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Similar Addresses

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    Similar Addresses

    If two addresses are made up of the same six symbols, only in a different order, is that just a production mistake or could they actually represent different locations? Because it seems to me that they would still represent the same six points in space.
    Last edited by songar87; 25 February 2008, 12:10 AM. Reason: clarification

    If I get your meaning, of course the same symbols, in different order, represent a different address, the same way that it is on your phone. People have different phone numbers, but they are all made up out of the same basic grouping of numbers, 1-9.

    If each gate address could only be made up of symbols that where not repeated in another address, they would only have a few planets to visit and the show would have been over fairly quickly.


      I think the point of the question was that since they represent the same points in space, each chevron number is a side of the cube, wouldn't changing the order not make a cube and therefore be not an address.

      I think this little fact might have just been over looked so as Mousie said, they had more planets to visit.


        Two places may have the same numbers for their geographic location but be completely different locations if their numbers are reversed in order.
        For instance, switch the latitude and longitude of your location and see what you get. It's a completely unique place, and not at all close to where you are, most likely.


          Changing the order of the symbols would make the cube's sides in a different order, which would then, if you labeled each side based on its chevron, make a different cube, which would contain a different address.

