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Robo SG Units...some spoilers

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    Robo SG Units...some spoilers's been established that the Wraith used cloning facilities which gave them their primary advantage over the Ancients so my question is...

    Why not find volunteers within the Department of Home World Security so be duplicated using Harlan's (Season 1 "Tin Man") android technology to make an army of, in theory, limitless troops. The CopyCarter was able to create a battery cell and Im sure they could refine that technology further. thoughts?
    "I'm being extremely clever up here and there's no one to stand around looking impressed! What's the point in having you all?!" - The Doctor (#11)

    Yeah, what happened to Harlan, copy Teal'c, stick the copy in a Super Soldier Suit, job done.


      Sounds like a good idea. Look at the Robo-O'Niell he took about 6 staff shots to kill!


        Originally posted by Shpinxinator View Post's been established that the Wraith used cloning facilities which gave them their primary advantage over the Ancients so my question is...

        Why not find volunteers within the Department of Home World Security so be duplicated using Harlan's (Season 1 "Tin Man") android technology to make an army of, in theory, limitless troops. The CopyCarter was able to create a battery cell and Im sure they could refine that technology further. thoughts?
        Ahhh, but then we would have a Clone War on our hands!

        Unless we made them retarded like the Kull Warriors. That would work.


          Originally posted by Shpinxinator View Post
's been established that the Wraith used cloning facilities which gave them their primary advantage over the Ancients so my question is...

          Why not find volunteers within the Department of Home World Security so be duplicated using Harlan's (Season 1 "Tin Man") android technology to make an army of, in theory, limitless troops. The CopyCarter was able to create a battery cell and Im sure they could refine that technology further. thoughts?

          or, we could just give our best and brightest marines personal shields that protect them from anything like explosions, weapons fire, hungry wraith hands etc. then we could send in like 50 soilders to do the job of your army, that would fall afer 6 shots, whereas the personal shield, which since it would be asgard designed means that it will be way better than than the goaulds, will protect the wearer indefinitely from weapons fire.



            And if the robots decide to turn against us?
            1 Year 11mths without using the letter U on the thread: ask Morbo anything


              Originally posted by Kelt'ar View Post
              And if the robots decide to turn against us?

              also another reason why this would be a bad idea. i mean essientally were sending a copy of that origional conciousness into battle and its more than likely that they wont come back and if after a while they get tired of doing it then they could very well turn on us and take retribution.

              i mean this is just a bad idea really because the robot would still be scientiant and if we treat them like every other sg team member, ie never leave them behind then why go to all the trouble to make sg soilder if you can just use existing soilders to do it. and if you treat them like their as expendable as a machine thats just wrong. i mean its still a person, just in a robot body.
              STARGATE ROCKS



                It's funny, this very thing was mentioned in Avalon part 1, when Mitchell is sorting through candidates for new SG-1 members. Two scientists give a presentation with a diagram, speaking about Harlan's android tech.
                Never, never, never believe any war will be smooth or easy...

                ... or that any man can measure the tides and hurricanes he will
                encounter on the strange journey.


                2 Cor. 10:3-5
                3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
                4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; )
                5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

