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Mala's World

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    Sleeping Beauty (my daughter) has gotten up so I better get ready. She doesn't have class (or a meeting or tutoring) today so we are hitting the mall for house do-dads (still working on this house).

    How is everone enjoying season finale week?

    Dancing with the Stars -
    Loved Anton but was hoping for Joey.

    CSI -
    Continued again!!! At least we know who the minature killer is.

    Heroes -
    I was actually relieved to see that Sylar wasn't dead. He has too much power and I hate that. But, but, I like the guy.

    Ugly Betty -
    I cried!!!

    ER -
    My poor poor Ray. I am so angry. Ugly Betty and ER in one night was just too too much.

    Desperate Housewives - which I don't watch anymore but heard about -
    How sad.

    Lost - I just can't wait for tonight. I am so in love with Sawyer.
    ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


      Of all of those, I saw Heroes and Ugly Betty (and sort of watched CSI and ER...the rest of the family was watching while I was reading online )...

      I really enjoy that show! But I was kind of disappointed at the anti-climactic battle at the end. I like Sylar, but I think it's kind of cheesy when a villain disappears like that... I love Hiro!

      Ugly Betty:
      Yeah, that was sad. Just as things were looking up.

      It was great "seeing" you today, blueiris!! Have a fun day shopping.

      I know this sounds bad, but I'm glad my kids are unconscious at the moment...


        Originally posted by Mala50 View Post

        I really enjoy that show! But I was kind of disappointed at the anti-climactic battle at the end. I like Sylar, but I think it's kind of cheesy when a villain disappears like that... I love Hiro!
        Me too!
        And George Takei as his father. Did you see the first episode with him? There's a scene toward the end where he's stepping into his car and there's a brief shot of the license plate - NCC 1701.

        s u g a r s h a k e r


          I am SUCH a geek - I picked that up first thing
          I was thinking "that's a lingering shot of the back of a limo.... why are they showing us a car for so long.... ohhhhh!"

          I agree re: Heroes finale I did find it all a little anticlimactic.


            *sigh* well wouldn't you know it, whenever I find time to come in here it's like the Marie Celeste, devoid of M-ers I wanted to get in last night but we overran at the cinema so that plan went vwap and now I'm all alone in here *wallows in self-pity*

            Might check back later but I'm guessing that it being Memorial Day weekend it's likely that most of you are busy in which case have a great time.

            Ah well, I guess I can always go play with the Crankys again, they're all so darn cute (((Mala)))

            Um, I have to confess too that every time I look at this one (which I LOVE to bits) I can hear Jack saying 'I am soooooooo gonna tickle you' ... um ...uh... *tries to hide her grin* yes I know he's doing airquotes but I can't help myself, I blame the smirk and those evil eyebrows and I'm beginning to think that my innocence has packed its bags and departed for the holiday weekend along with everyone else, leaving me at the mercy of my imagination!

            Maybe I'll just sit quietly with innocent Jack (so cute!!!) and pretend I'm not thinking about it *smirk smirk smirk*

            Enjoy the long weekend ((((MW)))


              Originally posted by Rune View Post
              *sigh* well wouldn't you know it, whenever I find time to come in here it's like the Marie Celeste, devoid of M-ers I wanted to get in last night but we overran at the cinema so that plan went vwap and now I'm all alone in here *wallows in self-pity*

              Might check back later but I'm guessing that it being Memorial Day weekend it's likely that most of you are busy in which case have a great time.

              Ah well, I guess I can always go play with the Crankys again, they're all so darn cute (((Mala)))

              Um, I have to confess too that every time I look at this one (which I LOVE to bits) I can hear Jack saying 'I am soooooooo gonna tickle you' ... um ...uh... *tries to hide her grin* yes I know he's doing airquotes but I can't help myself, I blame the smirk and those evil eyebrows and I'm beginning to think that my innocence has packed its bags and departed for the holiday weekend along with everyone else, leaving me at the mercy of my imagination!

              Maybe I'll just sit quietly with innocent Jack (so cute!!!) and pretend I'm not thinking about it *smirk smirk smirk*

              Enjoy the long weekend ((((MW)))
              *jumps up and down* Me! Me! Me!...

              HELLO MWers!!!!! Just popping in here, I still browse but have no time to myself right now, between the new -overwhelming- job and the SS French website I'm currently working on, I'd need a CLONE to stay home and do the daily chores!... Among which coming in to MW and *having* to watch all of those really ** pics of THE MAN.... *shudders*.... Why am I doing this to myself I'll never know...
              Sig pic courtesy of AmberMoon


                Hi everyone, just checking in and resquing Mala's World from the depths of page 3 so I can find it easier.

                Hope you are all having a great weekend!

                My Photos


                  A team you can count on.
                  Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                  My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                    Hello, I knocked. Is anyone home?
                    Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                    My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                      I see that the forum glitch over the weekend ate my posts, so here is the link to my con pics taken at the "Ladies of Sci-Fi" event in Orlando on May 19th, I'm the one in pink:


                      oy....I need to lose some weight....



                        Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
                        I know!!
                        Oh, so does Sam...

                        Hello Strangers.. I love the Carter Ani... Snurching Thunks
                        Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                          Originally posted by Zoser View Post
                          Rrrrrrrrowwwwwl! Yes! Me! *pounce* Ahhh Jack, its just the two of us

                          Hope everyone had a good weekend, I'm flying out to Vancouver tomorrow until 10 June for my daughter to do her work experience week there, we should have internet access too so with luck I'll be able to drop into MW now & then (and especially when the Jack withdrawal kicks in)! Have a good week everyone! ((MW))

                          *big whimpering thunk*


                            I watched One False Step, you know the one with the pseudo naked guys, and it has some of my favorite dialiogue which I copied from

                            O'Neill: We're not gonna stand around doing nothing.

                            Jackson: We're not doing nothing.

                            O'Neill: You're videotaping a plant.

                            Jackson: Well, I think this might be important.

                            O'Neill: I think you might be losing what's left of your mind.

                            Jackson: What's that supposed to mean?

                            O'Neill: it means that on a good day you can be a little flaky.

                            Jackson: And on a good day you can be a little ignorant and condescending.

                            O'Neill: Not condescending. You're obviously misreading a basic philosophical difference of opinion on how to handle a crisis.

                            Jackson: oh, Please! We have a difference of opinion on just about everything.

                            O'Neill: Give me an example.

                            Jackson: (Raising voice) I don't know. Pick something. How about mythology?

                            O'Neill: (Calming voice made to piss Daniel off) Rumors, lies, fairy tales.

                            Jackson: You see? (Dancing around in circles, clearly pissed)See? See? See? (Yelling) (Alien comes up to them looking at them)Mythology is one of the primary motivations for cultural development!

                            O'Neill: Maybe it is, What's that got to do with (Very raised voice) filming a plant?!

                            Jackson: (Screaming now) Exactly!

                            O'Neill: What does that mean?!

                            Jackson: I don't know!
                            Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                            My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                              I had two....yes, two tv repair men in my flat this afternoon, and they both kept all their clothes on.
                              I'm losing my touch.


                                Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
                                I had two....yes, two tv repair men in my flat this afternoon, and they both kept all their clothes on.
                                I'm losing my touch.
                                <SNORT> That comment deserves some Jack sticky up hair.

                                My Photos

