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Gateworld Members' Pets

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    LOOK at those ears!!! How cute!!!! That name is bigger than he is. Did you name him?


      Originally posted by Pocus View Post
      LOOK at those ears!!! How cute!!!! That name is bigger than he is. Did you name him?
      Yes. I named him after my best friend's HUGE dog that died like RIGHT before I got him... I was very close to her dog, as she Yeah... It was going to be Chakotay Kabob... But... And now that I married, my hubby insisted he also take his name! Isn't that cute??


        When my boys get into trouble I use their whole name. Believe me they know the difference in having a last name or not. I'm sure tone of voice has much to do with it, but it is still funny to see the reaction.

        It is cute that your Hubby wanted the dog to have his last name.


          Originally posted by Acolyte Of Bli'l'ab View Post
          Well, shes a bit of a spaz. She can be clumsy and a bit silly sometimes. One time one of her crickets went right underneath her and she accidently sat on the cricket, she shot up very quickly. Another time she actually -smacked- a cricket because it was chirping too loudly, she litterally raised a leg slowly then whacked it. She can be amusing like that. She will often go out of her way to put a leg up on the side of her tank as if to "chill out". She has a "favourite spot" in the top right corner where she has made a kind of "bed" from web, she likes to flop herself down on there to sleep and will have several naps a day because she is quite lazy. She's never shot any of her urtricating hairs at me or bitten me. A few weeks ago her clumisiness nearly killed her when she fell off my hand three foot onto the floor - they can die if they fall 6 inches, so that was really terrifying for all concerned, luckily shes a tough girlie and is fine now, at the present moment she is dipping her head in and out of her water-dish..I guess shes thirsty.
          I might be rather the arachnophobe, but that picture of her sleeping on your lap is cute. I'm sure that once you get to know a spider like yours they're delightful companions, but I doubt that I'd be able to have one... I applaud you for finding the ability to love that critter. She seems charming
          Before you met me I was a fairy princess
          I caught frogs and called them prince
          And made myself a queen
          Before you knew me I traveled 'round the world
          I slept in castles and fell in love
          Because I was taught to dream

          I found mayonnaise bottles and poked holes on top
          To capture tinkerbell
          They were just fireflies to the untrained eye
          But I could always tell

          I believe in fairytales and dreamers dreams like bed sheet sails
          And I believe in Peter Pan and miracles
          And anything I can to get by
          And fireflies...

          "What's the point of being grown-up if you can't act childish sometimes?" -- Doctor Who


            Originally posted by Acolyte Of Bli'l'ab View Post
            Well, shes a bit of a spaz. She can be clumsy and a bit silly sometimes. One time one of her crickets went right underneath her and she accidently sat on the cricket, she shot up very quickly. Another time she actually -smacked- a cricket because it was chirping too loudly, she litterally raised a leg slowly then whacked it. She can be amusing like that. She will often go out of her way to put a leg up on the side of her tank as if to "chill out". She has a "favourite spot" in the top right corner where she has made a kind of "bed" from web, she likes to flop herself down on there to sleep and will have several naps a day because she is quite lazy. She's never shot any of her urtricating hairs at me or bitten me. A few weeks ago her clumisiness nearly killed her when she fell off my hand three foot onto the floor - they can die if they fall 6 inches, so that was really terrifying for all concerned, luckily shes a tough girlie and is fine now, at the present moment she is dipping her head in and out of her water-dish..I guess shes thirsty.

            heres a few pictures, but I put them behind a spoiler-tag thingy, incase anyone has a go at me ;

            Exploring my hand ;

            Asleep on my lap ;

            Face-shot, sorry its so blurry ;

            She's beautiful! I love spiders and the lovely webs they make. Just brilliant creatures!


              Originally posted by Acolyte Of Bli'l'ab View Post
              Well, shes a bit of a spaz. She can be clumsy and a bit silly sometimes. One time one of her crickets went right underneath her and she accidently sat on the cricket, she shot up very quickly. Another time she actually -smacked- a cricket because it was chirping too loudly, she litterally raised a leg slowly then whacked it. She can be amusing like that. She will often go out of her way to put a leg up on the side of her tank as if to "chill out". She has a "favourite spot" in the top right corner where she has made a kind of "bed" from web, she likes to flop herself down on there to sleep and will have several naps a day because she is quite lazy. She's never shot any of her urtricating hairs at me or bitten me. A few weeks ago her clumisiness nearly killed her when she fell off my hand three foot onto the floor - they can die if they fall 6 inches, so that was really terrifying for all concerned, luckily shes a tough girlie and is fine now, at the present moment she is dipping her head in and out of her water-dish..I guess shes thirsty.

              heres a few pictures, but I put them behind a spoiler-tag thingy, incase anyone has a go at me ;

              Exploring my hand ;

              Asleep on my lap ;

              Face-shot, sorry its so blurry ;

              Originally posted by trupi View Post
              She's beautiful! I love spiders and the lovely webs they make. Just brilliant creatures!
              I can't say spiders are my favorite critter, but I used to have frogs when I was a kid. My mom liked frogs, and in grade school, I had a friend that also liked frogs, and we both ended up getting these little kits "Grow a Frog" you bought this water cube kit thing, then mailed off a little certificate, and you'd get a tadpole in the mail, that would grow into a little underwater frog. Unfortunately, little Filipedee I think his name was, though I had a sucession of these frogs, seemed to want to jump out of the aquarium. Several times we would find the frog missing and have to search the house. One night i woke in the middle of the night with noises in the room, terrified I went to get my parents only to discover my frog in my room. Most of the time we caught the frog (they would get out of the tiniest of airvents and even weights on the lid wasn't always 100% frog proof) but sometimes we couldn't find them until too late, like once one of them got under the trash can and we never though to look under it until the trash went out. And once the mailcarrier left the tadpole in themailbox on a summer day despite all the warnings on the package, rather traumatic that was.

              But I get the same sort of eewwww reactions to having liked frogs. But I think they are cool, the underwater ones had little hands and would grab thier food and shovel it into thier mouth, not something you usually see a frog do, using little hands!

              Grow a Frog is still out there, and they look almost exactly like I remeber them.


              There's some pictures on the website, you can see the little frogs in the aquariums. At my physical therapists office, they have two frogs in a big tank, and they are huge. It's the same frog, but thiers must have faired better, they are both the size of my hand, one is albino, and the other speckled grey like mine was, only much bigger and fatter! I've also seen my little frog at national aquariums.

              One thing I rmeber is the book said that it was safe to put your frog in a fish tank with "semi agressive" fish. Well, it was safe for the frog. It ate one of the smaller fish, and stalked another taking out nibbles until they got separated by a sheet of plexiglass down the middle of the tank!

              Some people have a way with words. Others not have way.



                I also one a feeder goldfish at a school fair, and Sushi managed to live for years growing to almost a foot long. We also had a share of birds, a turtle, rabbit, fish, even a little brown lizard I brought home from the nursery where I worked for my brother, we used to find little frogs and lizards in the houseplant shipments from florida all the time. All because my mother wanted a cat and my father didn't. In the end, mom got a cat, or the cat adopted us I should say since she was a stray lol.

                Some people have a way with words. Others not have way.



                  Originally posted by MSBurned08 View Post
                  This is my pup, Kodi Chakotay Orso-Smith... Yes, that is the name on his vet papers!!
                  Oh is he ADORABLE???!!! or what??? What a little cutie - I'll bet he's got an attitude to fit those ears, too!


                    Originally posted by Acolyte Of Bli'l'ab View Post
                    I'd love to talk about/post pictures of my pet, but I find most people tend to be very narrow-minded and ignorant towards spiders, and id really rather not have people making comments like "urgh" or "I hate spiders" at my beloved animal
                    I had a friend in college, someone who lived on my floor in the dorm who had one as a pet there. He slowly broke us all in on not.... freaking out when he had "Spike" out for a cruise in the hall or brought him to parties. Spike was actually quite a character and we all kind of liked him after we got to know him a little.

                    What's the life expectancy of a tarantula?


                      Originally posted by Acolyte Of Bli'l'ab View Post
                      Well, shes a bit of a spaz. She can be clumsy and a bit silly sometimes. One time one of her crickets went right underneath her and she accidently sat on the cricket, she shot up very quickly. Another time she actually -smacked- a cricket because it was chirping too loudly, she litterally raised a leg slowly then whacked it. She can be amusing like that. She will often go out of her way to put a leg up on the side of her tank as if to "chill out". She has a "favourite spot" in the top right corner where she has made a kind of "bed" from web, she likes to flop herself down on there to sleep and will have several naps a day because she is quite lazy. She's never shot any of her urtricating hairs at me or bitten me. A few weeks ago her clumisiness nearly killed her when she fell off my hand three foot onto the floor - they can die if they fall 6 inches, so that was really terrifying for all concerned, luckily shes a tough girlie and is fine now, at the present moment she is dipping her head in and out of her water-dish..I guess shes thirsty.

                      heres a few pictures, but I put them behind a spoiler-tag thingy, incase anyone has a go at me ;

                      Exploring my hand ;

                      Asleep on my lap ;

                      Face-shot, sorry its so blurry ;

                      She's gorgeous. Is she a Chile Rose. Kinda looks like she might be but I'm not that clued up to know for sure. I've held one a couple of times. Apparently I've got good hands for holding tarantulas, cool and dry. Or at least thats what my lecturer told me. It actually almost went to sleep in my hands.


                        Originally posted by tayradio View Post
                        What's the life expectancy of a tarantula?
                        Males usually live about 9 years tops, while females usually live up to about 20 years tops. Females are definitly the dominant gender in spiderdom

                        Originally posted by kylieS21 View Post
                        She's gorgeous. Is she a Chile Rose. Kinda looks like she might be but I'm not that clued up to know for sure. I've held one a couple of times. Apparently I've got good hands for holding tarantulas, cool and dry. Or at least thats what my lecturer told me. It actually almost went to sleep in my hands.
                        Yeah, Chilean Rose or Chile Rose yeah..they seem to have a number of names like that but the same thing. Their specific species are known to be very gentle and docile which is why they tend to be the most common pet tarantula.

                        And thats adorable it nearly went to sleep on your hands. Helga sometimes does that, and its impossible to get her to move when shes snoozing...reminds me of myself

                        and thanks everyone for all the kind words, on other forums I had rather nasty comments/flames which I found quite upsetting, so hopefully you understood why I was a bit reluctant at first.
                        Go buy my music and give a starving artist some support. It's dirt-cheap, dammit.
                        Ion Plasma Incineration (Hard and heavy electro-industrial music in the vein of late 90's classics, updated for the 21st century!)

                        Current project : Working on Tolathians Outpost Cyclopean, the world's first pure non-humanoid extra-dimensional sci-fi show! 100% no humans !


                          Originally posted by Acolyte Of Bli'l'ab View Post
                          Males usually live about 9 years tops, while females usually live up to about 20 years tops. Females are definitly the dominant gender in spiderdom
                          Fascinating! Fun and learning too!

                          Originally posted by Acolyte Of Bli'l'ab View Post
                          and thanks everyone for all the kind words, on other forums I had rather nasty comments/flames which I found quite upsetting, so hopefully you understood why I was a bit reluctant at first.
                          Yeah...we're just a bunch of sci-fi watching, animal-loving softies!

                          Glad you found us!


                            Originally posted by Acolyte Of Bli'l'ab View Post
                            Well, shes a bit of a spaz. She can be clumsy and a bit silly sometimes. One time one of her crickets went right underneath her and she accidently sat on the cricket, she shot up very quickly. Another time she actually -smacked- a cricket because it was chirping too loudly, she litterally raised a leg slowly then whacked it. She can be amusing like that. She will often go out of her way to put a leg up on the side of her tank as if to "chill out". She has a "favourite spot" in the top right corner where she has made a kind of "bed" from web, she likes to flop herself down on there to sleep and will have several naps a day because she is quite lazy. She's never shot any of her urtricating hairs at me or bitten me. A few weeks ago her clumisiness nearly killed her when she fell off my hand three foot onto the floor - they can die if they fall 6 inches, so that was really terrifying for all concerned, luckily shes a tough girlie and is fine now, at the present moment she is dipping her head in and out of her water-dish..I guess shes thirsty.

                            No, I'm just kidding. I think spiders are beautiful even if they do creep me out. I'm fascinated to see them as you do.


                              Originally posted by UhSir View Post

                              No, I'm just kidding. I think spiders are beautiful even if they do creep me out. I'm fascinated to see them as you do.
                              agrees on that last bit... I'm barely over my arachnophobia, but the fact that I've gotten over it any is because I became fascinated with them when I was still terrified by them. I would force myself to sit there and watch them even though it terrified me. I still don't particularly LIKE them, but I do understand and respect them as well as being able to tolerate them. arachnophobia is so common, it's nice to see people who don't have that fear
                              Before you met me I was a fairy princess
                              I caught frogs and called them prince
                              And made myself a queen
                              Before you knew me I traveled 'round the world
                              I slept in castles and fell in love
                              Because I was taught to dream

                              I found mayonnaise bottles and poked holes on top
                              To capture tinkerbell
                              They were just fireflies to the untrained eye
                              But I could always tell

                              I believe in fairytales and dreamers dreams like bed sheet sails
                              And I believe in Peter Pan and miracles
                              And anything I can to get by
                              And fireflies...

                              "What's the point of being grown-up if you can't act childish sometimes?" -- Doctor Who


                                Hi! sg-1fanintn told me to stop in here. This used to be my cat. I can't have pets in my apartment, so she had to stay behind at my parents house. She used to be a show cat, but has since retired. When we got her, her name was Biglerville. Kind of an icky name. Since she's such a showoff, we changed her name to Princess.

                                Thanks to jumble, Krissie678, & Pic for the awesome sigs!

