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Calling all Scots!!!

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    Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
    I agree, the indyref has been fantastic for getting people off their apathetic backsides and involved in politics for the first time in a long time. Now England needs that proverbial kick up the mik'ta to do the same. Then maybe we can work together to get rid of that Westminster elite clique from rUK as well as Scotland.
    Just as long as they don't vote Labour! They pretend to be of the people, fighting against those "out-of-touch toffs" but I don't buy it for a second!



      Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
      either that or they simply get the best medical assistance (the kind not available to civies, so all of us at the gym can forget it) so they can train harder & tolerate extreme conditions better

      ok whoever owns them evil vikings definitely deserves to be held in highest esteem
      Maybe they're all injected with the X gene?

      Aberdonians, man, they're a crazy bunch! ;p someone pointed out to me recently that they're a letter away from Abydonians... any connection I wonder?
      Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

      My fanfic


        btw for u disgruntled scots, something to cheer up :

        (fun parts starts ~2 minutes in)


          Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
          Aberdonians, man, they're a crazy bunch! ;p someone pointed out to me recently that they're a letter away from Abydonians... any connection I wonder?
          bad omen, means they're meant to be enslaved :/


            Originally posted by Britta View Post
            Just as long as they don't vote Labour! They pretend to be of the people, fighting against those "out-of-touch toffs" but I don't buy it for a second!
            I've always been a Labour voter but, right now, they couldn't organise the proverbial in a brewery! The only way I'll be voting for them in the next election is if they ditch Ed and his toff cronies and replace him with Chuka Umunna. He's a breath of fresh air for Labour and their only hope for getting back to their roots in my opinion.

            Otherwise I've no idea who the hell I'm voting for in the general election next year. Any chance we can convince Obama or Bill Clinton to join UK politics? They're the only politicians I still like!
            Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

            My fanfic


              Unfortunately Labour can do pretty much anything and still be guaranteed that certain constituencies will vote for them just to keep the Tories out of power, all because they resent the Tories for being rich. I'm not from a remotely wealthy background, but I won't let that get in the way of sensible politics.

              Besides, the Tories are removing massive tax penalties on early private pension withdrawals, which is great for working class people with small private pensions that are practically worthless at retirement, but are very useful as lump sums.

              Also, have you ever seen parliamentary debates on TV. Labour heckle like a bunch of schoolchildren. More specifically, the kind who regularly get detention. If I can't even respect them, there's no way I'll vote for them.



                Originally posted by Britta View Post
                Just as long as they don't vote Labour! They pretend to be of the people, fighting against those "out-of-touch toffs" but I don't buy it for a second!
                Labour have turned into out of touch toffs

                Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                btw for u disgruntled scots, something to cheer up :


                (fun parts starts ~2 minutes in)
                mwahahahahahahaha It's all an elaborate plan to take over the world.


                  Originally posted by Britta View Post
                  Unfortunately Labour can do pretty much anything and still be guaranteed that certain constituencies will vote for them just to keep the Tories out of power, all because they resent the Tories for being rich. I'm not from a remotely wealthy background, but I won't let that get in the way of sensible politics.

                  Besides, the Tories are removing massive tax penalties on early private pension withdrawals, which is great for working class people with small private pensions that are practically worthless at retirement, but are very useful as lump sums.

                  Also, have you ever seen parliamentary debates on TV. Labour heckle like a bunch of schoolchildren. More specifically, the kind who regularly get detention. If I can't even respect them, there's no way I'll vote for them.
                  They're all a bunch of school children. In fact, I think that's maybe offensive to teenagers. You only have to watch them heckling each other in the commons. This is supposed to be serious politics not a panto. The 16 and 17 year old indyref voters in Scotland and the SYP are more mature than the MPs in Parliament.
                  Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                  My fanfic


                    Big party politics is a panto, aimed at guaranteeing that people won't vote for the parties that actually represent their ideals. Who'll vote for the Green party for example (not just a single issue party anymore) when you think you have to vote either Labour or Conservative to make sure the opposite doesn't take power?

                    "BRITTA? WHAT KIND OF LAME NAME IS THAT?"


                      Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                      mwahahahahahahaha It's all an elaborate plan to take over the world.
                      aye but foiled by the Montys


                        Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                        aye but foiled by the Montys
                        lol Ya cannae beat some Monty Python.


                          Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
                          Oops double post! I'll fix that!

                          Scottish folk are British. That's like saying a Californian isn't American And I'm English and British, I just live in Scotland. I have no problem admitting that, based on %, Scottish troops are clearly a tougher lot than the English ones. More Scottish guys make it through the very rigorous, physically exhausting SAS recruitment training than the ones from the rest of the UK combined. It's a really tough recruitment process that, sadly, has killed people through sheer physical exhaustion. Their format is also used to train a lot of allies' special forces and, according to NATO, the SAS tend to do better in ops than US Navy Seals.

                          So, yeah, they're pretty good it's one of the bragging rights that I agree with Scottish nationalists on. They make good special ops guys for some reason. If the SGC had had a Scottish unit, they'd have been on par with SG-1.
                          Their are many of us who wish that was true
                          Originally posted by aretood2
                          Jelgate is right


                            My personal theory is it's not the Tories as such, that're to blame for the UK being in such a state. It's their ultimate paymasters, the toffs and the "gentry".

                            They want things to go back to the way things were before the First World War. All the commoners (I.E. Us ordinary folks) are kept firmly under the thumb, are deferential to their "social betters", and they Know Their Place.

                            This is why the Tories seem to be hellbent on dismantling the NHS, the toffs don't want the proles to have access to decent healthcare.

                            This is also why public transport links in the UK are so bad, the toffs don't want to see poor people travelling anywhere and cluttering up the place.

                            Libraries and schools are being closed down left, right, and centre, because the toffs don't like the poor to be educated and know things.

                            Parks and playing fields are being sold off to developers, so that the poor don't have access to sports and recreation.
                            Long before you and I were born, others beat these benches with their empty cups,
                            To the night and its stars, to the here and now with who we are.

                            Another sunrise with my sad captains, with who I choose to lose my mind,
                            And if it's all we only pass this way but once, what a perfect waste of time.


                              Originally posted by BruTak View Post
                              My personal theory is it's not the Tories as such, that're to blame for the UK being in such a state. It's their ultimate paymasters, the toffs and the "gentry".

                              They want things to go back to the way things were before the First World War. All the commoners (I.E. Us ordinary folks) are kept firmly under the thumb, are deferential to their "social betters", and they Know Their Place.

                              This is why the Tories seem to be hellbent on dismantling the NHS, the toffs don't want the proles to have access to decent healthcare.

                              This is also why public transport links in the UK are so bad, the toffs don't want to see poor people travelling anywhere and cluttering up the place.

                              Libraries and schools are being closed down left, right, and centre, because the toffs don't like the poor to be educated and know things.

                              Parks and playing fields are being sold off to developers, so that the poor don't have access to sports and recreation.
                              didn't Tony Bliar start this trend?


                                Originally posted by BruTak View Post
                                This is why the Tories seem to be hellbent on dismantling the NHS, the toffs don't want the proles to have access to decent healthcare.
                                Or it's the other way round. Perhaps Labour have deliberately made the NHS an inefficient mess to keep the poor marginalised so that they'll keep voting for them. Labour do everything they can to make the poor financially dependent on Labour policies.

                                Do you really trust a bureaucracy like the government to run the entire healthcare system? I'm happy for them to foot the bill, but they're doing a terrible job with the rest of it.

                                "BRITTA? WHAT KIND OF LAME NAME IS THAT?"

