desperate Thunker


                      Originally posted by Critter View Post
                      (((((blueiris))))) It just now really hit me that these wonderful hussies got to meet THE MAN!!! How lucky for them all. And, like you blueiris, I am so in awe of it all!!!!
                      (((Critter))) Hows the little critter? Keeping you on your toes?

                      Yep, its hard to even imagine meeting, seeing, touching THE MAN!

                      I'm waiting for the rain to stop to go out and plant some pansies. We're getting ready to tear up the inside of the house. Thought I'd make the outside look deceivingly pretty.
                      ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                        Originally posted by SG1Poz View Post
                        That was cute, Poz, thanks for sharing!!!!
                        Desperate Thunker


                          Originally posted by blueiris View Post
                          (((Critter))) Hows the little critter? Keeping you on your toes?

                          Yep, its hard to even imagine meeting, seeing, touching THE MAN!

                          I'm waiting for the rain to stop to go out and plant some pansies. We're getting ready to tear up the inside of the house. Thought I'd make the outside look deceivingly pretty.
                          Let's see....littlest critter keeping me on my toes???? How about keeping me like this:

                          But I love him just the thing about having a two year old at my advanced age is that I don't have sleeping issues like most hussies my age~~~I fall into bed each and every night right after he goes down!!!
                          Desperate Thunker


                            Welcome home all you fellow Avaloners!

                            Hubs and I touched down last night around 10pm AZ time....had to tend to the dogs who were just wild and set out on finding something breakfast oriented as I was hungry!

                            I myself am still very HIGH ON THE MAN!!!! I had a great time and got to meet Rune and Ambermoon in was very cool...I was too shy to seek out others....and no one's badges were big enough to read...however, had I met others, I might not have had a cohearant word come out of my mouth....

                            I'll write up my details this afternoon...complete with pictures from our last night in England at a very special place!

                            Oh and I really have to BLOL because...hubs, who was just going along to appease me, even though he loves SG...ended up taking so much of a part in the con that you would think it was all his idea to go there!!!!

                            And the best part for me aside from the Man's smiles...was the picture session! He had his arm around me and rubbed my side!!!! Am I shallow or what?



                              Originally posted by sclairef99 View Post
                              Welcome home all you fellow Avaloners!

                              Hubs and I touched down last night around 10pm AZ time....had to tend to the dogs who were just wild and set out on finding something breakfast oriented as I was hungry!

                              I myself am still very HIGH ON THE MAN!!!! I had a great time and got to meet Rune and Ambermoon in was very cool...I was too shy to seek out others....and no one's badges were big enough to read...however, had I met others, I might not have had a cohearant word come out of my mouth....

                              I'll write up my details this afternoon...complete with pictures from our last night in England at a very special place!

                              Oh and I really have to BLOL because...hubs, who was just going along to appease me, even though he loves SG...ended up taking so much of a part in the con that you would think it was all his idea to go there!!!!

                              And the best part for me aside from the Man's smiles...was the picture session! He had his arm around me and rubbed my side!!!! Am I shallow or what?

                              I'm loving reading your accounts and can't wait to hear and see more.
                              ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                                Hello again MWer's....

                                Hubs and I visited a very special place on the last night of our stay in Bristol. You all would have loved it - so I took plenty of pictures! Around the corner from our hotel was a nice Irish pub named: O'NEILLs!!!!!!!!!!!

                                We went in because we JUST had too! How cool is that, that from Scottsdale, AZ you go all the way to Bristol England to see Jack O'Neill - RDA/AT and you run across a pub of the same name? It was such a cool pub that we decided to stay and entertain the locals with our American see we explained to our bar tender why we were there in the first place and that we absolutely MUST have two of the glasses with the O'Neills logo on it...and says Guiness on the other side! So, he talked to mgmt and well - she said if we bought enough drinks we could take them we stayed for dinner, a few rounds of drinks and they talked us into playing the bar trivia game!!

                                We had to have a team name...we picked O'Neill with 2 LL's as our team name and proceeded to be really bad at all the trivia questions because they were all British in nature...however the DJ insisted that we would LOVE the first question...What American holiday falls on Feb 2 and is also a movie.... we didn't hear the second part and couldn't think of the Answer...until much much later....Ground Hog day~!!!! The other question we got was in the sports section...finish this team name...the Tampa Bay.....what? However, we did rock on the TV/Film section...and came in a resounding 8th out of 9 places!

                                In the course of the evening while grading the other team's paper...we found out that the guy..who was with two girls that night...was a fan of ...yes, you guessed it...Stargate...and had, had to make the decision of going to some sporting event with his soon to be father in law or to go to Avalon...and alas...had to go to the important sporting event. But we spent the time discussing our favorite ep..which was also his and his girlfriend's...WoO....quoting their favorite line..."In the middle of my backswing!"

                                All in all a very good night....and we got backc to the hotel at 11:30 and still had to pack and then get up at 2:45am to get to the airport in time for our crack of dawn flight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was definately feeling the effects of the amount of cider I drank....ugh....but I wouldn't have traded it for anything....except of course...if RDA had shown up at the bar!

                                Here's a couple of pics:

                                bigger version:

