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comercial relief?

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    comercial relief?

    i tend not to watch stargate on television too much as i had always hated the comercials any tv programs are the same damn thing you get about 10 minutes or even 5 into the program or show and bang we are rudely interupted by ads s**t ads that try and brain wash consumers into buying itens such as loans credit and cars and they are the ads that are low in quantity other advertise cheply built items like Cell/mobile phones that to any weak minded person (including me i suffered a weak moment a year back) seems a new a shiney and in a way says if you dont have this new phone then you are a total nobody you may as well throw your social life away because nobody will look at you twice with a phone like that, anyway im ranting but it bumps the UKs and probaly Americas bad credit up and up in so many homes bacause people strangley get worried that their lives are pathetic and boring if we dont have all these things, than we go back to the program with a feeling that is either ohhhh i must go and buy that so probaly rush onto the PC the shop online or like me feel like im being forced into a corner i will not buy things that every 5 minutes are the same damn advert again and again all day long i presume all week untill the companies who make the money off these products feel right we have enough money and make a new product like a phone to do it all over again.

    my point is its totally demorilising and brainwashing no body could go to the tiolet evey 5 mins in a program so you sit there trying to take your mind off the ads and remember what the last 5 mins of your tv prgram was about in the end i feel like it spoils the show im watching and im forced to but the DVDs instead with no ads or timewasting included in the price it takes to own the tv subscription
    , i say that as tv has pretty much nothing on besides stargate so i would sooner buy them.

    i would like to know if anybodys has done the same and or feels the same way?
    For all the pollution woes on Earth, will the Human race end up taking those problems into space in the future?

    We can all call our ships Sports Utility Ships to curtail the carbon emissions and hypersleep at night