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RFruitie: *breaks kiss* On second thought, maybe we should leave now. *smiles* Danny: Set your code. *nibbles her neck* RFruitie: *sets code* Danny: *beams them and their clothes to his room*
BabyFace: If you win fair and square, I have no problem losing. *kisses* I'm taking you home with me tonight. You can beam yourself out when you need to for your curfew. *winks*
BabyFace: If you win fair and square, I have no problem losing. *kisses* I'm taking you home with me tonight. You can beam yourself out when you need to for your curfew. *winks*
Bunny: Splendid! You can help me celebrate my victory then. *kisses*
sigpic Awesome sig by Laura
"We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R
*walks in, drops overnight bag, sees gift* Hey. *reads note* Awe, they're so thoughtful. *opens, grins* And naughty. *composes thank you note, sends to Amsterdam*
To Sal, Pixie, and Bunny
From Cuddles
Oh you naughty ladies. Ideas are forming in my overactive brain about how each of you can help me learn all about this kit you've sent me. Let me know asap when you're available. <eg>
Jonas: Your clan is going home in the morning? SourThang: Yes, but I can stay the weekend. Jonas: *caresses her cheek* No, you should go with the rest of them. I'll set the TDF. *winks* SourThang: *gigglesnort*