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Mala's World

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    Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
    Yup! I saw them too! I capped them both...

    Jack was getting up as I grabbed this pic, plus the lighting was dim (huh? it's darker and edgier in Jack's office, too?! ), but that's the same photo of Charlie that's been in his cigar box and his office at the SGC...

    Check out what's on Jack's computer screen. He must be playing a long distance game with Carter...

    SGU Air pt 3

    at Jack playing chess... I don't know whether that's RDA playing while waiting to say his line or Jack really does play (with Sam ) in his office...

    I love the conversation between Young & Jack.. Jack is a Hammond-kind of a General... (unlike Bauer or West), he allows his men to speak up what's worrying them, even shows uncertainty or feeling scared.

    And Telford kel-no-reem-ing in the Ancient-stone room is funny... no wonder he's so hyper when he's in Destiny.. all those pent-up frustation.. and then of course TJ drugged him to sleep.. .. he'll be so pi$$ed off at TJ the next time he boards the Destiny again.

    Anyone knows who/what's Dr Mehra is supposed to be ? is she IOA or SGC scientist ??

    What is that satelite-thingys that fly-off Destiny at the end ?
    sigpic : lilferret


      First of all,
      to Mala's World,

      Pol and SamJackShipper93!!

      and to Bev and Critter, you silly, hirpling hussies =>

      cut it out! or I'll get blueiris to bring some of her pet spiders for a visit...



        Originally posted by leiasky View Post
        That SO didn't look like Jack
        in that pic in SGU. I could have sworn it was Sara! I think he's playing intergalactic chess with Sam . . . LOL! I even used that in a fic
        Really? When I first got a glimpse of the pic I knew immediately what picture that was since it's been used in so many different episodes...

        Re your fic: why don't you share the link here? A lot of people don't visit the S/J shipper thread and I'm sure they'll want to check it out.


          Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
          *waves* Hi, everyone! I've never posted here, but I lurk a lot and have to say that this is just such a fun thread!

          Just wanted to say, I'm curious to know if anyone knows who's in that picture on the left side of the picture of Jack's desk that Mala just posted from "Zero Hour" (left under spoilers). I had never seen that one before.

          I am glad that the picture on Jack's desk turned out to be of Jack and Charlie and not of Sara and Charlie.
          Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s View Post
          That is a picture of RDA and his brothers.. Real brothers.. It was in the first Episode "Children of the Gods" on the fire place mantel,

          Thanks to for the screencap!

          Oh and Welcome to Mala's World.. its a great time, especially on Fridays
          ONTLLs is right (thanks for the cap, btw ) - it's a picture of RDA with his brothers and his father, I believe. Here's a clearer copy of it - I think it came from an article about how all of them like spending time together at their family cabin in Minnesota. (sorry, can't remember where I got it from ).



            Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
            ONTLLs is right (thanks for the cap, btw ) - it's a picture of RDA with his brothers and his father, I believe. Here's a clearer copy of it - I think it came from an article about how all of them like spending time together at their family cabin in Minnesota. (sorry, can't remember where I got it from ).

            Rick looks more like his dad now, as he has gotten older.


              Originally posted by RDAfan61 View Post
              Hi all. Enjoying the pics and discussions. I just caught up on SGU myself. It's OK but I have to admit I am only watching right now because of Jack. Everyone in it so far kind of annoys me, some less than others but I haven't found anyone I really like except maybe Lou DP and he was hardly in it.

              I copied these photos because if you look at them, they are the same but now. I believe they are 2 seperate photos as their expressions are slightly different as is Charlie's hand with the trophy I think. Only very slight but different.

              You're right. The photos are different poses! Good catch!

              Originally posted by L-JADE View Post
              SGU Air pt 3

              What is that satelite-thingys that fly-off Destiny at the end ?
              I was wondering about that, too.


                Originally posted by trupi View Post
                Rick looks more like his dad now, as he has gotten older.
                Yep, I agree. Chip off the old block. Brothers look nice!


                  Originally posted by Pol View Post

                  Mala has her own thread? Whoa, where've I been?

                  *Pol casually tosses aside her statistics text and settles in on page 1.* Pass the popcorn.
                  You didn't know?!?
                  We've been here since November 4, 2004!

                  OMG, it's almost our 5th Anniversary coming up! We'll have to have a celebration - with !!


                    Originally posted by Egle01 View Post
                    Welcome, SamJackShipper93 and Pol!

                    Wow, real brothers? That's cool. Too bad we don't much about Jack's family.
                    I agree. I guess I always assumed he didn't have any other close family since he never talked about them. I suppose those could be Jack's friends or cousins...


                      Originally posted by nell View Post
                      Welcome Pol and SamJackShipper93!!!

                      We A.D.O.R.E Jack and lots of us are Shippers.

                      Mala is our talented artist and we all enjoy playing here!

                      Sometimes we talk about non-Stargate related things. For example, I had a keen interest in Defying Gravity and wanted to share.

                      Mala thanks for posting the cap of the photo on Jack's credenza. I'm convinced there is a Sam photo behind him. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.
                      Who knows? Maybe the fishing pic that Sam had in her Atlantis office is right next to it...



                        Originally posted by Critter View Post
                        Thanks for all of your wonderful pictures Mala....particularly loved the classic Jacks for your Friday pics of the week!

                        I haven't watched SGU from last night yet. I enjoyed the first night more than I wanted to but was very glad hubs wasn't watching. He doesn't do well when shows jump from current time to back story without warning. The characters are likable enough so far, so I'll hang around for a bit.

                        Mostly I want more that too much to ask????

                        Who doesn't!? But didn't you mean, "is that too much to beg for????"

                        Here you go, more SGU Jack...




                          Originally posted by Mala50 View Post

                          Who doesn't!? But didn't you mean, "is that too much to beg for????"

                          Here you go, more SGU Jack...



                            Question for Sanctuary...

                            I just notice that in the "Previously on..." scenes (before she was injectedby that blood) Helen Magnus' hair was blond.. is there any reason her hair is now black ? is there something I missed in Season 1 about this ? or is it just Amanda wants a new look ?

                            I think Amanda looks great in black (or any hair color! ) it's just weird to have shown Helen's "original" hair was blond...
                   : lilferret


                              Originally posted by nell View Post
                              Given his brief appearance I think Jack acted like a mature leader, i.o.w. not snarky, funny, sarcastic, etc as given the gravity of the situation.

                              Please share what you see on the credenza. Caps are welcomed.

                              I am adjusting to the s.l.o.w. pace of this character-driven show.

                              Quickie review:

                              Eli - He's so likable. Why was he thrust into a position of leading the civilians on a separate path? Oh, so Scott, Greer and Rush could develop their dynamics.

                              Scott - Likable. What's with his backstory flashback? Is it just me or is Chloe's visit to his bedside a hint of more to come?

                              Greer - Survivor. No nonsense. Edgy. Holds grudges. Dangerous. Sadistic. Yet, he went after Scott. That is a good thing. A little heroic.

                              Rush - Whiner. Bully.

                              Chloe - Hmmm, US Senator's aide is his d.a.u.g.h.t.e.r ? Her grieving mother knows about the Stargate Program and threatens to leak the secret?

                              Young - Seems level-headed but willing to admit to O'Neill that he may be over his head.

                              Originally posted by dipsofjazz, so drugged to the gills, she's happy to have teeth! View Post

                              I have to say I was underwhelmed by the first two episodes, and didn't think it was particularly good as a pilot for a new show, but I'll stick with it for a few more episodes and see what happens.

                              Apart from Robert Carlyle (who is Scottish, therefore must be a brilliant actor! ) I felt a lot of the acting from the others was either too flat, or too over the top.

                              It was nice to see a wee bit of Jack and Sam. *sigh* I miss the old days.
                              Originally posted by L-JADE View Post
                              SGU Air pt 3

                              at Jack playing chess... I don't know whether that's RDA playing while waiting to say his line or Jack really does play (with Sam ) in his office...

                              I love the conversation between Young & Jack.. Jack is a Hammond-kind of a General... (unlike Bauer or West), he allows his men to speak up what's worrying them, even shows uncertainty or feeling scared.

                              And Telford kel-no-reem-ing in the Ancient-stone room is funny... no wonder he's so hyper when he's in Destiny.. all those pent-up frustation.. and then of course TJ drugged him to sleep.. .. he'll be so pi$$ed off at TJ the next time he boards the Destiny again.

                              Anyone knows who/what's Dr Mehra is supposed to be ? is she IOA or SGC scientist ??

                              What is that satelite-thingys that fly-off Destiny at the end ?
                              On SGU
                              Overall, I like the production values of the show - if you're lucky enough to have a hi-def tv and see it, that is... I liked the air attack scenes in Air Pt1 - the special effects looked better than what I saw on SGA...

                              I hated the sex in the closet scene. It didn't endear or inform me about the characters, except that it was against the regs and that the 'new, grittier' PTB just don't care about them anymore. Maybe that USAF advisor that they locked in the closet for S9 and 10 finally succumbed due to neglect...

                              TJ has to be the worst medic in history. Her CPR skills were bad and don't tell me that you can't do anything for someone who's having a seizure! Even I know there are protocols to be taken to ensure that the sufferer doesn't choke or bite their tongue or swallow it... Drugging Telford so that Young "has a functioning body to come back to"? (couldnt help but snort at that innuendo...) I agree with L-JADE - can't wait for Telford to return... (btw, why was Young able to run around like he wasn't injured - not even a bandage on the back of his head! and Telford was in so much pain? )

                              Eli - he's funny for now, since everyone else is so deadly earnest, but I think he might get tiresome after a while.

                              Scott - he's OK except for the WTF (literally) scene; was it supposed to say he's a goof-off on duty with an enlisted person (I think she is)? Was it just me, or was his back story hard to follow?

                              Greer - what's with the 'angry black man' character (ala SGA's Bates) - again!? Just because your wife and RCC's wife liked him the best (see JM's blog) doesn't mean he's a good character, Joe...

                              Chloe - didn't like her much until her full-body tackle of Rush... that made me LOL...

                              Rush - I don't know... arrogant and selfish (shades of early McKay). The scene in his quarters with the opera playing (shades of Jack?) crying over the photo didn't really tug at my heart strings (guess I'm a cold-hearted b*tch )... Was that supposed to be an excuse for his sacrificing everyone else?

                              Re RDA/Jack - I agree with Nell and L-JADE. I enjoyed his performance/characterization. He was no nonsense, sensitive as well as humble. No Dumb!Jack.

                              As for that thing taking off from the Destiny at the end of Air Pt3 - I think someone stole one of the shuttles...

                              In general, I have to agree with this review, especially the bolded part...

                              Chicago Tribune - The Watcher/Maureen Ryan
                              Desperate survivors get lost in 'Stargate Universe'

                              I come to "Stargate Universe" with no axe to grind against it; in fact, I've seen every episode of "Battlestar" and most episodes of "Stargate SG-1" and "Stargate: Atlantis." As a sci-fi fan, I celebrated the different things these shows brought to the genre party. But so far the gloomy, underwhelming "Universe" seems to have ditched many of the elements that the previous "Stargate" shows had, notably camaraderie and a sense of adventure, without adding much in the way of narrative suspense or complexity.

                              Last edited by Mala50; 11 October 2009, 02:00 AM.


                                Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
                                Really? When I first got a glimpse of the pic I knew immediately what picture that was since it's been used in so many different episodes...
                                It really looked like Sara to me. Pol and I paused and replayed the dvd several times, even! I've never been happier to be more wrong, though!

                                Re your fic: why don't you share the link here? A lot of people don't visit the S/J shipper thread and I'm sure they'll want to check it out.
                                Well, it is heavy on the S/J which is why I never posted a link anywhere else. But if anyone would like to read it, here's the link.


                                Pol's site has my SG-1 feature length script on it. And that's here:

                                Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!

