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http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y28...riAQOcap66.jpg Bunny: *takes bottle* Cheers. *swigs* But who can blame her? You Mitchells are just so yummy. Now, I wouldn't want to worry you, but she could be completely gone. She could have in a sense trained herself to send coherent messages while loopy.
CamSyn: True...and I wouldn't put that past her. *smiles* But as long as I have a lock on her, I can beam her back at anytime.
John: Thank you. *Shakes CamSyn's hand.* Hello. *nods to Bunny* Ma'am. Colonel John O'Neill, I head up the ADF at Atlantis. *smiles* I'll pass on the sandwich thanks, just had breakfast. *looks around* Nice place you have here.
http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x...s/PDVD_104.jpg John: Thank you. *Shakes CamSyn's hand.* Hello. *nods to Bunny* Ma'am. Colonel John O'Neill, I head up the ADF at Atlantis. *smiles* I'll pass on the sandwich thanks, just had breakfast. *looks around* Nice place you have here.
CamSyn: Thanks. *smiles* We have an open door...drop in anytime you like. *smiles*
Cammie: *beams in* Hello, Colonel. *shakes John's hand* Nice to see you could drop by. *smiles* Coffee?