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does earth/human/ tauri deserve to be part of the allience of the ancient races?

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    Honestly...Earth as a whole can not be ready, you can not have an any group of anything ready as a whole if the majority of the world does not know about you. Select governments do not constitute the people of Earth, let alone the fact that its not even all governments.

    As for how advanced we are....we have a lot to learn. Us sticking our necks out isnt exactly enough, the ancients don't and they were advanced, the nox dont, they were part of the alliance. Its more about what you can bring to the table as part of something greater. I dont think something theyd want brought into their group.

    From what you get out of the place they met...its about the meaning of life and coming together to understand something we only seem interested in killing goauld n saving our asses, n other peoples asses, its a good idea for military alliances or friendships such as asgard n tokra(pointless) but its not what the great alliance of the 4 races seemed to be about.


      Originally posted by Janus
      Two, One between 1914 and 1918.
      And one from 1939 to 1946.

      No, the second world war did not end in 1945.
      Because Japan had not surrended yet.
      According to my learning when I was in school, oh so long ago, I was taught that Japan surrendered in 45. But since my memory may not be up to par I checked that year on

      Japan surrendered in Augest 14, 1945. The signing to agree to halt all hostilities was on September 2nd 1945.



        Originally posted by shinyredpants
        where did this three world war thing come from?!
        Maybe the poster is referring to the Cold War? or perhaps The War on Terrorism. Some call it the 3rd World War. But I do not.


          I dont think many people would....the world is not at war with itself, or the major nations...

          compared to the world wars of past, this is nothing


            Originally posted by spg_1983
            uh i know i havnt been paying attention to the new lately, but did i miss something? 3?

            if the women of the world would just spell it out for us guys then we would know! but no you all expect us to read your minds.....

            p.s. this is toungue in cheek, i got in trouble on another board today because someone thoguht i was serious when i wasnt
            World War III is coming soon between the States, Israel, and the islamofascist countries of the Middle East.

            The reason you should vote Republican in 2010.


              Originally posted by Tarrifist
              According to my learning when I was in school, oh so long ago, I was taught that Japan surrendered in 45. But since my memory may not be up to par I checked that year on

              Japan surrendered in Augest 14, 1945. The signing to agree to halt all hostilities was on September 2nd 1945.

              Actually, there were Japanese that did not recognize the treaty and kept fighting. The last one surrendered very recently if I believe correctly...

              The reason you should vote Republican in 2010.


                earth ain't ready. barely anyone knows about the gate. there's taht problem with the world being divided and stuff. but at this rate, they might be able to join soon

                rarocks24: if ww3 happens, the US can just use prometheus XD(but only if that happens in the stargate world) oh, and naquada enchanced nukes


                  Originally posted by UnderT
                  I don't think the alliance is still around, the Ancient are gone and the Nox are hermits.
                  The Nox clearly are not hermits. They are simply peaceful people. They clearly poses strong technology, since they have a ‘flying platform’ that somewhat resembles a ‘city’ (possibly built with the Ancients idea of flying cities?). But you also have to remember, even those ‘higher’ races had those who broke the rules and went against the wishes of the rest of their race. Take Loci from the Asgard for example. He preformed experiments on Jack and other humans even after being told by the Asgard high console to stop the experiments. Janus’s created the time travel Jumper even though the others declared that his medaling with time couldn’t be tolerated anymore. So does the human race deserve a place in the ancient alliance? Yes I think so. While all the races recognized that humans were more violent than peaceful, each one that we met so far has come to the same conclusion, over time, humanity would be ready to take its place in the universe. You must remember that Humanity is fairly young, compared to the Nox or Asgard. Also, sorry to burst your bubble, but … The Ancient’s are not gone! They Ascended! They did not leave as you say; they simply exist on a higher plan of existence where matter no longer binds the mind. If they were gone, why else would the Ori be trying so hard to wage war on them in this galaxy?
                  To the Prometheus...

                  The first...

                  She will be missed


                    I don't think this is a question that should be asked right now. I think that this is a fair question once we finally meet the Furlings, if we haven't already. As for the Ancient technology, technically, since the Ancients wanted us to have it (I'm assuming for the fact that we were the ones that found it, and I think the Ascended Ancients wanted that to happen. Second, didn't the Prior say that there intentions were to destroy the race of the Ancients? Since we look like the Ancients, and some of us have the ATA gene, and others are being injected with it so that they will be able to use Ancient technology too, that he could have been referring to the race of humans as Ancients?)

                    This is a question that must be thoroughly researched. Are, according to the Ascended beings AND the Ori, are we considered part of the race of the Ancients?

                    The reason you should vote Republican in 2010.


                      Originally posted by Korean_Turtle87
                      earth ain't ready. barely anyone knows about the gate. there's taht problem with the world being divided and stuff. but at this rate, they might be able to join soon

                      rarocks24: if ww3 happens, the US can just use prometheus XD(but only if that happens in the stargate world) oh, and naquada enchanced nukes
                      Hey, I'm hoping that it doesn't. I live in Florida, near a large naval base.

                      I think those X-302s would beat the crap out of the old MiG-47s anyday anyhow. And I'm sure the Iranians would surrender once they saw Daedulus coming to destroy them.

                      The reason you should vote Republican in 2010.


                        which is exactly why the tauri won't be in that alliance. still go to war with other countries. well how the world is now. usa vs world it seems

