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Closet Stargate fans?

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    Closet Stargate fans?

    Have you ever found out that someone you know well is a Stargate fan, and never knew it?

    This last weekend, was at a family get together. Was talking with my father about this and that. I talk to him all the time, it's not like we rarely see each other. We go fishing, camping, hunting, golfing together, meet for drinks here and there, I go there couple times a month to watch football or basketball or whatever is on. It's not like we don't communicate. But it's usually about cars, sports, etc.

    He's not a big movie guy. Hates to go, probably hasn't gone to the movies in 20 years. When I watch a movie with my parents at their place, he usually half pays attention, asks whats going on, goes to bed early, etc. Same with most TV shows, other than sports.

    Then this weekend, he mentioned something about something that happened a few weeks prior, while he was watching Sci-Fi channel on friday nights...

    I stopped him mid sentence... He knows I am a huge Sci-Fi fan, have been all my life, since my mother took me to see the original Star Wars in the theatre. I have sci-fi related tattoos. My house is littered with Sci-Fi collectables. AND HE WATCHES STARGATE, and loves the show, and never mentioned it to me! He said he has been trying to catch up on the older seasons every night and on mondays, because he felt kind of lost watching the new episodes.

    Needless to say, the conversation switched to Stargate for quite some time after that. Of course, when I told him I have all the DVD's, he borrowed some of them, so I can't watch whichever ep I want whenever I want!

    Well, you get the idea, but it blew me away. I thought that was so cool. Most of my friends who have watched Stargate, just watch it occasionally, they don't WATCH it.

    O'Neill: "Well, we'll just have to cross that bridge when we come to it."
    Bra'tac: "No, the bridge is too well guarded."

    Closet Stargate Fans... and all of a sudden I'm thinking of Daniel opening his closet to find an event horizon in it



      Originally posted by Madeleine_W
      Closet Stargate Fans... and all of a sudden I'm thinking of Daniel opening his closet to find an event horizon in it
      The closet! That's where they've been hiding the Round Spinny Thing!


        i had that happen to me at a party.

        guy recognised a friend's ring tone (stargate theme) and when it all came out that we were fans the guy who recognised the theme started getting all huffy at me.. asking me all these questions..trying to stump me on one of them..

        I'm like, you dare to question MY stargate authority?

        he didn't even do the: should know... of COURSE I mock you.

        sigh. these quasi fans. they clearly need to spend more time in darkened rooms!!


          Originally posted by Ramne
          Have you ever found out that someone you know well is a Stargate fan, and never knew it?

          This last weekend, was at a family get together. Was talking with my father about this and that. I talk to him all the time, it's not like we rarely see each other. We go fishing, camping, hunting, golfing together, meet for drinks here and there, I go there couple times a month to watch football or basketball or whatever is on. It's not like we don't communicate. But it's usually about cars, sports, etc.

          He's not a big movie guy. Hates to go, probably hasn't gone to the movies in 20 years. When I watch a movie with my parents at their place, he usually half pays attention, asks whats going on, goes to bed early, etc. Same with most TV shows, other than sports.

          Then this weekend, he mentioned something about something that happened a few weeks prior, while he was watching Sci-Fi channel on friday nights...

          I stopped him mid sentence... He knows I am a huge Sci-Fi fan, have been all my life, since my mother took me to see the original Star Wars in the theatre. I have sci-fi related tattoos. My house is littered with Sci-Fi collectables. AND HE WATCHES STARGATE, and loves the show, and never mentioned it to me! He said he has been trying to catch up on the older seasons every night and on mondays, because he felt kind of lost watching the new episodes.

          Needless to say, the conversation switched to Stargate for quite some time after that. Of course, when I told him I have all the DVD's, he borrowed some of them, so I can't watch whichever ep I want whenever I want!

          Well, you get the idea, but it blew me away. I thought that was so cool. Most of my friends who have watched Stargate, just watch it occasionally, they don't WATCH it.

          I was at work 1 night about a month ago. A agency trained nurse was with me. Now i've worked with a lot of agency nurses and I was trying to asses this 1 (i.e trying to decide if she would listen to me, work with me, etc) We were 1 hour into our shift when she commented on a sci-fi series that was on 1 of the tv's. i asked her if she liked sci-fi. The answer was yes. She said she was a trekki. So I mentioned 'gate. She loves the series but had never met another fan. After I'd talked to her for 50 seconds about my trips to cons she decided that we would have to keep in touch. As I got to know her that night she seemed a unlikly Scifi fan to me.

          LOL in the morning I told the morning trained nurse:

          "I had to constantly remind her about the buzzers, but I dont mind.... shes a Gater!" He rolled his eyes and laughed.


            hmmmmmmm..............guess I don't understand why you'd have to be "in the closet" about Stargate SG1. I use to be that way about Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Folks that thought that was only a teen girl show would look at me and roll their eyes. Had a clerk at a bookstore look at me and say "You're going to read that?" when I bought a BtVS novel. Stargate on the other hand is "socially acceptable" all the way around. Course you get the mistakes from the uniformed that think it's Star Trek your talking about. "Ya, you watch Stargate? Cool, thats Captian Kirk right?" But otherwise, not too much negative about Stargate.
            Carter: Navigation? O'Neill: Check. Carter: Oxygen, Pressure, Temperature Control?
            O'Neill: Check. Carter: Internal Dampeners? O'Neill: Cool!, and Check. Carter: Engine?
            O'Neill: All Check. O'Neill: Phasers? Carter: Sorry Sir.


              Originally posted by Larry
              hmmmmmmm..............guess I don't understand why you'd have to be "in the closet" about Stargate SG1.
              Yeah, it'd be pretty hard to see the TV from in there.
              Twitter / YouTube / Twitch


                Originally posted by Ugly Pig
                Yeah, it'd be pretty hard to see the TV from in there.
                Well ya, that too. Plus, I can't fit my lazy-boy in there either.
                Carter: Navigation? O'Neill: Check. Carter: Oxygen, Pressure, Temperature Control?
                O'Neill: Check. Carter: Internal Dampeners? O'Neill: Cool!, and Check. Carter: Engine?
                O'Neill: All Check. O'Neill: Phasers? Carter: Sorry Sir.


                  Well, I didn't mean in the closet as in being ashamed of it. But more as just never knowing about it, as in it never came up.
                  O'Neill: "Well, we'll just have to cross that bridge when we come to it."
                  Bra'tac: "No, the bridge is too well guarded."


                    No, I don't keep Stargate fans in my closet.
                    Just my clothes.

                    SGU Continued....


                      Wow, that must be a really big closet to fit a Stargate in there... or is this a spinoff that I have no knowledge of?
                      Why yes, I am aware that I am too sexy for my cat
                      RIP Stargate SG-1: The iris may be closed, but the gate will always be spinning, lighting the chevrons in my heart

                      And to the Sci Fi Channel...


                        Originally posted by NightGloom
                        Wow, that must be a really big closet to fit a Stargate in there... or is this a spinoff that I have no knowledge of?

                        Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
                        Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)


                          (I know, I know, it doesn't look all that great, but it's funny!.. Ain't it?)

                          Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
                          Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)


                            It is going to cost you a fortune in closet-doors.
                            Everytime you dial the Gate you'll need a new pair.

                            SGU Continued....


                              Originally posted by Janus
                              It is going to cost you a fortune in closet-doors.
                              Everytime you dial the Gate you'll need a new pair.
                              Leik, duh, you'd, liek, keep the doors open!

                              Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
                              Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)

