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Stargate Outdoor Scenes

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    Stargate Outdoor Scenes

    One of the great things i really enjoyed about SG1 were the outdoor action sequences & explorations. There isn't really much of that anymore on SGA. Found the following which probably explains why, probably also expenses.

    Does anyone else share the same thoughts? I miss the "new exploration feel" which doesn't exist enough in SGA.

    I can't believe its all mostly been consumed by development!

    "During a press event at Bridge Studios in May, Wright joked that another problem producing film and television in Vancouver is that “we’re running out of trees to run through.... We used to have these cool locations that have been eaten up by condo developments and townhouses.” Fifteen years ago, Vancouver-lensed shows like Stargate SG-1 and The X-Files would shoot eighty percent on location and twenty percent in studio. Those numbers have since swapped.

    On Stargate: The Ark of Truth, a direct-to-DVD film directed by Wright’s partner Robert Cooper and released earlier this year, a large village set on a sound stage was used for the opening sequence. In the early days of the show, the production would have built the set in Maple Ridge. “It was easy. You could point the camera in three directions and not see anything,” Wright said on the phone."

    It is a pity, the outdoor bits were among the best. And that damn village set is starting to get old.
    What really worries me is that last line, two more movies OR Universe? Why not both?
    Ten Years, A Lot Of Enemies, A Presumed Death, A Complete Back Story Rewrite....But Still Looking Good!


      There's only so much that can be done at once.


        Originally posted by prye View Post
        One of the great things i really enjoyed about SG1 were the outdoor action sequences & explorations. There isn't really much of that anymore on SGA. Found the following which probably explains why, probably also expenses.
        I agree.

        The same article and topic was discussed in this thread: Gateworld thread
        "Most of our John Sheppard impressions sound more like a demented Jimmy Stewart than Joe Flanigan."
        ~David Hewlett


          Glad that there are others that think so. Thanks for the link to the other thread.

