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*yawns* Which one of you stole my coffee?! You had better give it back right now, or else!
Oh, a McKay deprived of caffeine always makes me sad. As a fellow addicted, I feel your pain. Take this mug of my Double Sludge Mean Stuff Reserved for Programmers and have a nice day XD
Hihihihihihihi *blushes* Yeah, I did it!
Base Carson by Haliyah, small changes by myself ^^
Thanks for the greens (and for all the explanations!).
Oh, a McKay deprived of caffeine always makes me sad. As a fellow addicted, I feel your pain. Take this mug of my Double Sludge Mean Stuff Reserved for Programmers and have a nice day XD
Thanks for the coffee. Now I can get back to work.