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Addy: *swoons* Danny: (on intercom) I'll beam the two of you out, Addy.
Addy: Huh? *stares into GH's eyes* Danny: (on intercom) I'll see you two at dinner. *beams Addy and GH to Addy's place*
Cupcake: Mother, this is Alpha Three Leader. Still no change in the situation over the Alpha Base.
Caldwell: (over radio) Copy that, Alpha Three Leader. Continue on your scheduled patrol. Cupcake: Yes, sir. Alpha Three Leader out. DFC: The damage is worse then I thought it would be. Cupcake: Yeah, it doesn't look good. *sets course* What do you say we make like a tree and get out of here? DFC: *chuckles* Lead the way.
*comes walking out of Tigger's room, dressed*
Hey Jack.. Where is everyone?? ONTLLJC: Um..you seen what time it is!!
Oh okay, maybe we should go home ONTLLJC: Good Idea!!
Just one minute.. *goes back into the room* Hey Tigger *kisses him* its time to go home, thanks for a great time *kisses him again* Later Sweetie!! *walks backs to Jack* okay lets go home!!
*sets codes, hugs the General and beams home*
Sorry got stuck watching Oprah!! Yes, I was a Big Give Watcher!!
bad communication from Alpha base*
Lounge.......Alpha...... Need help. Requesting visual........Ba'al Repeat! ......visual....... Ba'al. Also need help.........repairs. Send supplies...... *The communication is lost in static*
Turas Sábháilte, Baile Sábháilte
(Safe Journey, Safe Home.)
Addy: *enters* Kali, honey, a word? Kali: *comes out from lab* Yes, Mom?
Addy: I wanted to tell you that my private spa is secure and available when you want to use it...so long as no one else is there. Kali: Thanks, Mom. *hugs*
Addy: You're welcome. Say hi to DJ for me. Kali: How did you know?
Addy: The look in your eye. *kisses her cheek* Have fun. *leaves*